Loctite 222 (red as Ricky said) is the usual way to go. And Daniel, if you need help, our very own tool forum >
Reto -- September 16, 2009 08:13AM (Views: 25)
moderated by Keaton is a great source for all watchmaking problems. Great and interesting find btw. Congratulations.
but not least, look at the threads of the crown stem and the stem
itself closely. If the threads are quite worn, a replacement of stem
and crown is the way to go.
Best regards
Thanks Reto!
The threads on the stem are ok...
Wycombe -- September 16, 2009 01:54PM (Views: 20)
...I used a Seiko crown to wind the movement and it sits tightly to the
stem. The crown threads are nowhere to be found anymore...
It's simple then, use the Seiko crown, a bit of Loctite 222 and let it dry over night (n/t)
Reto -- September 17, 2009 06:02AM (Views: 12)
Thanks, but the Seiko crown odes not fit the watch at all... Only the thread size is the same. (n/t)
Wycombe -- September 17, 2009 08:21PM (Views: 11)
I ain't surprised..
Ricky Lee -- September 18, 2009 01:36AM (Views: 17)
..in my experience, the case tube and crown go together as a matched set.
Once in a while you may get lucky.. but usually not. 

Wycombe -- September 18, 2009 11:02PM (Views: 13)
Nice one Daniel. Congratulations 
PaulGeo -- September 16, 2009 02:26AM (Views: 9)
wow.. looks swank! now i want one (n/t)
anjizkit -- September 15, 2009 10:53PM (Views: 19)
Very cool, Daniel.
Congratulations and good luck with the repair work. 
Mark C. --September 15, 2009 10:45PM (Views: 17)
Cool one D! 
SoCalWis -- September 15, 2009 08:42PM (Views: 15)
Very Cool score, Daniel. I like the numbers inside the markers, never seen that. (n/t)
DJM -- September 15, 2009 08:21PM (Views: 16)
'tis a neat touch!
Here's another example.... 
Ricky Lee -- September 15, 2009 09:45PM (Views: 32)
HERE and
Nice. Looks awfully similar to Daniel's. Is there a connection between the brands? (n/t)
DJM -- September 15, 2009 10:14PM (Views: 12)
Good eyes, Dan! My guess is that they were pretty generic watches back then.
Wycombe -- September 15, 2009 10:38PM (Views: 16)
Only difference would be the name on the dial, which could vary between one watchmaker's shop to another.
I concur - I'd bet you could find this very same watch with dozens of different brand names on the dial.
Ricky Lee -- September 15, 2009 11:16PM (Views: 18)
OK then, need to find one for me! (n/t)
DJM -- September 15, 2009 11:57PM (Views: 14)
Ricky Lee -- September 16, 2009 01:44AM (Views: 26)
{see heading -rlm}
Woohoo, my watch is worth a fortune!

Wycombe -- September 16, 2009 02:11PM (Views: 20)
You can buy mine for One Hundred Billion Dollars!
Zip it! (n/t)
DJM -- September 16, 2009 04:45PM (Views: 12)
What a deal! CotD!

Ricky Lee -- September 16, 2009 04:33PM (Views: 13)
I should have known, Ricky 

DJM -- September 16, 2009 12:08PM (Views: 10)
Probably not the answer you want to hear..

Ricky Lee -- September 15, 2009 06:13PM (Views: 35)
..but your best bet, by far, is to track down a replacement crown.
I sincerely doubt that any glue or cement will hold over the long run.
If there are any threads left at all, you might try Loc-Tite red...
BTW, I'm a big fan of the UT29...

Very cool, Ricky! Maybe we could start a club?

Wycombe -- September 15, 2009 10:29PM (Views: 16)
Thanks for the reply, and no, there's hardly any thread left...
I do have a possible crown donor right here at home, but I just can't get the damned thing open.
guess the watch you showed in your reply above is one of the watches in
this reply, right? Their identical, part from the "brand" name and the
text below. Nice one!
According to ranfft.de
the movement are a near equivalent to Seiko 6602D, whatever that means.
Do you have any additional information about the UTC movement?
Hmmm. Call it The UT 29 Boys, perhaps?

Ricky Lee -- September 15, 2009 11:11PM (Views: 34)
..no, there's hardly any thread left..
I guess the watch you showed in your reply above is one of the watches
in this reply, right? Their identical, part from the "brand" name and
the text below.
Right, I've got two watches with the UT(C) 29 movement. The Unichron has a slightly higher level of movement finishing, and the D'Orsay, which is pretty much identical to your Swank.
According to ranfft.de the movement are a near equivalent to Seiko
6602D, whatever that means. Do you have any additional information
about the UTC movement? Swiss/Japanese?
According to my sources (and one is our own bjohnson
), UT was (is) Japanese, and is basically an export division of Seiko.
Back in the day, "Made in Japan" didn't exactly sound good to North American buyers.
sold ebauches to other companies under the named Universal Time Co
(just to confuse everyone, there is a DIFFERENT Universal which I think
was Durowe after the Swiss Ebauche group bought it. Durowe was a German
movement maker that the Swiss bought to get easy access to the German
Anyway ... UT 29 = Sportsman = Seiko 66
Both my UT 29's run great. Seems to be a stalwart movement!
Of course, you wouldn't expect any less from a
Best of luck with yours!
Swank-ee, Rick-ee L-ee! Now you need a gold chain and a smoking jacket! 
MCV -- December 10, 2009 04:57PM (Views: 20)
Ahh.. what makes you think I don't already have them? 
Ricky Lee -- December 10, 2009 05:57PM (Views: 20)
The white on the dial almost looks airbrushed. (n/t)
Dave Murphy -- December 10, 2009 04:23PM (Views: 17)
I have a challenge for you, Bro. Dave. As a black-belt kaizen kenning gaijan..
Ricky Lee -- December 11, 2009 12:18AM (Views: 20)
..who Really Really Understands Modern
Manufacturing Like A Modern Day Major General, I just knocked off a
Work Instruction (something I do in my professional life like Johnny B.
Goode a' ringin' a bell
), and I believe I could reproduce this dial in
eight steps or less.
Care to give it a go?
I warn you my solution involves Wire EDM machines and talented out-of-work signpainters! 
unfortunately, I don't have very much knowledge on the >>
Dave Murphy -- December 11, 2009 12:30AM (Views: 15)
>> equipment that you have, or the best practices thereof.
But I believe it would go something like:
Cut OD
Cut (or drill) ID
Cut to length dial feet
Solder feet using fixture
Paint white
Airbrush blue
Screen print
Somewhere on the South Shore of Lake Ontario
I believe it IS airbrushed, but looks more like..
Ricky Lee -- December 10, 2009 06:00PM (Views: 16)
..blue on white when inspected closely. 
I know 'tis a cliche
, but my photos really don't
do this dial justice. 
Doin' the Swanky Panky & you turned yourself around
Sweeeet! Congrats!
Riddim Driven -- December 10, 2009 03:29PM (Views: 18)
Don't ask me what this means
Hope this isn't making the caveman too swanky. We like earthy!

JohnnyT -- December 10, 2009 02:58PM (Views: 17)
That's a nice one Ricky,cool!
Bock -- December 10, 2009 02:28PM (Views: 23)
Man I cannot keep up with all your purchases anymore,the group of wayward horology must be getting enormous,no?
I hope you have enough chairs for christmas dinner.
Or do they get a place in the christmas tree?
I really enjoy seeing your acquisitions,keep it going bud
That is a really cool looking watch!
way up! And thanks for putting the photos up. (n/t)
Dre -- December 10, 2009 02:15PM (Views: 20)
My pleasure! And thank you O' Illustrious WotM!

Ricky Lee -- December 10, 2009 03:24PM (Views: 18)
Lorsa P72

bjohnson -- December 10, 2009 01:42PM (Views: 35)
Strange though, Lorsa was French, not German
Don't miss out on all the sweets in the local candy stores: PMWF Sales & Trade Forum and The Poor Man's Watch Corner
You've heard of Ranfft's archive of watch movements: Ranfft's Pink Pages
He also hosts a free watch auction site: Ranfft's Watch and Watch Parts Auctions
Take THAT Ebay!
Nice one, Ricky. Congrats. (n/t)
Mark C. -- December 10, 2009 01:17PM (Views: 16)
Thanks Mark! 
Ricky Lee -- December 10, 2009 03:23PM (Views: 15)
Pretty face and looks like a decent movement, congrats. (n/t)
Paul J Costa -- December 10, 2009 12:34PM (Views: 16)
I'm a sucker for a Blue Dial.
Thank you! (n/t)
Ricky Lee -- December 10, 2009 03:22PM (Views: 15)