The trip is off to a rather inauspicious start.

Ricky Lee |
235 |
May 31, 2011 02:21PM |
Ricky, I hope it all works out for the best! Both business time and vacation time! 
Be safe and strong! 
IF |
68 |
May 31, 2011 11:38PM |
I'd rather have a slow start and a great vacation then the other way around. Enjoy, be safe and have fun (n/t)
Reto |
65 |
May 31, 2011 10:42PM |
A'ye Carumba- good luck! (n/t)
Cleans Up |
64 |
May 31, 2011 09:53PM |
Hang in there, and safe travels! (n/t)
63 |
May 31, 2011 08:31PM |
The heck with a review of the watch scene
I want a review of the 800k machine tool.
Alan J |
87 |
May 31, 2011 07:40PM |
Re: I want a review of the 800k machine tool.
Since my employer will require me to write a document which amounts to pretty much just that, you just may get your wish. 
Ricky Lee |
54 |
June 02, 2011 02:24PM |
Wrong forum (n/t)
Adam in NYC |
72 |
May 31, 2011 08:20PM |
Look forward to you review of the watch scene over there. (n/t)
Adam in NYC |
78 |
May 31, 2011 07:26PM |
That really does bite RL. I hope the rest of the trip goes as planned (n/t)
Larry |
88 |
May 31, 2011 05:52PM |
It's an omen. Stay home!! 
Just remember, it's it's going this well on the outbound trip, you do eventually have to get home again. 
Chris L |
73 |
May 31, 2011 05:37PM |
Now there's a comforting thought! 
Chris L
Just remember, it's it's going this well on the outbound trip, you do eventually have to get home again. 
Things are lookin' up, though. Today was great! 
Ricky Lee |
54 |
June 02, 2011 02:21PM |
O man! That sucks! Sorry to hear Ricky. Safe travels and have fun in (n/t)
cmoy |
81 |
May 31, 2011 05:05PM |
No fun (n/t)
Ed Brandwein |
59 |
May 31, 2011 04:14PM |
Hope better travel finds you, friend!!! I HATE the airport!!!
The last time we were flying back from Florida, they almost landed the
plain cause a passenger was having a "Panic" attack!!! They even
announced if there was a doctor onboard......Geez.....Felt like throwing
my shoe at the old hag!! Turned out to be absolutely NOTHING. Have fun
in the land of chocolate and watches!!!
dano0 |
89 |
May 31, 2011 02:27PM |
Re: Hope better travel finds you, friend!!! I HATE the airport!!!
Consider yourself lucky to never have had one (I assume). I've had a guy
break his shin across mine playing ball, been in a head-on auto
accident with a semi, had to have emergency surgery after developing
serious cellulitis from a botfly infestation in my foot, been bitten by a
python, and was hospitalized with encephalitis twice. I can say with
all seriousness that I'd choose ANY of the aforementioned circumstances
over repeating the excrutiating misery of the "Panic" attack I had back
in 1991.
80 |
May 31, 2011 08:38PM |
Botfly infection, encephalitis, bitten by a python...
do you have a second life as Indiana Jones?
JFK3531 |
93 |
June 01, 2011 07:42AM |
Re: do you have a second life as Indiana Jones?
It's actually my first life.
I never really thought about it until I started listing everything; it
does sound dramatic and exciting. It sounds a lot worse than it is in
74 |
June 01, 2011 09:52AM |
You're too modest!
Add in the prairie dog attack, and it's like you're Indiana Jones and Steve Irwin all rolled into one! 
Ricky Lee |
83 |
June 02, 2011 02:18PM |
Hope your trip took a turn for the better. (n/t)
64 |
June 02, 2011 03:01PM |
Egadds man, seriously who gets bitten by a python?

Need I say more?
Cleans Up |
77 |
May 31, 2011 09:56PM |
Was my own fault. I was feeding it a dead mouse by hand and it missed the mouse. (n/t)
73 |
June 01, 2011 06:25AM |
Same thing hapend to me! Had a pet Python a few years back.
It was only about six feet long when I was bitten so it wasn't too bad.
just a bunch of tinny pin-pricks and sort of an abrasion from pulling
against the teeth.
jeremd676 |
61 |
June 01, 2011 10:16AM |
Yep, a horseshoe-shaped arc of tiny holes! I can't believe I forgot THIS one, but>>>
when I worked as a keeper for a major zoo, I was bitten by a prairie
dog. WAY WAY worse than any non-venomous snake bites I've had, and I've
had a few.
The little bugger hung on the end of my finger for a couple seconds
when I jerked my arm back; sunk his incisors pretty deep into my index
80 |
June 01, 2011 11:12AM |
BTW Dano>>>
don't get the idea that I'm offended, I have much thicker skin than that.
Just sharing my experience. That's one of the things I like about this
place, there's always someone with an experience or point of view that
you might not have considered. 
92 |
May 31, 2011 08:43PM |
Hey..guess if I never wore the shoes right? That does sound pretty horrible!! (n/t)
dano0 |
73 |
May 31, 2011 09:18PM |