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here at Shamrock Hollow.. and a much anticipated one!

Ricky Lee |
209 |
March 24, 2011 07:19PM |
Congrats Ricky. Gotta love the 6309 divers!!!!! (n/t)
Mark C. |
23 |
March 26, 2011 07:56AM |
Looks awesome, congrat's!  (n/t)
Need_Omega |
33 |
March 25, 2011 09:53AM |
Congrats go to you at Shamrock Hollow

Well done Ricky! 
I got mine a few years ago, probably during the 7040 craze; most definitely after Kelly showed his masterpieces.
It came in a mangled state, from the Philippines, however it received a spa treatment immediately afterwards.
bezel was also stiff, but I prized it off, and sprayed liberal amounts
of sillicone spray underneath it. Some silicone gel would have been
better I have since heard.
Anyways, it makes a difference to turning it.

AndrewP |
62 |
March 25, 2011 06:14AM |
Actually, I wouldn't mind being at the famous Shamrock Hollow....
...on this Friday night whilst the celebratory beers flow 
Lume comps and all 
AndrewP |
45 |
March 25, 2011 06:24AM |
And you'd be most welcome! 
How are things in your neck of the woods?
Since the disaster in Japan, the US media is not giving us updates on
Australia and New Zealand. I hope the recovery is proceeding quickly,
and that things will soon be back to normal.
As for the Seiko.. I may be late to the party, but at least I got there.
I'll certainly try to remedy the stiff bezel at some point, perhaps
this weekend. And, yes, silicon grease is part of the plan. 
Ricky Lee |
28 |
March 25, 2011 10:28AM |
Thank you

Sorry - didn't mean to make you think you were late on the 'craze'.
You just got yourself a classic & I hope you enjoy it appropriately. 
you believe we had Prince William touring both here and in NZ; a
genuine bloke by all accounts, and he would have picked up quite a few
new fans too, by the looks of it.
The world weather patterns plus the
tectonic plate movements are testing the human spirit for sure. I guess
at this stage I am worried about San Francisco being the next most
Also, this is another 6309 I had spa'd, with MKII
parts. I only wear it on weekends, mostly when we go out to yum cha or
similar. My 'yum cha' watch - how many folks can say they have such a
dedicated watch :

bought 2 x 6309's at the same time, the 1st one I had set back to
original; the 2nd is as above. They were, for the record, both 'basket
cases' )
AndrewP |
42 |
March 26, 2011 05:35AM |
To further clarify....
...I've also worn this watch overseas (in NZ); because the 12 hour bezel is - in my opinion at least ) - the best way to tell the time in another timezone .
AndrewP |
34 |
March 26, 2011 06:35AM |
Re: Sorry - didn't mean to make you think you were late on the 'craze'.

Shucks, no offense taken. I was a bit late, not only to 6309's, but Divers in general. 
are still not me favorite "genre" of watches, ye ken, I make no secret
of that. But there was a time when I actually avoided them. You might
even say that I "looked down on them". Couldn't understand what all the fuss was about, why seemingly everyone was Mad For Divers Watches.
But lately, within the past couple of years, I've come to appreciate them. Not quite love them, mind, but appreciate them. And vintage Divers are almost in a class to themselves. Love is not too strong a word in their case, as I've come to see them as classic and iconic timepieces that transcend their "genre". 
..Would you believe we had Prince William touring both here and in NZ.
I did see a report of that. A certain sizable segment of the US is way
into The Royals, and the media caters to that. Good on Prince William
for using that to keep attention (and thus aid and relief efforts) in
the public eye. Agreed he does seem like a bloke (or, as we'd say in
Mississippi, a Good Ol' Boy ).
The world weather patterns plus the tectonic plate movements are testing the human spirit for sure.
Yes. And in Japan, the double whammy of the nuclear disaster. That, I fear, is going to get much worse before it gets better.
I guess at this stage I am worried about San Francisco being the next most vulnerable.
It is a worry.
To the point that some prophets of doom are saying that a major
California quake is eminent. I'm not convinced of that, but there's no
doubt that the entire west coast is vulnerable. The 1964 Alaska earthquake is still the second most powerful ever recorded, of course...
..another 6309 I had spa'd, with MKII parts.
I love that one! It ticks a lot of boxes for me: orange dial, sterile chapter ring, great hands...
My 'yum cha' watch - how many folks can say they have such a dedicated watch 
(I bought 2 x 6309's at the same time, the 1st one I had set back to
original; the 2nd is as above. They were, for the record, both 'basket
At some point I probably won't be able to resist a full-boat mod. The highest compliment I can pay your orange-dialed example is that I'd go for a very similar look meself.
...I've also worn this watch overseas (in NZ); because the 12 hour bezel is - in my opinion at least  ) - the best way to tell the time in another timezone.
Agreed! At least
as effective as an independent GMT hand, and much simpler and more
cost-efficient to manufacture. And with a 12-hour bezel, you can turn
most any diver into a GMT watch. Sure, 12-hour bezels don't get enough
respect and attention, IMHO.
In any case, thanks for the thoughtful response Bro. Andrew.. always a pleasure to hear from you!

Ricky Lee |
26 |
March 26, 2011 07:56AM |
It is a very very good watch, Ricky ! Classic ! Enjoy it ! (n/t)
IF |
35 |
March 25, 2011 05:37AM |
Congrats Ricky! (n/t)
Wen |
41 |
March 25, 2011 04:45AM |
Congratulations Ricky. Great Seiko. (n/t)
DanB |
52 |
March 25, 2011 04:32AM |
Congrats Ricky! The bezel could also be hard to turn due to a cracked crystal retaining ring.
Very common on the 6309's.
And the aftermarket dials sure gets better and better. 
Wycombe |
48 |
March 25, 2011 02:48AM |
Thanks for the tip! I may check it out this weekend. The..
..weatherman says 80% chance of rain tomorrow, which will put the kibosh on the planned outdoor activities.
Bright side is I'll be able to sneak in some Caveman Watchmaking.. 
Ricky Lee |
34 |
March 25, 2011 10:32AM |
Let's hope for rain then... (n/t)
Wycombe |
41 |
March 25, 2011 11:56AM |
Congrats Ricky (n/t)
Reto |
17 |
March 25, 2011 12:27AM |
Congrats, Ricky!Between the two, I think I prefer the >>
>> look of the fat case for sure. Not sure about how it wears, because I don't have one. Hmmmm, Watchcooking, huh?
Dave Murphy |
49 |
March 24, 2011 10:14PM |
I think you'd love it! YMMV, but.. me, it seems to be the perfect size. Doesn't "wear" anywhere near as big as you'd expect from a 44mm case.
Dave Murphy
Hmmmm, Watchcooking, huh?
Yup! Tell him Ricky sent ya.. 
Ricky Lee |
43 |
March 25, 2011 10:38AM |
Congrats Ricky. So tell us which case you prefer. (n/t)
Adam in NYC |
47 |
March 24, 2011 09:00PM |
Too soon to tell. For the moment..
..I'm digging the "fat case". But that may just be Syndrome. 
I'll let ye know in a few months. 
Ricky Lee |
42 |
March 24, 2011 09:55PM |
congrats. I agree with Chris on the bezel. I really can't comment on the strap though. (n/t)
greg honeycutt |
45 |
March 24, 2011 07:42PM |
Amazing what you find in the ditch next to your mailbox! 
That stiff bezel might be a symptom of an aftermarket replacement
part. The 007 that I bought to use for my Soxa project has a very stiff
bezel also, and I'm certain that the entire watch was assembled from
salvaged Seikos and fresh aftermarket parts.
That however was all fine by me as I only intended to mod the thing anyhow. 
Chris L |
39 |
March 24, 2011 07:38PM |
Re: That stiff bezel might be a symptom of an aftermarket replacement part.
'tis a definite possibility. The watches J. Sotto sells do
make use of aftermarket parts, he's quite clear on that. The dial,
hands, and bezel insert are specifically stated to be aftermarket, for
instance. And like the 729A, the lume is nowhere near as good as OEM
Seiko. But I knew that going in.. 
The bezel itself.. I dunno. I think it's OEM Seiko, but who knows? It wouldn't surprise me to find that it's aftermarket. Ditto crystal & gaskets..
he does a good job of integrating all this, to the point that I reckon
only a bona-fide Seiko expert could spot it as being non-original. I
certainly couldn't! Were I presented with this watch cold, knowing
nothing of its history, I'd certainly assume it was all original. 
Ricky Lee |
44 |
March 24, 2011 09:53PM |