An Auto repair rant
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Sunday, 12 March 2006, at 6:14 p.m.
Baby was in need of new shoes, and likes the Michelin Hydroedge in size P225/55R17. After shopping around, I found that Sam's Club had the best price by far (nearly $100 < than their closest competitor, and more than $300 < than some). So, off to Sam's we go.
Long line, but that's to be expected on a Saturday. The salesman was OK, he double-checked my special instructions ("Left rear goes to trunk, as spare. New tire goes on existing spare." and "Do not use air-impact with locking-lugnut key. Hand tools only."). I also reminded him that the Hydroedge is a directional tire, and asked him to make sure that they were put on properly. He seemed a bit offended "We are professionals, sir." OK, fair enough. Never hurts to double-check, though. 2-1/2 to 3 hour wait, we're told, so off we go for errands and a leisurely lunch.
We arrived back after four hours, expecting the car to be ready to go. But no, it's still up on the rack. OK, we'll hang out for a bit. My wife went in to browse around, I stayed in the parking lot, where I had a clear view of the work.
10, 15, 20 minutes and nothing is happening. Then a manager comes out, and starts conferring with two workers, huddled around my car. Uh oh. A problem, obviously. So I saunter over, get the manager's attention. Just as he's explaining that there's a "..bit of a problem with my lugnut key", seems it's "..slightly stripped out" one of the workers produces an air impact and commences to hammering away. SonofaBITCH!!
I'm afraid I nearly lost it.
In my best Drill Sergeant Yell: "Bubba! DROP the impact wrench and step AWAY from the car!" Well, that got their attention.
I patiently explained that an air impact on a lugnut key is a no-no, and his response was "Sir, we're professionals." (Where have I heard that before?!!) "You're not qualified to tell us how to do the job." I told him, in no uncertain terms, that was BS and that, furthermore, they'd agreed to it up front. "No air impact wrench. Hand tools only. It's on the *^@$ing Work Order!" Well, he was taken aback by that, walks over and reads the WO, yet comes back over to argue. "That's not how we do it, sir. We're on a schedule.." (Oh?! And my car, which should've been done an hour ago, is still up on the rack because..?!) "..and need the air tools to speed the work. But it's OK because we use 'torque bars'" and, incredibly, motions for the worker to get back to it. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! May I see that 'torque bar'?" OK.. "See? '100 ft lbs max." It does indeed say '100 ft lbs max'.. but it's a solid steel shaft w/ built-in socket! This is the maximum torque the tool's rated for, yet this fool thinks it's some kind of torque-limiting device!
Oh, and never mind the fact that 100 ft lbs is a full 25% more torque than Ma Mopar specifies in the shop manual!
Well, at that point I did lose it.
Fellow got a cussin' up one side, down the other, and was told point blank that he was a stupid git who wasn't qualified to sweep the floor. Think I might've mentioned his mother. Also told him that if he didn't get the HAND tools out and finish my car right, per the WORK ORDER, he was gonna be lookin' for a new job come Monday morning. If he could get around in the cast, that is.
Luckily my wife showed up at that point and, after a brief huddle to explain the problem, took over. In the end, she had the STORE Manager out there, in addition to the Auto Service Manager. The Auto Service Manager said that if I said another word, he'd make sure our Sam's membership was revoked. Big mistake.
My wife's like "Don't worry. You're dealing with me now." It wasn't pretty. She's far better at this stuff than I. Will barely raise her voice, let alone utter a cuss word. But she is deadly nevertheless and, in the end, she had the Store Manager eatin' out of her hand. We got an apology, a promise to reimburse us the $50 cost of a new lugnut key, and the Auto Service Manager came off lookin' like the d!ckhead that he is.
God, I love that woman.
To add insult to injury, when they finally pulled the car out, and I checked it over, I discovered that that the "Left rear goes to trunk, as spare. New tire goes on existing spare." instruction had totally gone over their heads, too!
So after I showed 'em the tire that had been on the L rear, they had to take the spare and put THAT tire back on it.
What a bunch of buffoons!
Needless to say, if you live in the Memphis area and are in the market for tires, I recommend that you do NOT take your car to the Sam's Club on Goodman in Southaven. Granted, it's hard to pass up Sam's prices. But go over to the Sam's on Winchester Road, instead. Can't vouch for them, really, but hopefully they're better'n the Southaven store. They couldn't be worse.
Thanks for lettin' me vent,s.
Later, y'all! -Ricky
Messages In This Thread
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Auto repair rant
>> (views: 112)
Ricky Lee McBroom -- Sunday, 12 March 2006, at 6:14 p.m.
- That is a
, buddy. I had much better luck at a Sam's Club in Las Vegas a few years back.
John N -- Monday, 13 March 2006, at 1:54 a.m.- They may be better trained at Costco.
(views: 3)
Sushirob -- Sunday, 12 March 2006, at 7:53 p.m.We are professionals, we watched the training video!!!
(views: 2)
chrise2469 -- Sunday, 12 March 2006, at 6:33 p.m.- Sears did something similar to me once with directional tyres...all had to be re-done when I noticed (views: 20)
Stef G -- Sunday, 12 March 2006, at 6:27 p.m.
I never went back. Now my tyres get done by a local shop which has just as good prices as the big chains and MUCH better service. It's their business and they aren't dropouts from the local highschool (like some of those other professionals ).![]()
- Sounds like a pain, but funny story!!
(views: 1)
Mike Omer -- Sunday, 12 March 2006, at 6:27 p.m.
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