Ricky, and as noted in another response, it does suit you to a "T" 
(n/t) (Views: 20)
Chance -- July 24, 2010 07:40AM
Thanks Bro. Colby!
I got to admit.. (Views: 21)
Ricky Lee - July 28, 2010 11:46PM
..that, in a very real way, I do feel like this watch is 'Me'. 

Congratulations Ricky on a very fine and classic Mido
Well done 
(n/t) (Views: 21)
Reto -- July 24, 2010 06:16AM
Thanks Boss! Blushing "Fine and classic" means a lot.. (Views: 5)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 11:42PM
..coming from you. 
'classic' part is summed up best by Bro. Meinhardt, I think. The fact
that this watch works so well on a NATO says a lot, IMNSHO, and is one
reason I had to make it mine.

Congrats Ricky! 
(n/t) (Views: 15)
Brizza -- July 24, 2010 04:56AM

(Views: 17)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 11:37PM (Views: )
I really need some photos of this one in a soft English rain, though, don't you think? 

Wohoo! If yer gonna go uppity on us, that's a great way to go!

(n/t) (Views: 18)
JohnnyT -- July 23, 2010 11:28PM
Perfect choice, O Scottish one 

(n/t) (Views: 17)
itschris -- July 23, 2010 09:51PM
Gotta luv the 7750. WTG! 
(n/t) (Views: 21)
Allan Zirlin -- July 23, 2010 09:39PM
Yup! FINALLY I understand the '7750 wobble'. 
(Views: 16)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 11:26PM
Bro. Allan!

Jeebus, Ricky, that's a huge score!!
Have fun! (n/t) (Views: 16)
Nuvolari -- July 23, 2010 09:11PM
Huge? I am confused Nah, only a smidgen over 44mm. 
(Views: 15)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 11:24PM
Huge Congratulations Ricky Lee!!!! Have a marvelous Trip (n/t) (Views: 17)
Riddim Driven -- July 23, 2010 08:26PM
Bro. Adam! (Views: 18)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 11:21PM
Re: Travel Report of a 5-Day Watch Shopping Orgy - Pt2 IHD!(Views: 20)
BobbyMike -- July 23, 2010 07:23PM
Nice Ricky! I'm glad "my people" treated you right (my dad's family is
from the Cayman Islands - specifically he was the first born here in
the States).
Re: I'm glad "my people" treated you right (my dad's family is from the Cayman Islands.. (Views: 19)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 11:18PM
Grand Cayman was great, though so was Jamaica. I'm torn between which was my favorite, but either easily trumps Cozumel. IMHO.

Very good Ricky. I'm happy for you. 
(n/t) (Views: 17)
Larry -- July 23, 2010 06:24PM
Much appreciated Bro. Larry! I got to admit.. (Views: 24)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 11:12PM
..I'm still pretty happy for meself. 

Very nice, RL! Congrats on a great watch! 
(n/t) (Views: 19)
MCV -- July 23, 2010 06:12PM
As y'all say in Mississippi... (Views: 20)
Les -- July 23, 2010 06:09PM
... you done good. Real good. Excellent choice! --Les
Re: Excellent choice! (Views: 13)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 11:02PM
Thanks Bro. Les!
All else being
equal, I tend to root for the Underdog. So, while I would have happily
brought home a more mainstream brand like Breitling, Longines, Omega,
Tag, etc. had the spirit moved me, I'm perfectly OK with the fact that
the spirit moved me towards a more under-the-radar brand like

Great looking Mido, nice pinstripe like dial finish, congratulations and enjoy. (n/t) (Views: 17)
Paul J Costa -- July 23, 2010 06:08PM
Thanks mate! The dial IS what won me over, I reckon. 
(n/t) (Views: 19)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 10:58PM
Congratulations Ricky. What a sweet chrono you scored!!! 
(n/t) (Views: 15)
Mark C. -- July 23, 2010 06:03PM
Bro. Mark! 
(n/t) (Views: 21)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 10:57PM
Nice watch Ricky Lee! I have a citizen with a similiar dial, but I like that one better! (Views: 21)
dano0 -- July 23, 2010 06:03PM
Oh and that friend of yours auquaracer....just became my instant grail.....I must own one!!!!
Congrats! (Views: 22)
Harold Clitheroe -- July 23, 2010 05:57PM
And good on yer Mate! for getting Miss Pam that rock, and you that
watch. Hope you both enjoy them for a long time to come, and in good
health too!
Re: And good on yer Mate! for getting Miss Pam that rock (Views: 12)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 10:53PM
It's been a while coming, and she's sure earned it.
Harold Clitheroe
Hope you both enjoy them for a long time to come, and in good health too!
Bro. Harold!

That is gorgeous my friend. And what a testament to NATO straps, that you can put one on a RMW like that >>> (Views: 17)
DJM -- July 23, 2010 05:47PM
and it doesn't only NOT look out of place, but IMHO it looks fantastic!
whole thing leaves me with mixed feelings, though, you entering the RMW
realm. It's like when a really good student graduates. I'm happy for
their success, but I hate to see them go.
In all seriousness, congrats on a beautiful acquisition buddy!
Re: ..and it doesn't only NOT look out of place, but IMHO it looks fantastic! (Views: 18)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 10:51PM
I know! Dude said so himself, after I had the NATO rigged. 
Remember, he'd never seen a NATO.. or so he said. He might've been stroking me, but I don't think so. Ennyway, I'd explained all about NATOs, and once I had it on me wrist, I held it up for his inspection and said "See? Ready for combat!". Genuinely not one to lose his enthusiasm after the Platinum Card has been swiped he exclaimed "It really is!".
Even asked to try it on.
I was happy to oblige, as it gave me a chance to shoot photos of his Grand Cayman LE
Mind you, the watch deserves a bit of credit, too.
Not every RMW would look as natural on a NATO as this'n does.
This whole thing leaves me with mixed feelings, though, you entering
the RMW realm. It's like when a really good student graduates. I'm
happy for their success, but I hate to see them go.

Yeah, I know. Surely if we'd ever held an election for Least Likely To
Ever Own A RMW, I'd have been a contender, if not a shoo-in.
But, hey, you follow your heart. And my heart told me that I had to have that

that boy must do a good bit of business > (Views: 18)
greg honeycutt -- July 23, 2010 05:45PM
cause he pegged you with that watch. That is a perfect fit and look for your tastes.
Very nice...though, all those speedy pics have me wanting another
Speedmaster. thanks
Re: ..cause he pegged you with that watch. (Views: 11)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 10:35PM
He did, and I got the distinct
impression that he does. Best durned Watch Peddler I've ever crossed
paths with, and that's a natural fact.
Mind you, I believe I could give him a run for his money. Mayhap I've found the Retirement Career meant for me... 

Pardon me, but would you have any Grey Poupon? 
(n/t) (Views: 17)
Chris L -- July 23, 2010 05:44PM
But of course! 
(n/t) (Views: 15)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 10:27PM
Good work Ricky 
(Views: 21)
gfbiii51 -- July 23, 2010 05:36PM
Will they let you back in Mississippi with that there fancy watch??????
Re: Will they let you back in Mississippi with that there fancy watch?????? (Views: 8)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 10:26PM
I was a bit worried about that meself! 
But, luckily, we don't yet have Customs Stations at the Mississippi border, and Ft. Lauderdale was no problem. They just wanted to be sure I wasn't carryin' 1/4 pound of Jamaican ganja up me bum. 

Big congrats, RL!
Hope you are enjoying your Vaca. (n/t) (Views: 20)
Dave Murphy -- July 23, 2010 05:34PM
Thanks Doc! "Enjoying" barely does it justice. 
(n/t) (Views: 14)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 10:21PM
Very nice!! 
(n/t) (Views: 18)
VoodooDance -- July 23, 2010 05:20PM
mate. 'tis a Dirty Job, but someone's gotta do it. 
(n/t) (Views: 15)
Ricky Lee -- July 28, 2010 10:19PM