A curious phenomenon. Anyone else see this in action?

Ricky Lee |
375 |
July 30, 2009 03:41PM |
Maybe they wanted to see and handle the watch in person before deciding, then thought it rude to try on...
your watch and then go buy it elsewhere?
Steve A
Perth, Western Australia - the most remote capital city in the world
“A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.” Lee Segall
SteveA95 |
108 |
July 30, 2009 08:47PM |
Re: ..your watch and then go buy it elsewhere?
Ah.. maybe so in the case the Seiko. And one of the Casios, too, come to think of it.
I hadn't quite thought of it that way, but now that you mention it.. 
Ricky Lee |
119 |
July 31, 2009 07:21AM |
some people don't want to deal with ebay, or are afraid of it (n/t)
Bill J. |
121 |
July 30, 2009 05:49PM |
I understand the rationale a little.
A lot of people just don't "get" buying online. Some people have no ebay
account at all and are dependent on others to bid and pay. Others have
heard every bad thing about giving credit card info out by phone and
online and are scared to do it. However, you got what they want dangling
right in front of them, cash is on hand, why not get that one. No
wondering if you are getting ripped off or had your CC info stolen.
Chris L |
125 |
July 30, 2009 05:19PM |
The fellow who offered me more than I paid for the watches is very
eBay savvy, and buys lots of stuff online. He's not afraid of losing his
CC info as he pays by Paypal. Gotta be the impulse thing, at least with
him. Other folks don't do online anything, much less eBay.
Yeppers, it's the "Oh I gotta have that thing, now!!" that's probably occurring.
Flex |
101 |
July 30, 2009 05:33PM |
Re: ..eBay savvy, and buys lots of stuff online. ..Gotta be the impulse thing, at least with him.

In the case of the SND387, 'twas
the same for me. I mean, the chap is a mechanical engineer, and a
whip-smart 34 year-old one at that. He has to be online savvy to do his job in the manner he does it - I.e. danged good.
him.. well, this is gonna sound like bragging, be what he did was "buy
the seller" pure and simple. He's one of the few boy geniuses that
understand the old pharts are savvy in some ways that he's yet to learn.
He respects my judgement in watches, and when I waxed poetic on the
SND387 and it's 7T92 movement (and, remember, he sees the other co-workers chrono..
..the one that convinced me to buy me first 7T92 and.. well, he didn't have a chance.
I even recommended a basic set of watchmaking tools for him, and taught
him to change the batteries on his sweety's numerous watches. . He
probably garnered that into a little tail, and so he owes me..
Other folks don't do online anything, much less eBay.
it works both ways. The fellows I sold the Casio hunting timers to..
well, lets just say Hell Would Freeze Over before they Typed Their CC #
into a computer!
Ricky Lee |
132 |
July 30, 2009 06:38PM |
It happened twice with the same guy, different watches... Crazy.... (n/t)
Flex |
117 |
July 30, 2009 05:11PM |