I got no clue, but that movement is 
(n/t) (Views: 9)
Dave Murphy -- March 13, 2009 03:39AM
A caveman would chink that crystal with a mud/dung mix. 
(Views: 9)
Chris L -- March 13, 2009 03:37AM
Works for log cabins, it has to work for watch crystals.
UT = Universal Time = Seiko (Views: 22)
bjohnson -- March 13, 2009 03:26AM
Back in the day, "Made in Japan" didn't exactly sound good to North American buyers.
sold ebauches to other companies under the named Universal Time Co
(just to confuse everyone, there is a DIFFERENT Universal which I think
was Durowe after the Swiss Ebauche group bought it. Durowe was a German
movement maker that the Swiss bought to get easy access to the German
Anyway ... UT 29 = Sportsman = Seiko 66
Side by side comparison 
(Views: 32)
bjohnson -- March 13, 2009 03:53AM
Seiko 66B photo from Ranfft on right
Looks durned close to me! 
(n/t) (Views: 6)
Ricky Lee -- March 13, 2009 04:31AM
Wow. There's no doubt. Cool! (n/t) (Views: 7)
Dave Murphy -- March 13, 2009 04:25AM
No, no, no... that's not it at all > (Views: 18)
TakesALickin -- March 13, 2009 03:41AM
Unichron, as all watch enthusiasts know, was the short lived venture
into watch manufacturing by the Mormon church back in the late
sixties/early seventies. The "UT", of course, is their tribute to the
land they call home, Utah. The Utah caliber 29 was legendary for its
workmanlike finish, and for the fact that you could marry it to parts
from other watch movements... lots and lots of other watch movements.
Some say I know too much watch history, but I'm always glad to share. You might even say it's big o' me!
Lunch...slowly rising...here it comes...

(n/t) (Views: 8)
Chris L -- March 13, 2009 03:47AM
Ah, then my work is done here! 
(n/t) (Views: 6)
TakesALickin -- March 13, 2009 03:53AM
Always a pleasure to watch a man who knows what his job is, and does it in a journeyman style. 
(Views: 8)
Ricky Lee -- March 13, 2009 03:59AM
Even if the job is "Class Clown"...
Cue rimshot! 
(n/t) (Views: 7)
TakesALickin -- March 13, 2009 04:04AM
After reading this, that movement's regulator does look decidedly Japanese (n/t) (Views: 8)
Chris L -- March 13, 2009 03:33AM
It is a little beauty Ricky, such a classic look.
Is it a Citizen? 
(n/t) (Views: 14)
Thomas -- March 16, 2009 01:36AM
Nope, UT = Universal Time = Seiko export product (n/t) (Views: 11)
Ricky Lee -- March 16, 2009 02:08AM
Beauty! Looks like a bit of work is needed>> (Views: 17)
Dave Murphy -- March 16, 2009 01:32AM
>>resetting the hands, but the you're good to go. How bout a nice padded leather strap for that?
Ontario NY, USA
That movement reeks A.Schild (post WWII) 1960's ??? -- somewhere in the 10xx calibers >>> (Views: 14)
John Lind -- March 28, 2009 08:54AM
I was thinking Unitas from the UT . . . but think that it's Unichron
giving its own caliber number for the movement with a signed bridge.
The clues are the layout of the wheel trains . . . some of the bridge
work . . . and a couple visible mounting points. If it is an AS, it
should be quite durable and very reliable. AS did a lot of ebauches in
their heyday.
Apparently it's a Seiko product, based on the 66B movement.. (Views: 12)
Ricky Lee -- March 28, 2009 04:12PM
We discussed it a couple of weeks ago in this thread. (see above)
I haven't tried to independently verify this info, but the side-by-side photos make a powerful argument...
You're right... that is a gorgeous movement. 
(n/t) (Views: 12)
kentparks -- March 28, 2009 12:15AM
you gotta try again

(n/t) (Views: 11)
Adam in NYC -- March 27, 2009 10:37PM