1965 Galaxie 500 sedan

I inherited this car from my brother J.E.
when he moved, and couldn't take it along. The file photo is not too
close; mine was a 4-door, so naturally not an XL model, and it was
painted a nondescript tan. It had the 352 big-block 2-barrel motor with
automatic trans. Actually, I hesitate to include this one in the beater
car category. The body was straight, with no rust to speak of, and the
interior was mint. Being free, the price certainly qualifies it,
though! It would have probably run forever, had I not took out 100 feet
of split-rail fence with it one dark and stormy night. :-(
Favorite memory; none that I can think of. It was a
reliable car that'd get you there and back, but nothing memorable ever
happened.. nothing other than demolishing that fence, that is. :-/
Worst drawbacks; an unfortunate tendency to run rough and miss in
heavy rain. I replaced cap/rotor/spark-plug wires, silicone-greased every wiring
connector I could get to, but never could solve the problem. Also, these old
Fords used a circuit-breaker in the headlight circuit, and this one would randomly
trip out at speed, leaving you in the dark for 5 seconds or so, until the breaker would reset itself. Scary! It didn't
happen all that often, but enough so that you never wanted to push it at night.
Not a bad car.. for a Ford! ;-)
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