Enjoy that moonie! (Views: 5)
hedgesjr -- May 11, 2009 12:22AM
I remember seeing these (with regular lugs, I recall) when I was in high school, and lusting after them.
Very Cool! 
(n/t) (Views: 3)
SoCalWis -- May 10, 2009 11:43PM
Very nice and remarkably similar to one of mine... 
(Views: 15)
jgiedt -- May 10, 2009 10:49PM
The face looks familiar, no? Thanks for the great report! I appreciate your posts.- Jeff
Sure does! Just might be the same 7F39 Seiko movement! 
(Views: 6)
Ricky Lee -- May 10, 2009 11:45PM
Certainly the layout seems to be an exact match. If it has a 2nd crown at 9 o'clock, that is?
Thanks for the great report! I appreciate your posts.- Jeff

certainly seem to be in good company in liking this watch. A quick
search of the SCWF turned up one from none other than yobokies...
..and given HIS knowledge of watches (and, indeed, all things horological!) that speaks volumes.
And one from our own Jim Halinda...
..though, WTH has Jim been lately? Last archived post I got from him is 2007!
And this one from.. ahh, crap! Forgot to tag the poster. But 'tis a nice photo!
And perhaps my favorite, by BrandonS;
Brandon has also posted here on the
in the past.
Ennyway, the
7F39 movement is way, way, way under-rated, I reckon!
Yeah, it does have one hiding under my cuff. (Views: 4)
jgiedt -- May 11, 2009 02:00AM
I understand that LaSalle is(was) a Seiko brand. That watch is my college grad gift from Dad in 1988.
Re: I understand that LaSalle is (was) a Seiko brand. (Views: 4)
Ricky Lee -- May 11, 2009 02:28AM
Ah! Yes, now that I brush the cobwebs out of me cranium, I do believe you're right.
Almost certainly a 7F39 hiding in there, then.
Nice result!
How 'bout doing me a favor' and>> (Views: 4)
Dave Murphy -- May 10, 2009 10:29PM
>>making some quick measurements of that 16mm strap. Like
springbar-to-tang on the buckle end, and springbar-to-hole on the other
end, plus the range of adjustment of the holes.
I got a couple
Elgins around here, which take a 16mm strap, and while my wrist is not
as big as yours, it's bigger than most guys around here. And those
elgins are smaller cases. So, I'm trying to gauge whether or not to
specify the x-long strap.
And finally, I say if Miss Pamela has been eyeing that watch, you better shine it up for her.
You can admire that seiko just as well on her wrist as on yours!
Ontario NY, USA
Sure thing! I make it.. (Views: 4)
Ricky Lee -- May 10, 2009 11:06PM
springbar-to-tang on the buckle end = 86.5mm
springbar-to-first-hole on the long end = 66mm
springbar-to-last-hole on the long end = 107mm
hole spacing = 7mm
Dave Murphy
I'm trying to gauge whether or not to specify the x-long strap.
It's available in a Long as well as X-Long. Prexactly how that differs dimensionally.. well, that's up to you and Otto.
Dave Murphy
..you better shine it up for her. Laughing! You can admire that seiko just as well on her wrist as on yours!
Hey! I don't steal HER watches!
yeah, you're right. It really does fit her better'n me, so at some
point I'll almost certainly turn it over to her, hat in hand. And two
will get ya five I get lucky that evenin'!
So noted! I'll use that>> (Views: 4)
Dave Murphy -- May 11, 2009 01:17AM
>>info to determine which I need for the project.
two will get ya five
prolly just so.
wow. thats a beautiful watch .. >> (Views: 5)
anjizkit -- May 10, 2009 09:27PM
at least i can sleep soundly thinking that none of my 6.1 inch wrist sized watches will fit you (or ur wife)
Re: ..i can sleep soundly thinking that none of my 6.1 inch wrist sized watches will fit you (or ur wife) 
(Views: 4)
Ricky Lee -- May 10, 2009 11:22PM
You're safe in the case of me own fat-ass wrist, sure.
But not from Miss Pamela!
indeed, she's almost an exact match, at 6-1/8 inch. Only thing that
saves your bacon is, she likes her watch to fit a li'l on the loose
side (if I adjust one of hers to the same class of fit I like, she says
"It's strangling my wrist!"
) , so 6-3/8" to 6-1/2" works for her.
thing is, the OEM bracelet was adjusted to ~ 5-3/4" when it arrived. Is your wrist really that small, PaulGeo?
AM hiding all my watches. and yes paul geo's wrist is smaller than mine too (n/t) (Views: 4)
anjizkit -- May 11, 2009 02:10AM
Ah, you can trust Miss Pam.
She'd never steal your watches. (Views: 5)
Ricky Lee -- May 11, 2009 02:40AM
Unless I put 'er up to it, that is!
6.1 inch? I have fingers bigger than that!! 
(n/t) (Views: 4)
Allan Zirlin -- May 10, 2009 10:30PM
Hey now. It's not the size of the wrist that matters as much as what you can do with it. 
(Views: 6)
Chris L -- May 10, 2009 10:43PM
At least that is what I've been told all my life by ladies I've arm-wrestled.
Hmmmm. Wonder why that sounds familiar?

(n/t) (Views: 4)
Ricky Lee -- May 10, 2009 11:23PM
Whew! That could've taken a nasty turn! 
(n/t) (Views: 3)
TakesALickin -- May 10, 2009 11:03PM