- No python bites or botly infestations, so.. (Swiss trip 2011)

Ricky Lee |
336 |
June 02, 2011 02:12PM |
Very well. Glad you made it. (n/t)
JP |
154 |
June 02, 2011 02:16PM |
Glad you landed safely! - as far as air travel..
Pfffft! - any sane sentient knows that rail is the civilized way to go.. (biased? Moi? Bien Sur!)
Flasharry |
207 |
June 02, 2011 02:24PM |
Re: Pfffft! - any sane sentient knows that rail is the civilized way to go..

I've got to say, I did enjoy my ~ 1-½ hour trip on the immensely. Great scenery, smooth ride, oodles of legroom.. and a full bar as well! Yup, I see your point perfectly! 
(biased? Moi? Bien Sur!)
Ricky Lee |
158 |
June 02, 2011 02:47PM |
You should have wore your Mondaine! Mon Dieu! (n/t)
Flasharry |
150 |
June 02, 2011 02:53PM |
What makes you think I didn't? 
You don't seriously think I brought only one watch? 

Ricky Lee |
147 |
June 03, 2011 02:35AM |
Wearing a Sweiss RR watch on a Swiss train? = (n/t)
Flasharry |
115 |
June 03, 2011 10:27AM |
A confession. I did NOT bring the Mondaine. 
I was about halfway to the airport when I realized that it would have been the obvious choice. I seriously thought about going back to get it, but didn't want to chance missing my flight for something that would have been so hard to explain to the non-WIS in me life. 
Of course, in the end, it wouldn't have mattered since my flight was cancelled anyway! 
Ah well. Next trip. 
Ricky Lee |
137 |
June 03, 2011 03:53PM |
Glad you made it Bro Ricky!!! Looks like that pint was much needed!!!
Hope to see more of your journey!!! That Longines is 
dano0 |
125 |
June 02, 2011 04:32PM |
Bro. Dano! 'twas. 
Hope to see more ofyour journey!!!
I'll do me best.. just don't expect Chris Moy level photos.
That Longines is 
You think thats , you ought to see it in person!
Ricky Lee |
150 |
June 03, 2011 02:38AM |
IF |
118 |
June 02, 2011 02:30PM |
Great pics! (n/t)
Need_Omega |
148 |
June 02, 2011 02:53PM |
Re: the pilot aborted the first landing attempt because there was a plane still taxiing on our runway.
Yikes bro! THAT is some scary stuff. I also feel your pain about the
lack of sleep; I can't sleep sitting up for crap's sake either. 
that the hellish travel is over, I'm a little envious. There isn't much
I enjoy more than getting to know new places. Can't wait for more
122 |
June 02, 2011 03:07PM |
Re: Yikes bro! THAT is some scary stuff.
Well, the pilot didn't make it sound like a
big deal. The plane in question had landed just before us, and was
being pokey about clearing the runway, 'bout the size of it.
But, yeah. That's the first time in godnose how many flights that I've ever had 'em abort a landing. It definitely got my attention! 
Ricky Lee |
132 |
June 02, 2011 04:38PM |
Thks for the pic Ricky. Does anyone know if that Longines has the original Weems dial or is it an Hour Angle?
A vintage watch collector tried to explain the difference to me at a NYC
GTG some months ago but I forget. The vintage originals are very sweet
but so tiny they're almost unwearable.
Adam in NYC |
144 |
June 02, 2011 03:25PM |
Isn't it a Longines Lindberg? (n/t)
JP |
177 |
June 02, 2011 03:29PM |
The one Ricky posted is an Hour Angle aka Lindberg. Weems refers to the bezel system >
You have to push the tiny button at 4 to rotate the bezel. The original
Weems design did not have the navigation related numbers on the dial
& bezel, it was a plain 60 min bezel. 
Adam in NYC |
163 |
June 02, 2011 04:06PM |
Not original Weems.. JP nailed it, 'tis the Lindbergh.
Or, checking the web site, Lindbergh Hour Angle is the official description it seems. So you're right too. 
The other Longines Lindbergh, the Atlantic Voyage Chronograph, is a stunner a well. 
Ricky Lee |
168 |
June 02, 2011 04:14PM |
Great pics! Looking forward too more. (n/t)
Timemiser |
119 |
June 02, 2011 03:53PM |
Glad you're having a good time- check out the pizza across the street and to the left of your hotel.
Looking forward to the phototour.
itschris |
153 |
June 02, 2011 04:38PM |
That'd be the Bella Vita?

Alas, I missed it. 
has a large and thriving Mediterranean community, and they're not ones
to leave their cuisine behind. So that's what I've been concentrating
on.. felafel, kebabs, panini, that sort of thing. Excellent fare! 
But, hey, Perhaps I'll hit the Bella Vita for lunch on the way out.. 
But wait! Do you know..

..the Hotel du Faucon? If so, do tell!

Ricky Lee |
138 |
June 03, 2011 02:13AM |
I was checking out the neighborhood on Google maps. (n/t)
itschris |
150 |
June 03, 2011 02:39PM |
Have a great time sir And i'm for that Murphy's (n/t)
wodo |
146 |
June 02, 2011 06:10PM |
I had just the one, then switched to Cardinal lager. Mmmmmmm! (n/t)
Ricky Lee |
122 |
June 03, 2011 02:14AM |
, Ricky! (n/t)
John N |
113 |
June 02, 2011 07:04PM |
Thanks for checking in Ricky Have a great time in good old Switzerland (n/t)
Reto |
130 |
June 02, 2011 09:32PM |
Boss! I will (and am! ) (n/t)
Ricky Lee |
135 |
June 03, 2011 02:17AM |
Cheers Ricky! Hope you will have a Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr8 time in Europe! (n/t)
Wycombe |
123 |
June 03, 2011 01:09AM |
Go Ricky-Lee! Enjoy yourself on your European trip...
... And have a few pints for us as well 
Don't forget to get yourself a Swiss 'souvenir' whilst you're there; you'll regret it otherwise 
Best wishes on your travels Mate 
AndrewP |
129 |
June 03, 2011 06:20AM |