- It comes in handy to know people. (Swiss trip 2011)

Anonymous User |
332 |
June 09, 2011 12:06AM |
Ricky, you are very lucky to see these! (n/t)
IF |
137 |
June 09, 2011 12:24AM |
Don't I know it! (n/t)
Anonymous User |
106 |
June 09, 2011 09:36AM |
Cool! I don't suppose they let you take pics, did they? (n/t)
Anonymous User |
129 |
June 09, 2011 05:19AM |
Not only did they let me take pics, after I'd taken..
..a photo of a prototype watch the shop
manager was wearing for testing, he gets a slightly concerned look on
his face and says "I'm not going to find these photos on the Internet, right? This is a prototype.." Arrrrrrgh!
So those I can't show you. I can tell you it's a.. well, I reckon I
shouldn't even describe the complications. Suffice to say that it's
pretty darned unique. 
did take many photos of the machines and component parts, and I do have
permission to post those. Probably not until I'm back home, though.
Stay tuned. 
Anonymous User |
143 |
June 09, 2011 09:46AM |
You must have been in watch-geek AND machinist-geek heaven, all at the same time. (n/t)
121 |
June 09, 2011 07:11AM |
Boy howdy! Mind you..
..more the former than the latter. 
Anonymous User |
115 |
June 09, 2011 09:48AM |
Re: - It comes in handy to know people. 
Sounds like a lot of fun. I did not no that they have a control for a seven axis mill. Any photos of control?
125 |
June 09, 2011 07:24AM |
Re: I did not no that they have a control for a seven axis mill

Oh, sure! Swiss-turns are up to 22-axes now though, admittedly, not all can run simultaneous.
this thing a "7-axis mill" is actually an injustice. It can also do the
work of a 2-axis lathe on both the main and sub-spindle, and that of a
5-axis mill on main and sub-spindle. So, looked at a certain way, it's a
14-axis machine. They bill it a 7-axis because that's the maximum number of axes that can be driven simultaneously.
Any photos of control?
Well, it's just your average everyday Fanuc Series 31i.
Here's a stock photo of the machine:
And HERE is a link to the machine in question, a Bumotec S-191.
It's a flipping awesome machine! I am determined, some how, some way, to convince my employer that we need one. Or five.
Anonymous User |
131 |
June 09, 2011 10:03AM |
lots of interesting machining on the case and lugs. You must have been in RL heaven (n/t)
JP |
132 |
June 09, 2011 09:46AM |
And how! Henceforth, I will be too embarrassed to ever again post..

..the RickyWatches. Comparing them to the Hysek cases is like comparing a 1st-grader's drawing hanging on the fridge to The Mona Lisa. 
Anonymous User |
143 |
June 09, 2011 10:09AM |
Interesting innovative design. (n/t)
itschris |
116 |
June 09, 2011 10:39AM |
Did you take a sample for all us on the way out? You lucky guy (n/t)
Reto |
125 |
June 09, 2011 11:23AM |
Alas, unlike Jaquet Droz, they were not handing out Free Samples. (n/t)
Anonymous User |
128 |
June 10, 2011 11:02AM |
Looks awesome to me (n/t)
Need_Omega |
145 |
June 09, 2011 02:18PM |