- Today was kind of a bust, or "What a dufus I am!" (Swiss trip 2011)

Ricky Lee |
1023 |
June 05, 2011 03:52PM |
I think that's a Ural sidecar rig- (n/t)
itschris |
155 |
June 05, 2011 04:38PM |
I think you're correct Chris, I've been looking at those and the royal Enfields for a while (n/t)
BobbyMike |
147 |
June 05, 2011 05:03PM |
Good eye, guys! It is indeed a Ural. By all accounts I've seen..
..a solid machine. They are a bit on the
high-maintenance side compared to a modern design, perhaps. But as long
as you give them the TLC they require, they will apparently keep
chugging along forever. (And that would apply to the Indian-built
Enfields as well, I think. )
Ricky Lee |
149 |
June 05, 2011 10:41PM |
Re: - Today was kind of a bust, or "What a dufus I am!"
Yeah Sweden was like that very clean!
Hope your feeling better!
142 |
June 05, 2011 04:48PM |
Re: Hope your feeling better!
mate, I am indeed feeling much better this morning. Just a bit
foot-sore from all the walking. I've probably walked more in the last 4
days than I usually do in a typical month. But that's a Good Thing!
Ricky Lee |
134 |
June 05, 2011 10:45PM |
Great post Ricky Don't drink the water - it'll give you the Sharts! (n/t)
Nuvolari |
125 |
June 05, 2011 06:03PM |
NOW you tell me. 
And the tortellini is highly suspect, too! 

Ricky Lee |
133 |
June 05, 2011 10:48PM |
Fine reportage, RL! The Solings bring back memories >>
I used to sail in the Soling class. I crewed in the 1991 Soling World Championship.
Dave Murphy |
135 |
June 05, 2011 06:22PM |
Re: ..I used to sail in the Soling class. I crewed in the 1991 Soling World Championship.
Oops! I meant "Just for you and Dave Murphy, Bro. John N" 
World Championship, huh? Impressive!
But.. shoot, I'm impressed you knew what kind of boat it was. I couldn't have ID'ed it as a Soling if my life depended on it! 
Ricky Lee |
165 |
June 05, 2011 10:53PM |
Not really that impressive, RL. At the time, >>
I was needed for crew, when an out-of-town boat came up short.
The boat that I sailed on would not have qualified for the regatta.
was fun, though. It's amazing how yelling and screaming whatever rule
you thing the other guy is breaking automatically translates into any
Dave Murphy |
132 |
June 06, 2011 05:23AM |
Glad you are feeling better, Great pic's. (n/t)
DanB |
138 |
June 05, 2011 06:32PM |
Bro. Dan!
Plenty more photos where those came from.
I've shot around 500 so far. Obviously the photo-taking will slow way
down starting today.. unless y'all want to see photos of CNC grinding
Ricky Lee |
163 |
June 05, 2011 10:57PM |
Cool stuff RL. (n/t)
143 |
June 05, 2011 07:03PM |
Thanks partner! 
Wish you were here! 
Ricky Lee |
143 |
June 05, 2011 10:58PM |
Thanks for the report Ricky! I love that side car! (n/t)
Timemiser |
111 |
June 05, 2011 07:53PM |
Me too. Thing that REALLY caught my attention is there are still plenty of 2-strokes on the road here
The modern 125cc Aprilia sport-bikes seem particularly popular.
Ricky Lee |
138 |
June 05, 2011 11:02PM |
Funny thing in that last shot of the cows....see those price tag looking things on the ears?
I was just at the Safari in Six Flags great adventure in Jackson, NJ and
the animals there had similiar tags. I know they are for Identification
pourposes obviosly....but the do seem kind of rediculous. They remind
me of the price tags on the price is right. Just waiting for Bob Barker
to say......"A NEW COW!!" Cowbell not included!..
dano0 |
131 |
June 05, 2011 08:36PM |
Ah - ear tagging... Usually done spring roundup time...
along with steering, branding, and vaccinating.. The tags come in two
pieces, the tag, and the plug/button. You use a tagging pliers to apply
it, best analogy is ear-piercing, only the tag stays behind. You can get
tags with RFID chips in them as well, and insecticide laced tags to
help with ticks, etc.. Tow tags are for security by redundancy, and in
some cattle countries, law specifies two tags.
Roundups are hard work followed by some good-ole fashioned partying.. (and calf fries, well.. say no more)
Flasharry |
135 |
June 05, 2011 09:07PM |
Ah. Calf fries.. haven't sampled the Swiss calf fries yet.
But I'm thinkin' they'd be no different than our North American calf fries. 
Ricky Lee |
136 |
June 05, 2011 11:05PM |
Unless they fondued 'em... probably not.. (n/t)
Flasharry |
162 |
June 06, 2011 11:15AM |
Re: Just waiting for Bob Barker to say......"A NEW COW!!" Cowbell not included!..

Ricky Lee |
134 |
June 05, 2011 11:03PM |
Hope everything goes very good for you,Ricky! And one more great topic! (n/t)
IF |
145 |
June 05, 2011 10:18PM |
Bro. Yannis! (n/t)
Ricky Lee |
117 |
June 05, 2011 11:06PM |
I Swiss cows.
The most amazing sleep I've ever had was accompanied by Swiss cowbells in Murren.
And nice reporting! Though I don't understand the consumption of Italian food. I'd be rotating beer, cheese, sausage 24/7! 
SAH407 |
122 |
June 06, 2011 06:16AM |
Re: The most amazing sleep I've ever had was accompanied by Swiss cowbells in Murren.
And nice reporting!
Though I don't understand the consumption of Italian food.
Well, remember that Italy is right next door. And Italian is the "3rd Swiss language". The Italian restaurants here tend to be darned good ones!
I'd be rotating beer, cheese, sausage 24/7! 
Shoot, I can do that back home in Mississippi.
Mind you neither the beer, cheese, nor sausage would be quite as good. Still.. 
Ricky Lee |
166 |
June 06, 2011 02:36PM |
Ricky, will go to the travel reports also (n/t)
Reto |
107 |
June 06, 2011 07:11AM |
Any chocolate overdose yet? (n/t)
JP |
106 |
June 06, 2011 09:05AM |
No. But tell you what, I've had some slam-dunk double-throw-down GOOD chocolate! 
And that Gruyère cheese? Don't get me started! 

Ricky Lee |
154 |
June 06, 2011 02:30PM |
for the TR Ricky. I hope by now you are 100%. (n/t)
Larry |
122 |
June 06, 2011 11:24AM |