in from the road.. >>
Posted By: Ricky
Lee McBroom
Date: Sunday, 19 June 2005, at 12:47 p.m.
..specifically a Super 8 motel in Perry, OK. Yeah, I did manage to squeeze the laptop into the panniers.
And bought a wi-fi card at the local Wal-Mart last night. First time I've ever used wireless. It rocks! Quite a bit faster'n I expected.. really quite usable!
Great start to the trip! Great weather, clear roads.. and no tickets.
The spiffy new Cobra radar detector did save my butt once already, though. 'twas a wise investment, I'm thinkin'!
The Casio is performing great! Perfect watch for this duty, I think. And Jeff! I saw that you archived my little write-up on the strap, obviously. I'm flabbergasted! That wasn't really worthy, compared to the other great stuff in the archives. I'm flattered, though.. Thanks!
O' course, being a WIS, I'm wearin' two watches.
Care to guess which is the other? A hint, I've reviewed it..
Tonight's destination: Burlington, Colorado.
I'll leave you with a pic from yesterday:
Woody Guthrie Monument in Okemah, OK Well, I'm outta here. Time to go burn some road! Adios, Amigos!