Caveman's Watch Forum
Phorum's a bit slow tonight, so I just went and built a watch. 
Ricky Lee
March 18, 2009 04:57AM |
Registered: April 2005
Posts: 2,347 (2009-04) |
22 minutes flat, a new personal record for me. 
Been a while since we had a Photoshop Contest. (IOW I'm too sleepy to take a photo right now
Let's see who can come up with a convincin' hack. What I did watch take this watch..
HERE for larger photo
..gut it, and whup the innards into this'n...
HERE for larger photo
Much as I love the
, that getup jes weren't doin' it fer me. 
I'll take some photos of the actual watch, we'll see who can come
closest. Wink, wink ... A prize.. we need a prize. Well, I'm sure that
Allan, by the power invested in him as our Reigning WOTM, will be happy
to declare the winner
Photoshop Champion For Life. 
G'night y'all!
Messages In This Thread
Phorum's a bit slow tonight, so I just went and built a watch.
(views: 72)
Ricky Lee -- March 18, 2009 04:57AM
Sumpin' like this? 
(views: 17)
Dave Murphy -- March 18, 2009 12:50PM
'm guessing you had to use the black crown. And the skunk NATO.
{404 Error, photo no longer available)
Ontario NY, USA
Re: I'm guessing you had to use the black crown. (views: 12)
Ricky Lee -- March 18, 2009 03:46PM
You underestimate the injunuity of the Mississippian Caveman..
You should be sleeping and I enjoy being able to work without having to peek at the forum 
(n/t) (views: 7)
Reto -- March 18, 2009 09:07AM
The caveman slays another
sabre-toothed tiger. No challenge goes unresponded to. Are there any
"Honorary Life Members" on the phorum? The Rick gets my vote. (n/t) (views: 11)
Allan Zirlin -- March 18, 2009 05:04AM
What? No takers on the Photoshop Contest? A'ight, I'll gi' ye the photo promised... 
Ricky Lee
March 18, 2009 12:41PM |
Registered: April 2005
Posts: 2,347 (2009-04) | my late-night thread (barely seven hours ago.
I din't get enough sleep!
And I intended this t'be one o' my Fuzzy Bathrobe
© but, alas, the sleeve didn't make it.. 
So, to give it's official name, I introduce you to the RickyWatch version 1.62 -
Click HERE for supersized photo
17-4PH Stainless steel billet, long lug, large face, polished finish (v. 1.62)
And deciding where to put it in the RickyWatch series presented it's own conundrum. Remember, I'd forgotten this specific case even existed. And I "had proof" that it didn't, in the Official RickyWatch Production Log;
- v. 0.80 x 1 - Prototype. Titanium billet, matte finish. No Pictures of this one will be posted!
- v. 1.00 x 1 - Program prove-out piece. 7075-T6 aluminum billet, brushed finish.
- v. 1.06 x 3 - Titanium billet, long lug, regular face, matte finish.
- v. 1.10 x 2 - Titanium billet, long lug, large face, matte finish.
- v. 1.20 x 2 - Titanium billet, short lug, regular face, matte finish.
- v. 1.40 x 1 - Titanium billet, long lug, regular face, matte finish, screwdown caseback.
- v. 1.60 x 2 - 17-4PH Stainless steel billet, short lug, regular face, matte finish.
- v. 1.61 x 1 - 17-4PH Stainless steel billet, long lug, small face, polished finish
- v. 2.00 x 5 - Titanium billet, long lug, regular face, shallow face polygon, matte finish.
- v. 2.06 x 2 - Titanium billet, long lug, large face, shallow face polygon, matte finish.
- v. 2.80 x 2 - Titanium billet, short lug, large face, shallow face polygon, bright finish.
- v. 2.90 x 1 - 17-4PH Stainless steel billet, short lug, regular face, deep face polygon, matte finish.
I knew I'd machined 25 pieces.. and they're all in that list!
So WTH did this'n come from?
Have I stepped in't The Twilight Zone?

But, no, the answer is much simpler.
It usually is.
See, my original count didn't include the aluminum prototype/CNC program prove-out piece.
This one.. ahhh, I dunno, me boys. Let's just say that the jury's still out on the Royal Purple dial.
Thing is, though, in bright outdoor light it is..!
And in very low light, it appears black - also
. But in that vast middle range of lighting conditions.. solid purple.
chameleon dial... 
We'll see. Mebbe it'll grow on me. 
T'anks for lookin' and Have A Grrrrrrrrrrrr8! Day
Messages In This Thread
What? No takers on the Photoshop Contest? A'ight, I'll gi' ye the photo promised..
(views: 60)
Ricky Lee -- March 18, 2009 12:41PM
Aw, jeez. While you were posting, I was GIMPing. 
(views: 33)
Dave Murphy -- March 18, 2009 12:52PM
I was wrong about the crown, and right about the strap.
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Hey TakesAChickenLickin! Here's why I never throw ANY watch or watch part away!. 
Ricky Lee
March 22, 2009 02:42AM |
Registered: April 2005
Posts: 2,347 (2009-04) |
I was lookin' through my pile o' shi.. err, stash today, on the
off chance that I might have a crystal to fit the Buren. Well, no luck
there but looky here what I did discover..
HERE for larger photo
Yup! I found a recycled ca. 1970's hi-dome acrylic crystal that's
a perfect fit in the small-face variant of the DIY watch case.
Ya see? What'd I tell ye?! 
WoooHOO! I predict there'll be a new RickyWatch purty soon... 
Messages In This Thread
Hey TakesAChickenLickin! Laughing out loud! Here's why I never throw ANY watch or watch part away!
(Views: 88)
Ricky Lee -- March 22, 2009 02:42AM
It just goes to show > 
(Views: 30)
TakesALickin -- March 22, 2009 04:33AM
that what looks like a big mess to some folks, looks like pennies from heaven to others!
Re: that what looks like a big mess to some folks, looks like pennies from heaven to others! 
(Views: 15)
Ricky Lee -- March 22, 2009 05:08AM
Yup, looks like an Opportunity With A Capital 'O' to me!
I think your having to much fun. 
(n/t) (Views: 13)
Mark C. -- March 22, 2009 03:49AM
and a Big Shoutout to me PMWF Brother gregg honeycutt.. 
Ricky Lee
May 10, 2009 01:24AM |
Registered: April 2005
Posts: 2,718 (2009-05) |
gregg and I did a swap a while back, one of my RickyWatch Cases for the infamous Smoking Gun Alpha.
was not able to locate the crown/stem assembly, so it's been sitting on
hold. Which is fine, as I value it purely as a curiosity, not a
wearable watch. But to prove that gregg has a bit o' hound dog in 'im,
he did recently sniff it out, and it arrived in me mailbox this
afternoon. I yam soooo excited! The Smoking Gun Alpha will live again! 
gregg didn't stop there. No. Standup guy that he is, he also included a
spiffy universal-fit mesh bracelet in the envelope. At first I was like
"Riiight. Like that's gonna fit." But upon closer inspection it
proved to be a Long and, though I customarily take an X-Long, there's
hope. If I fit it to a watch with a 50mm+ width it might work!
Well, it took about 14 nanoseconds to ascertain that the latest RickyWatch, the v. 1.62 Shiny, was the perfect candidate. Without further ado I produced the strap changin' tools, and a minute later I was lookin' at this;
Click HERE for larger photo or HERE for supersized photo
Looks Grrrrrrr8!
But will it actually fit? The suspense is killin' me, and me hands are shakin as I strap it on...
Click HERE for larger photo or HERE for supersized photo

Three cheers for gregg honeycutt, The Best Damned WIS To Ever Come Out Of Alabama!

Or, at least, the best one that hasn't since moved to Mississippi!

Thanks Brother gregg,

Messages In This Thread
and a Big Shoutout to me PMWF Brother gregg honeycutt.
(Views: 38)
Ricky Lee -- May 10, 2009 01:24AM
Methinks we're seeing here the One Strap to Rule Them All! >>> (Views: 4)
John Lind -- May 10, 2009 05:10PM
In the Land of McBroom, where the Shadows lie.
(Gets mighty dark inside that cave.)
Re: Gets mighty dark inside that cave. (Views: 4)
Ricky Lee -- May 10, 2009 07:47PM
'deed it do.
But, hey, it's dry!
And as much rain as we've had over the last couple o' weeks Scary! that's somethin' to be thankful for!
Haha, I remember the Smoking Gun affair fondly. That watch is a celebrity in its own right 
(n/t) (Views: 4)
bjornkeizers -- May 10, 2009 04:25PM
Heh. Yup, that's certainly how I see it. A celebrity.. (Views: 3)
Ricky Lee -- May 10, 2009 08:49PM
..akin to, say, a Paris Hilton
or Britney Spears
, perhaps. But "a celebrity in its own right" nevertheless.
Good one Greg . . . Looks absolutely great on it Ricky! (n/t) (Views: 1)
John Lind -- May 10, 2009 05:42AM
John! Fits real good.. even got 3 or 4 mm to spare. 
(n/t) (Views: 1)
Ricky Lee -- May 10, 2009 07:20AM
I found the mesh when I found the crown > (Views: 2)
greg honeycutt -- May 10, 2009 04:44AM
I knew it was too big for my wrist, so I took a shot. I'm glad it
worked out. I do hope you can get the smoking alpha to run again.
Re: I do hope you can get the smoking alpha to run again. (Views: 1)
Ricky Lee -- May 10, 2009 07:14AM
Well.. it is running. But
still gots a beeeeg problem. The setting mechanism is "stuck" in set
mode. So, while the movement is beating, and the seconds hand is
sweeping, the hour & minutes hands aren't advancing. Methinks this
one is going to require the attention of a Pro.
greg honeycutt
I knew it was too big for my wrist, so I took a shot. I'm glad it worked out.
Sure glad you did!
Thanks again, gregg...