- Neuchatel, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Le Locle, Jura mountains (Swiss trip 2011)

Ricky Lee |
1424 |
June 04, 2011 03:44PM |
Sure, they were just giving away Jaquet Droz chronos! (n/t)
Adam in NYC |
148 |
June 04, 2011 03:53PM |
Honest Injun! Wait. 
You don't think the fact that they made me scan my Platinum Visa, then did a thumbprint and retina scan before they let me in the foyer is.. well, fishy, do you? 
That's it! I'm gonna look at my CC statement very closely! 

Ricky Lee |
153 |
June 04, 2011 04:15PM |
Great photos Ricky, thanks. Looks like you're having a great time. (n/t)
Brizza |
116 |
June 04, 2011 03:55PM |
I am! Of course..
..it's nose-to-the-grindstone come Monday morning. 
Ricky Lee |
127 |
June 04, 2011 04:18PM |
Fun trip (n/t)
JP |
150 |
June 04, 2011 04:07PM |
'tis! But, come on, someone HAS to Call BS on the rent-a-car. (n/t)
Ricky Lee |
125 |
June 04, 2011 04:19PM |
I might say the same for the giveaway chrono, Mr. LEE!!!
I just did a search on the bay.....and found an example of the same
watch for $14,500 USD!!!! If that was a give away, I'm waiting for
someone to toss you a golden calf!!!!!
dano0 |
148 |
June 04, 2011 04:34PM |
I'm busted! 
Wanna see the real rent-a-car now? 
Ricky Lee |
132 |
June 04, 2011 04:39PM |
I'm guessing Ford Ka (n/t)
itschris |
153 |
June 04, 2011 05:18PM |
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzt! But I'll come clean.

Here 'tis:

My Kingdom For A Horse if ye can ID it.
No fair looking at the file name! 
Ricky Lee |
193 |
June 04, 2011 05:50PM |
it's a Seat of some kind...
You can tell by the badge. Can't tell you which one 
I want the little red van behind it though 
BobbyMike |
148 |
June 04, 2011 06:23PM |
I tink its a Renault Kangoo >>>
or a Citroen Berlingo. I would say Kangoo though.
Both Renault
and Citroen built those on their base mini-utility van. This was the
very first response from the French OEMs to the SUV craze in the late
Couldnt be cheesiest or cheaper ($12K) 
We do much better now 
JP |
149 |
June 04, 2011 07:18PM |
I have a strange attraction to tiny vans...
It is a sickness
BobbyMike |
158 |
June 04, 2011 08:22PM |
I thought maybe you may have rented a deLorean....
I mean, you ARE in switzerland....the land of Timepieces....
That would have been my first choice...anyhow....
dano0 |
135 |
June 04, 2011 06:40PM |
Seat or Skoda? (n/t)
JP |
128 |
June 04, 2011 07:09PM |
SEAT Ibiza (n/t)
itschris |
135 |
June 04, 2011 08:35PM |
Ding ding ding! Give the man a cigar!

An Ibiza it is. 
Pretty decent little car. Comfortable, quiet, handles well, and is reasonably peppy. It handled the val de Ruz with aplomb, and that's no easy test!
Ricky Lee |
134 |
June 05, 2011 05:47AM |
A Dacia logan, maybe? ( Renault). (n/t)
IF |
129 |
June 05, 2011 12:02AM |
obvious at a glance the Acura has US position lights and front plates are obliged in Europe (n/t)
Micha |
147 |
June 05, 2011 12:53AM |
Free swiss Chronograph....FAST CAR!?!!?! Le Locle? Man...am I JEALOUS!!!!
Great pics.....That chrono looks real nice!!!
dano0 |
130 |
June 04, 2011 04:25PM |
ahh living vicariously, aint it grand
Shovel all the BS you want RL, I stuck at home with the books, so help a brother dream sounds like a heck of a trip
Cleans Up |
125 |
June 04, 2011 04:47PM |
Re: Shovel all the BS you want RL..
Some artists work in marble, others with paint and canvas. My medium is BS.
Cleans Up
..I stuck at home with the books, so help a borther dream 
My pleasure.
Cleans Up
sounds like a heck of a trip
Well.. "mixed" might be the best way to describe it so far. Nightmarish start (#@%&ed Delta Airlines! ), then a great couple of days. Today we're back to.. well, not so hot. Look for another top-level update in the next hour or so...
Ricky Lee |
127 |
June 05, 2011 06:31AM |
Fibbing aside, looks like you're having a great time. (n/t)
135 |
June 04, 2011 04:59PM |
Fibbing? Why Bro. Dan! 
Surely you jest! 
Ricky Lee |
127 |
June 04, 2011 05:45PM |
I'll admit, you had me going >>>
for a minute there. 
154 |
June 04, 2011 06:24PM |
Re: ..for a minute there. 
Ya big sucker! 
I was going for "so outlandish no one will believe it". 
Ricky Lee |
124 |
June 05, 2011 06:01AM |
How did they let a cheap ass hilljack like you into that Country anyways 
If they only new what a caveman you were --- Enjoy! 
Riddim Driven |
125 |
June 04, 2011 05:12PM |
I got a Passport! 
And, since they're Neutral, Switzerland is careful not to start International Incidents. 
Now, I might start one... 
Ricky Lee |
168 |
June 04, 2011 05:40PM |
Well, WE know it's a , but it musta worked for the pictorial
coverage! Have fun CaveMan! Hopefully when you get home your standards will be raised 
Riddim Driven |
131 |
June 04, 2011 06:11PM |
Re: Hopefully when you get home your standards will be raised 
Oh, I seriously doubt that. 
Maybe a little bit. 
Ricky Lee |
131 |
June 05, 2011 06:33AM |
Great pictures, (n/t)
DanB |
140 |
June 04, 2011 05:53PM |
Great pics, RL! Have fun! (n/t)
Ricky Lee |
134 |
June 04, 2011 07:00PM |
Based on that I'm going to have to move! Sounds like a great country that would be easy to  (n/t)
Nuvolari |
131 |
June 04, 2011 08:35PM |
Ricky, we love these topics of yours!

Have a great time, be safe , be ... great! And , since we talk about... Neuchatel, here is one !!!.....
Ioannis Fassoulakis / Matala / Crete / Greece
IF |
136 |
June 05, 2011 12:00AM |
Re: And , since we talk about... Neuchatel, here is one !!!.....
Well done! 
I think we overlook how many brand-names in the horological world are,
in fact, tied to place names. For instance, yesterday I noticed a sign
for the town of Landeron. Now I don't know for sure that's where the Landeron movements got their name.. but it seems likely to the point of certainty. 
Ricky Lee |
135 |
June 05, 2011 06:49AM |
Yes, sir!  (n/t)
IF |
131 |
June 05, 2011 09:22AM |
be very careful! Speed traps are more common than traffic lights in Switzerland and...
fines are ca. SFR 1200 for 20 km/h too fast in the city....
Micha |
139 |
June 05, 2011 12:51AM |
Re: ..fines are ca. SFR 1200 for 20 km/h too fast in the city....
Holy Highway Robbery! 
Thing is, I noticed that everyone does slow down to (pretty much) the posted speed limits in the municipalities. However, on the open road it's a whole 'nother story!
But.. man! CHF 1200 is a steep fine! I believe I'll slow down, period. 
Thanks or the tip! 
Ricky Lee |
151 |
June 05, 2011 05:58AM |
mind you, the Swiss are considered to be among the most civilized drivers in Europe (n/t)
Micha |
173 |
June 05, 2011 06:32AM |
Oh, agreed! Most impressive to me..
..is their iron-clad almost sacred adherence to "the pedestrian always has the right of way"
creed. I see some pedestrians step out into a crosswalk with traffic
approaching, and I cringe. 'cause that would get your ass runned over in
Memphis , sooner or later (probably sooner! ).
it's not just that. Faithful signalling, no tail-gating, no passing on
the wrong side.. sure, to me it's no wonder they've earned the
Ricky Lee |
115 |
June 05, 2011 06:43AM |
Nice report Ricky, thanks a lot. I was at the Expo 64 in Lausanne, the car stars of that exhibition where the >
Citroen Deux Cheveaux and they also had a brand new Mustang there. What I
remember also is that a Swiss photographer presented his 360 degree
panorama camera. A yes, the grilled sausages where great too.
for leaving Switzerland, I am still returning every year and will
continue to do so as long as I can do long haul flights. I like to see
other cultures and other continents and Asia seemed a great choice at
the time. If my daughter is studying in the US, I might have to change
continents again.
My roots are still firmly in Switzerland, but I have always wanted to see the whole Planet.
Great report, I will keep this one in the Travel Reports forum.
the reports coming, don't waste too much time typing (you can edit the
posts later to add extra info) and enjoy everything Switzerland has to
for driving fast, the western part of Switzerland has definitely a
looser definition of speed limit. Watch village entries and village
exits when you see the 50 sign next to a barn, then drive 50. In that
area I would not necessarily try to speed, it's a rural area and some of
the farmers on their tractors think they have been there before the
road was built and drive accordingly. Must be the same back home 
Reto |
133 |
June 05, 2011 01:47AM |
Re: My roots are still firmly in Switzerland, but I have always wanted to see the whole Planet.
Well, I can certainly understand that.
As for driving fast, the western part of Switzerland has definitely a
looser definition of speed limit. Watch village entries and village
exits when you see the 50 sign next to a barn, then drive 50.
definitely. As I mentioned to Micha, everyone does seem to respect the
speed limits in the towns and villages. It's on the open road where
their right foot gets heavy.
And, I must admit that the swervy curvy roads make it seem
like you're going faster than you really are. I don't believe I
exceeded 140 Km/H (87 MPH) at any point. Or not by much, anyway.
Still, a few drivers passed me like I was standing still. They had to
be in the 160 to 180 Km/H range. One tricked-out Audi passed me like I
was in reverse! If he wasn't doing 200+, I'm a Monkey's Uncle!
..a rural area and some of the farmers on their tractors think they have
been there before the road was built and drive accordingly. Must be the
same back home 
Oh, you bet. Some things are truly universal. 
Ricky Lee |
150 |
June 05, 2011 06:24AM |
Cool pics, wait the following ones (n/t)
wodo |
135 |
June 05, 2011 03:54AM |
Looks great, Ricky. Have FUN!!!! (n/t)
Mark C. |
132 |
June 05, 2011 07:10AM |
Great pics! (n/t)
Need_Omega |
167 |
June 05, 2011 11:38AM |