- Hi Ho, Hi Ho, to Biel/Bienne we go! (Swiss trip 2011)

Ricky Lee |
309 |
June 03, 2011 07:43AM |
In the Jura there are no more trains, just Post coaches (n/t)
Reto |
151 |
June 03, 2011 08:09AM |
These yellow cars do not run as frequent as the SBB, and you need good map too
if you want to see 'le valley de joux' and the real old heartland where
Swiss watchmaking began, then rent a car. you got platinum plastic! and
driving in CH is really easy
Reto |
160 |
June 03, 2011 08:15AM |
Re: In the Jura there are no more trains, just Post coaches

Well.. the SBB goes to La Chaux-de-Fonds city proper, and I'm not sure I'll have the time to venture too far into the countryside...

Click HERE for larger photo or HERE for supersized photo
if you want to see 'le valley de joux' and the real old heartland where Swiss watchmaking began, then rent a car.
Hmmmm. Methinks I should have put a wee bit more advance planning into this, instead of just "winging it".
you got platinum plastic!
Three, actually.
But I'd rather use the one that's got the Company Logo on it. So long as I don't go hog wild, that's no problem. Anything extravagant, I have to break out my own platinum card.
..and driving in CH is really easy
Ah, having driven in Ireland and the UK, I ain't worried on that score.
Alright, ye've convinced me. A rent-a-car it is!
Thanks boss!

Ricky Lee |
137 |
June 03, 2011 08:48AM |
Great, go into that remote area. You will be surprised how beautiful and tranquil it is and >>>
you will feel like in a time machine... In those dark winter nights when
food was short and time abundant, some people there started to think of
what to do to feed their children and cows. Like in Britain, watch
making history started with many very poor workers from home making
parts and getting paid in Rappen and pennies.
Reto |
183 |
June 03, 2011 08:51AM |
I defer to Reto on the car issue, but the other one's a no-brainer RL!
You GOTTA go clockwise in Switzerland. 

136 |
June 03, 2011 08:25AM |
Good one You are really getting to know the (n/t)
Reto |
149 |
June 03, 2011 08:45AM |
Re: You GOTTA go clockwise in Switzerland.

You have a point...

Ricky Lee |
168 |
June 03, 2011 08:50AM |
It would save some watch budget money if you stuck with the train....
And I didnt know Jeff Hostettler from the NY giants had his own watch manufacturing plant!!! 
dano0 |
127 |
June 03, 2011 08:31AM |
He can buy whatever he likes with his Platinum card USD 2345 = expensive Swiss dinner >>
on the expenses sheet. No one will dare to check 
Reto |
156 |
June 03, 2011 08:48AM |
Re: ..on the expenses sheet. No one will dare to check 
Oh if only that were true! 
My boss is so tight.. well, his comment when I eMailed him to clear the car rental will illustrate:
"Aren't bicycles very popular over there?"
He was only half-joking! 

Ricky Lee |
151 |
June 03, 2011 08:55AM |
Rent a bike then (n/t)
Reto |
146 |
June 03, 2011 08:56AM |
I just might! It is..

..a viable option, of course.
And no doubt easy as pie, if you know the proper procedures and protocols. Which I don't. 
Obviously it has something to do with this little gizmo...
I'm thinking you must need a (pre-paid?) account? It's difficult to see
how it could work on an unsecured pay-as-you-go basis.
Mind you, it'll pretty much be a moot point tomorrow. But if I figure
it out, I still may do it just to see if them rent-a-bikes can handle a
fat caveman like me. 
Ricky Lee |
120 |
June 03, 2011 03:20PM |
I meant a motorbike Ricky, a real nice one too, since your boss is paying for it (n/t)
Reto |
145 |
June 03, 2011 08:56PM |
IF |
135 |
June 03, 2011 08:43AM |
Mouarff Ricky!! Hey, why not make a visit to Glycine Watch SA? (n/t)
wodo |
155 |
June 03, 2011 09:04AM |
Thanks mate! Looking forward to seeing' em!
Always nice to see how passenger rail works in other countries.. It
could work here too... and would make sense in a lot of areas.
Flasharry |
131 |
June 03, 2011 10:24AM |
Thanks for the update...
... It looks really interesting. Pity you couldn't have stopped off at the Traser factory for a peek. Keep enjoying your tour 
AndrewP |
111 |
June 04, 2011 04:52AM |