[Britney mode] Ooops I
did it again! [/Britney mode]
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Thursday, 14 August 2008, at 12:24 p.m.
Messages In This Thread
I still like it anyway. BTW, it's a .
..the shape of the lugs! Reminds me of my Erdi 16-Jewel.
And, yes, the case design is one of the things I like about the Cantata. The
itself was the main
attraction, of course, since I know and love it from the
Ironically, I'm not a big fan of Roman numeral dials, which is probably the
most striking design cue of the Cantata. However, since I don't
own any, it fills a hole in my collection. Well, OK, OK, I do
have a couple of Roman numeral dials. But they're so cheesily executed,
so obviously disposable, they don't really count.
And, in the end, I just may end up modding this watch. We'll see..
AKA Mushroom Brands. I mean, come on! There was a Jean Rousseau (1644 – 1699) who was a composer and viola player. And then philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778), of course. You've even got a custom watch strap maker Jean Rousseau.
But the Jean Rousseau (1606 - 1684) these guys are talkin' bout? The one that
produced 12 kids, 7 of whom went on to become Master Watchmakers? Can't Google
up a durned thing on him.
What a coincidence!
They've got it on the dandydealz.com web site for $59.95, so I initially put
in a Best Offer of $50. Hey, never hurts to try! They rejected that
within minutes, so I made the next offer $62. What's the use of quibbling over a
couple of bucks?
The grand total w/ USPS Priority shipping was $69.75, so still not too bad.
If it's half as nicely finished as the , I'll be a
happy camper!
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