As always good work, Ricky.
(n/t) (views: 12)
Mark C. -- March 15, 2009 10:24PM
Fun read Ricky
and congrats 
(n/t) (views: 12)
Reto -- March 15, 2009 08:56PM
Uh, Ricky, I'd like to point out that since you are the maker of these cases,>> (views: 22)
Dave Murphy -- March 15, 2009 06:50PM
>>that you moved on out of the cave long ago.
Are there RickyWatch cases in reserve?
about doing a survey of those watch-it modules, and then try to find
out what swiss handwind movement fits in it's place? for example, the
unitas 6580 was quite popular, and under 9 lignes.
Ontario NY, USA
Re: ..that you moved on out of the cave long ago.

(views: 21)
Ricky Lee -- March 15, 2009 07:44PM
Not Caveman enough for ye?!
OK! I'll fix you, Murphy! I'm gonna go take it back apart and add the caveman peace de risizzstance!
Dave Murphy
Are there RickyWatch cases in reserve?
Yeah, three. You want one, Dave? I'd be honored to have you put together a DaveRicky Watch.
Damned curious to see what route you'd go.
If you're up fer the challenge jest lemme know. After all, greg
honeycutt is allegedley doin' one. (And Great Jumping Jehosaphats,
honeycutt! How long's it take ye ta' build a bloody watch!
Get off'n your duff and git t'goin'!
) ..aah, sorry for goin' off an a tangent there, Dave.
Dave Murphy
How about doing a survey of those watch-it modules, and then try to
find out what swiss handwind movement fits in it's place? for example,
the unitas 6580 was quite popular, and under 9 lignes.
a'ight, Wise Guy. Show me how it's done.
Seriously, 'tis not the diameter that's the problem wi' the RickyWatch case. 'tis the depth.
Movements thicker than 5mm can be accomodated only by having a 'dish'
in the caseback. Given the typical 1 to 2mm dish I see in generic
snapin casebacks (it varies, but this case needed a 31.7mm caseback w/
1mm dish). So autos are out, and your choice in handwinds is pretty
limited. These
pin-levers work a treat, though, and the more I fool wi' 'em the more a
likes 'em. Sure, if ever there was a movement for a Caveman, tis the
Wow! that would be an honor!>> (views: 14)
Dave Murphy -- March 15, 2009 09:00PM
Ricky Lee
You want one, Dave? I'd be honored to have you put together a DaveRicky Watch.
Wow, that's quite an offer! I'll tell you what, whenever I get around
to machining some cases, I'll trade one of mine for one of yours! That
way, we can both make Dave/Ricky watches!
Ontario NY, USA
I'd settle for a Vostok with a custom MurphyBezel..
Got any o' those stashed? 
(n/t) (views: 17)
Ricky Lee -- March 15, 2009 09:07PM
I wish I did. I'm down to a few "imperfect" ones>> (views: 15)
Dave Murphy -- March 15, 2009 09:26PM
>>that might be able to be used, depending how careful the installer is.
At the time, I tried to sell some to put a few bucks back in my pocket.
But you know how that goes, I didn't even recoup 1/4 of what I had in
material and workholding fixtures.
Ontario NY, USA