- Home again, home again, jiggity-jig (Swiss trip 2011)

Ricky Lee |
398 |
June 18, 2011 04:25PM |
So besides the Knife any new additions to the Family? (n/t)
155 |
June 18, 2011 04:31PM |
No new watches, if that's what ye're askin'.

As I mentioned earlier, if you're on a budget, Switzerland is about the last place you want to buy a watch. Extremely ironic, and perhaps a bit counter-intuitive, but nevertheless true...
Aside from the knife, I came back with several shot glasses for Miss Pam (she collects them), a kilo of Toblerone, another half-kilo of assorted chocolate, and two kilos of kick-ass espresso beans.
Ricky Lee |
143 |
June 18, 2011 05:10PM |
huh you would think they may cost less so close to the mother ship. (n/t)
126 |
June 18, 2011 05:18PM |
A big part of it's the unfavorable USD-CHF exchange rate. The other side is..
..with very few exceptions, they just don't discount wristwatches in .
Ricky Lee |
148 |
June 18, 2011 05:32PM |
Glad your home safe, Ricky. Welcome back. (n/t)
Mark C. |
137 |
June 18, 2011 04:59PM |
Bro. Mark! (n/t)
Ricky Lee |
129 |
June 18, 2011 05:12PM |
I noticed a shift in the WIS-Southern force recently......
yeah, I'd go with Wenger mania! cheers.
greg honeycutt |
132 |
June 18, 2011 05:05PM |
Y'all had me a bit worried with that "Will they let him back in? " nonsense! 
'cause the way my luck was goin'... 
Ricky Lee |
136 |
June 18, 2011 05:19PM |
well...you know how southerners get......spend too much time up north >
or clear across the globe....we just might not let you back in.
greg honeycutt |
118 |
June 18, 2011 05:21PM |
I moved to southern Ga from Atlanta Area and it was said many many times
So, you moved to the real south now? LOL 
113 |
June 18, 2011 06:01PM |
Bro. Honeycutt's got ye beat, mate.
Alabama is THE Real South.
Followed closely by Mississippi, then Georgia, Arkansas, and Tennessee.
The rest? They're pretty much Honorary Southern States, in my book. 
Ricky Lee |
150 |
June 18, 2011 06:34PM |
that calls for a "damn right"!!!!
hard pressed to get much more south than here.
greg honeycutt |
140 |
June 18, 2011 06:37PM |
Heh! = to my mind, any palce in the US is "down South" from where I'm at...
and its a balmy 10C (50F) here in June, north of 51...
Flasharry |
123 |
June 18, 2011 07:35PM |
I here ye. And, to be fair...
..Red-necked Southern Hillbilly heritage
has little to do with GPS Co-ordinates. Shoot, after The War Of Northern
Aggression, many thousands of well-heeled Southerners emigrated to
South America and, to this day, you'll find pockets of Nth-generation
expatriates down yonder who cook their biscuits just like we do in
a bit like the Irish in that you'll find enclaves of Red-necked
Southern Hillbillies all over the world. Perhaps precisely because
there's so much Irish in us. 
and its a balmy 10C (50F) here in June, north of 51...
I'm not all that impressed. I saw -6°C to 24°C in Switzerland, within one day.
Mind you the low was at ~ 3,800 meters elevation. But still.. 
Ricky Lee |
170 |
June 18, 2011 08:22PM |
Re: I here ye. And, to be fair...
Ricky Lee
I'm not all that impressed. I saw -6°C to 24°C in Switzerland, within one day.
Mind you the low was at ~ 3,800 meters elevation. But still.. 
Sounds like here - saw -12oC to 20oC and back again in one January day here during a Chinook a few years back.. That was the year we had snow in July..
Flasharry |
140 |
June 18, 2011 09:39PM |
Huh? LOL have you ever been in this part of Georgia?
Except for the Gulf area of Alabama, I'm less then 30 miles from
Florida, and we all know what Southerner's think of
Florida............................. This is like the end of the line
for the South on the East Coast.
Best darn Barbq too......
I agree about Alabama and Mississippi being real southern but to leave us out.................. No way!
thing though....... No rock stations here, it either religious, 4
different kinds of country or weird talk radio...............
You left out Louisiana BTW..........
157 |
June 18, 2011 07:43PM |
Re: ..but to leave us out.................. No way!

Leave you out? I put ye in third place, mate! That's a singular honor!
..and we all know what Southerner's think of Florida..
Buncha Damned Yankee expatriate snowbirds, mostly.
Best darn Barbq too...... 
Better'n Memphis? No way! I'd put Kansas City and Carolina BBQ ahead of Georgia. I mean, Georgia BBQ is perfectly fine.. but let's be Real here.
You left out Louisiana BTW.......... 
design, I assure you. I love me coon-ass Cajun brethren but, in the
end, they're more French than Red-White-And-Blue Redneck.

Ricky Lee |
146 |
June 18, 2011 08:00PM |
Good to have you back on home soil Brother! Even though >>>
you posted fairly regularly while overseas, it just wasn't the same around here with you gone. 
109 |
June 18, 2011 08:33PM |
Thanks mate.
I do appreciate the kind words. 
Ricky Lee |
142 |
June 19, 2011 08:42AM |
3rd well well ok its hard for us to swallow 
When I went through Fla in some places they did not know what the heck sweet tea was.
Not enough waffle houses in the darn state either...........
121 |
June 18, 2011 09:27PM |
glad your home safe n sound, that's quite the manic collection
However, are you sure that'sa wenger, not a VSA-mini? The swiss cross
has me wondering? Impressive none the less, and a fine showing
I'm sure someone will ask, so might as well be me- who's the company on new knife?
Cleans Up |
142 |
June 18, 2011 05:14PM |
Good eye. The mini is indeed a Victorinox. However...

..since they're pretty much the same company, now, I took the liberty of grandfathering it in. 
Cleans Up
Impressive none the less, and a fine showing
Cleans Up
I'm sure someone will ask, so might as well be me- who's the company on new knife?
A high-zoot manufacturer of machine tools, specializing in customs. We're getting a bespoke version of this one and, of course the whole reason for the trip was the production trials and sign-off on that unit.
Ricky Lee |
139 |
June 18, 2011 06:29PM |
Home! A kilo of Toblerone & Swiss Beans Giddy up!
Great knives! Must be good to be back in sleepy hollow. I wish you would
have splurged on a fancy watch as you did on your vacay. Perhaps the
Caribbean flavors were more conducive to shopping than than the Swiss
Still find it rather surreal that you were in Switzerland, sending those lovely Who woulda thunk it. Maybe you aren't the ridge runner I took you for. I'll give it a few days 
& enjoy the Choc -o-lot 
Riddim Driven |
115 |
June 18, 2011 05:40PM |
Re: Maybe you aren't the ridge runner I took you for.
I'm proud to be counted a Ridge-runner! 
But I also make it down to the Delta on a regular basis, you know... 
Riddim Driven
I wish you would have splurged on a fancy watch as you did on your
vacay. Perhaps the Caribbean flavors were more conducive to shopping
than than the Swiss hops 
think I wasn't tempted! But the unfavorable exchange rate and the
reluctance of the Swiss shops to discount wristwatches was a
deal-breaker, for me. Near as I can tell a mid-line brand (think
Certina, Mido, Tissot, etc.) will run you almost double the best price you can find with a reputable online retailer if you buy from a brick-n-mortar AD.
Riddim Driven
Still find it rather surreal that you were in Switzerland, sending those lovely  Who woulda thunk it.
Well.. jeez, mate. "Ridge-runner" doesn't necessarily equal "naive bumpkin who's never been off the mountain".
Riddim Driven
 & enjoy the Choc -o-lot 
Thanks! I will!
Ricky Lee |
143 |
June 19, 2011 09:05AM |
Me get you mon. (n/t)
Riddim Driven |
123 |
June 19, 2011 07:23PM |
.... to buy a fat pig (n/t)
Riddim Driven |
129 |
June 18, 2011 05:41PM |
Glad you're back safely.
I'm envious - Switzerland is one of my favorite countries to visit (and not just for the watches!)
One of those Wenger links looks awfully familiar....
Les |
135 |
June 18, 2011 06:27PM |
Re: One of those Wenger links looks awfully familiar....
And well it should! 
..Switzerland is one of my favorite countries to visit (and not just for the watches!)
With the exception of Ireland , I can't think of any place I'd rather visit.
Ricky Lee |
114 |
June 19, 2011 09:08AM |
back, Ricky! (n/t)
Nuvolari |
125 |
June 18, 2011 06:28PM |
Bro. Michael.
'tis definitely good to be back!
Ricky Lee |
134 |
June 19, 2011 09:11AM |
Welcome back Ricky. There be no place like home, eh lad!t (n/t)
Timemiser |
140 |
June 18, 2011 06:51PM |
True statement! 
Thanks Bro. Tim!
Ricky Lee |
155 |
June 19, 2011 09:12AM |
Back Ricky! Yeah..those Commando's are hard to photo....

But not hard to ressurect!! 

dano0 |
137 |
June 19, 2011 05:50AM |
Ah! The infamous "Misfit Wenger"!
That's a pretty darned good photo there! 
You've inspired me. Perhaps I'll break out the camera today and see if I can do better... 
Ricky Lee |
147 |
June 19, 2011 09:15AM |
Nice! [wise guy mode on] isn't the little red knive a Victorinox and not a Wenger? [wise guy mode off] (n/t)
Micha |
121 |
June 19, 2011 06:14AM |
You're absolutely right.

However, Bro. Cleans Up beat ye to it with that post a bit further down the tree. 
Ricky Lee |
120 |
June 19, 2011 09:17AM |
I only speed read subject lines (n/t)
Micha |
134 |
June 19, 2011 09:51AM |
IF |
103 |
June 19, 2011 08:51AM |
Bro. Yannis! (n/t)
Ricky Lee |
134 |
June 19, 2011 09:19AM |
Welcome back! Sounds like it was a great trip! (n/t)
Need_Omega |
117 |
June 19, 2011 05:32PM |