Darch Day-Date Field Watch

Ricky Lee |
5389 |
October 10, 2010 10:13AM |
Excellent report Ricky,and congrats on that good looking and value for money watch! (n/t)
Bock |
184 |
October 11, 2010 10:30AM |
Nice presentation Ricky Marked for archive (n/t)
Reto |
127 |
October 11, 2010 12:30AM |
Thanks Boss! 
I edited the Subject Title to make it more "archive friendly".. 
Ricky Lee |
190 |
October 12, 2010 07:48AM |
this brings me to a question that has been in my head for a while now >
How can anyone produce a watch and sell it that cheap? A watch, at that
price, if it arrives in one piece and runs for a week is exceeding any
and all expectations. I just don't understand how an entire watch can be
built (for little more than the movement itself costs) and actually
turn a profit.
greg honeycutt |
142 |
October 10, 2010 04:34PM |
Mass producing robots, zero advertising and...
I have learned that in Hong Kong, sellers are actually willing to work for small margins
Reto |
151 |
October 11, 2010 08:18AM |
Re: How can anyone produce a watch and sell it that cheap?

Well.. I'm a Manufacturing Man, right? So I can understand it, intellectually, even if I am still amazed in me gut.
all about Economy Of Scale. Miyota churns out movements by the
gazillion. Probably costs them all of 49-cents to make that 2105.
Likewise, cases, crystals, crowns, spacer rings, and straps are
purchased on the open market, from manufacturers who make 'em by the
Sticky wicket is the dial, caseback, and buckle, all
of which are signed. So Darch is directly contracting those items,
obviously, if contracting them they are. More likely, those are the
items (probably the only items) they're manufacturing themselves. DIY cuts out the middle-man, keeps the price low.
The burning question, for me, is how can they ship it half way 'round the world and STILL make a profit?
arrived in a permit-paid bulk-rate bag (Permit No. 4151). So no way to
tell what the actual shipping cost was and, sure, that's why it took 28
days to arrive. Obviously Hong Kong Post is cheap and efficient. Still,
this is the aspect that beggars belief, for me. 'cause I can tell you
from experience that shipping a watch to Crete (Hey Bro. Yannis! ) via the least-expensive USPS rate will run you within a buck of what I paid for this watch in total, shipped.
This all leads me to believe that the total manufacturing costs of this watch are under $3. And probably well under! Remember, the $8.98 shipped price I paid for this one is nowhere near as low as it can go. There's still those 2 cream-dials , for which I paid $4.38 per, shipped!
That I purely can't understand. Manufacturing a watch of this caliber, and shipping it from Hong Kong to Mississippi for $4.38 seems impossible. Yet it obviously can be done.
greg honeycutt
A watch, at that price, if it arrives in one piece and runs for a week is exceeding any and all expectations.
But with a in the engine bay, the bloody thing should run just fine for decades.
greg honeycutt
I just don't understand how an entire watch can be built (for little
more than the movement itself costs) and actually turn a profit.
to the choir, mate, preachin' to the choir. Even if you did neglect to
mention the "shipping half-way around the world" aspect. 
Ricky Lee |
168 |
October 10, 2010 05:44PM |
see, I really didn't take shipping into consideration >
it makes no sense to me. I don't recall ever shipping anything overseas for less than a 10 spot either.
greg honeycutt |
114 |
October 10, 2010 06:19PM |
These Hong Kong Darch sellers must be using a wormhole in the space-time continuum to ship their goods.
It's the only theory that fits the reality. 
Ricky Lee |
1865 |
October 10, 2010 06:42PM |
Much increased global shipping volume helps too (n/t)
Reto |
124 |
October 11, 2010 08:20AM |
A great deal on a good looking watch, Ricky. (n/t)
Mark C. |
132 |
October 10, 2010 02:33PM |
Thanks Bro. Mark! The cream-dialed versions..

..which haven't arrived yet, hold the distinction of being THE most inexpensive brand-new wristwatch I've ever purchased.
The previous Budget Champ was this one and, trust me, the Darch blows that watch in the weeds! 
Ricky Lee |
173 |
October 10, 2010 04:23PM |
 Ricky (n/t)
Mark C. |
121 |
October 10, 2010 10:21PM |
Re: WoooooooooHOO! 'tis a me boys, 'tis a !
Nice Ricky Lee where did purchase this one because I have not found the
24 hour dial version of this and I have a neighbor who is looking for
one, he won;t wear a Russian still harboring ill feelings about the
Cuban Missile crisis or something ..... 
KMJ1966 |
138 |
October 10, 2010 02:21PM |
Re: Nice Ricky Lee where did purchase this one because I have not found the 24 hour dial version of this..

The 24-hour dial version is the only one I've ever found. If you found one that ain't, please don't hold out on us!
..and I have a neighbor who is looking for one, he won;t wear a Russian
still harboring ill feelings about the Cuban Missile crisis or something
Some folks is funny that way.
Your best bets to purchase a Darch are probably HERE (vast inventory at that seller! ) and HERE.
Mind you, Bro. Hans is the real guru with Darch links. Perhaps he'll chime in.
BTW, that first seller has this..
..gorgeous blue model that I haven't seen before. 
Ricky Lee |
169 |
October 10, 2010 04:15PM |
Most places around here charge $10 to change a battery nowadays...
Getting a new watch for less than that is a real deal. The next time my kids need a watch, I know where I'm looking. 
JFK3531 |
137 |
October 10, 2010 02:07PM |
Just so! A single cell runs $5.88 at Wal-Mart nowadays, for Pete's sake. And I meself..
..charge $10 for a battery change, if it's an uncommonly hard-to-find cell that I don't carry in stock.
Getting a new watch for less than that is a real deal.
And, again, a bare movement will run you more than what these watches do. Worst case, twice as much!
The next time my kids need a watch, I know where I'm looking. 
Great idea! Several sellers actually advertise these as "boy's size". 
Ricky Lee |
142 |
October 10, 2010 03:53PM |
A lot of watch for the money. A base metal case is forgiveable for that kind of money. (n/t)
Paul J Costa |
136 |
October 10, 2010 02:03PM |
T'anks Bro. Paul! So..
..how many have you ordered? 
Ricky Lee |
118 |
October 10, 2010 03:46PM |
I've been looking at them, I went on a recent watch buying streak and have to wait for now. (n/t)
Paul J Costa |
110 |
October 10, 2010 05:20PM |
But these are so inexpensive, if ye skip lunch one day, it's more than paid for. 
Sure, that's no trivial sacrifice. I admit I don't skip too durned many lunches meself. 
Ricky Lee |
115 |
October 10, 2010 06:00PM |
Looks fantastic for the price. (n/t)
115 |
October 10, 2010 01:16PM |
'tis. I may do a Full Boat Point-by-point Smackdown Comparo against a Big Lots Watch, in honor of Bro. MCV. 
Hmmmm. Not a bad idea, actually! 
Ricky Lee |
129 |
October 10, 2010 03:43PM |
Great review Rickey ( without the "e". I am sorry) (n/t)
Jan |
115 |
October 10, 2010 12:02PM |
sir! And, no worries..
..I'm totally used to Rickey with an "e". Maybe 10% of my mail comes addressed that way.
But, after all, it is a perfectly valid alternate spelling. 
Ricky Lee |
113 |
October 10, 2010 03:40PM |
Great review!

The case not being made of SS is something I mentioned once already, I
figured at the time that it might be made out of pot metal. The finish
makes up for it though!
The 'lumed dial' version will probably
surprise you, as that one keeps glowing for many, many hours. Downside
is that the hands blend into the background after five minutes or so,
which makes it impossible to figure out what time it is
almost as easy to train as my Border Collie - I supply an eBay link,
and you press the 'Buy it Now' button. Nice! Want some more cookies links? 
Hans_NL |
122 |
October 10, 2010 12:00PM |
Re: The case not being made of SS is something I mentioned once already..

I totally missed that.
The finish makes up for it though!
It is
a handsome finish. Again, a dead ringer for beadblasted SS. Only
caveat, for me, is durability. We'll have to wait and see on that score,
I guess...
The 'lumed dial' version will probably surprise you..
{sigh} At some point I'll have to get one, I suppose.
You're almost as easy to train as my Border Collie - I supply an eBay
link, and you press the 'Buy it Now' button. Nice! Want some more cookies links? 
Guilty as charged.
It even works on $50+ watches! Just ask Bro. Marc!
Great review! 
Ricky Lee |
158 |
October 10, 2010 03:35PM |
Good for the price, but too small and they never impressed me much, anyways! 
The one I had from Sportsmanguide
sure looks the same and it just felt cheap. For $10, okay for some, but
I won't be buying any, esp. in bulk!
Sorry, RL.
179 |
October 10, 2010 11:50AM |
Re: The one I had from Sportsmanguide sure looks the same..
I recall us discussing that one. It went for, what? Like $15 or $20?
..and it just felt cheap.
know, try as I might, I can't see it as "feeling cheap". With day/date
and screwdown caseback, it actually feels quite upscale to me.. at least
judged against it's natural competition down at yonder Wal-Mart.
For $10, okay for some, but I won't be buying any, esp. in bulk! Sorry, RL.
No need to apologize.
It's plain a Darch isn't for everyone - the sub-38mm size alone
guarantees that. And, of course, many a WIS won't touch a base metal
case under any circumstances, that we can be.
As far as buying in bulk.. well, I may be , but 'tis crazy like a fox! If I don't make a fat profit retailing these to the Local Yokels I'll eat me hat. I fancy I know me clientele, and these are right up their alley. 
Ricky Lee |
150 |
October 10, 2010 03:28PM |
Re: Good for the price, but too small and they never impressed me much, anyways! 
Now that's a matter of opinion, and taste. I love them to death, they
look great on my small 17cm wrist, and they make great presents. You
can't expect much at this price point. To be more precise: you can't
expect anything at this price point, not even that the darned thing
works  When seen in that light, Darch made the seemingly impossible possible.
we all would have the same taste and opinions, PMWF would be the most
boring place on earth. That is why I enjoy this forum so much - all
those styles, prices, one big candy store!
Hans_NL |
164 |
October 10, 2010 12:12PM |
Re: Now that's a matter of opinion, and taste. I love them to death..
Just so.
..they look great on my small 17cm wrist..
Oh, they're tailor-made for a Girly Wrist, alright.
Yet I fancy they ain't too small even for a Manly 21cm Wrist like mine.
You can't expect much at this price point. To be more precise: you can't
expect anything at this price point, not even that the darned thing
works  When seen in that light, Darch made the seemingly impossible possible.
Well.. I'm gonna expect that the darned thing work, no matter how low the price!
But, sure, I'm with ye in principle.
If we all would have the same taste and opinions, PMWF would be the most
boring place on earth. That is why I enjoy this forum so much - all
those styles, prices, one big candy store!
Well said, Bro. Hans, well said! 
Ricky Lee |
137 |
October 10, 2010 05:09PM |