Checkin' in from the road - day 3..
By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Date: Tuesday, 21 June 2005, at 11:29 a.m.
Day 3 (Monday June 20): Picked up my sweety at Denver Int'l, right on time! Yippee! I was gettin' lonesome.. and a trip like this is so much better when you've got someone to share it with! Hit some dense fog on the way to the airport, mind you. NOT fun. I'd probably have pulled over to wait it out, had I not had a plane to meet.. and had I not been so eager to see my baby.
Once we headed out from Denver, it was adios to the flatlands. The next 256 miles were like this:
Rocky Mountains from I-70 Just a beautiful ride! Alas, the sun was so bright that it overwhelmed the camera's auto functions, and most of our pics are overexposed.
Ah well, so it goes. We've got the memories, after all!
Wasn't all sunny today, though. Indeed there was a huge contrast in the weather. Foggy and damp near Limon, sunny and hot in Denver, then rain showers around Breckinridge, and back to sunny and hot by the time the Eisenhower tunnel was 30 miles behind us. Hey, "..a little rain must fall." Else you wouldn't appreciate the sunshine!
But hey, speakin' of watches.. no one's ventured a guess on the ID of that second watch I'm wearin'! Here's another hint: I'm not wearing it for it's timekeeping abilities, but it is very much being used as a 'tool'. Come on, guys! You can do it!
Ah well, time to pack. Today's destination: The Grand Canyon. Life is good!
Checkin' in from the road - day 3..
> (views: 77)
Ricky Lee McBroom -- Tuesday, 21 June 2005, at 11:29 a.m.
- SOund like you guys are have a lot of fun!
More pics please!
(views: 4)
Chris Moy -- Tuesday, 21 June 2005, at 1:56 p.m.- Cool! The weather here yesterday was crazy, Sorry you had to go thru it.
(views: 6)
Jeff Hargrave -- Tuesday, 21 June 2005, at 12:29 p.m.- very nice
(views: 4)
Fernando Campos -- Tuesday, 21 June 2005, at 12:20 p.m.- The tactical H501 (sorry might not be the right model number) and thanks a lot Ricky >>> (views: 11)
Reto -- Tuesday, 21 June 2005, at 12:07 p.m.