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A very, very special !

Ricky Lee |
234 |
January 22, 2011 10:23AM |
Congrats Mr. WOTY. And a for Jeremy. (n/t)
Mark C. |
46 |
January 23, 2011 12:12AM |
Congrats Ricky & WTG Jeremy . 6105 endlinks should be 19mm >
& the 6309 22mm. Maybe they're SKX007 endlinks? 
Adam in NYC |
48 |
January 22, 2011 02:49PM |
Re: Maybe they're SKX007 endlinks?

Maybe. I confess it's still something of a mystery to me. 
Ricky Lee |
48 |
January 23, 2011 12:10PM |
Congrats Ricky! (n/t)
Wen |
39 |
January 22, 2011 12:50PM |
Congrats Ricky! A for Jeremy and the others! Also...
...those end-links sure are not designed for the 6105 as they have a
measly 19mm lug width. I'm with Allen, probably made for the cushion
cased 6309-704x. But I've seen more ill-fitting end-links than yours
from Rolex or Omega watches from the same era. 
Wycombe |
63 |
January 22, 2011 11:20AM |
Let's see what we can do about the end link issue. They do not fit as depicted.

I thought it was awfully quite from the Ricky Lee front. You've been working on one of your big posts all morning I see!
first thing I'd like to mention is that I was just the instigator.
Several of us who elected you chipped in. Some of them wished to remain
anonymous, so I have just kept everyone anonymous to this point. Anyone
who chipped in is free to post up!
The second thing is that I'm a little disappointed that the end links don't fit properly. The auction certainly depicted properly fitting end links, and even gave the matter its own bullet point:
wjean28, ebay seller
mm professionally manufactured end links for the 6306 or 6309. (watch
bracelet also available with different end links sizes - i.e. 20mm, 19mm
6105, 22mm 6309 or 22mm straight ends (i.e. Seiko Tuna). Matches the
curvature of the 6309 cushion case without adjustments.
Based on that and his feedback rating, I bet he will make things right. I didn't leave feedback yet.
springbars are not the fat Seiko ones, but Mr. Jean says they're
upgraded from the original ones and are of high quality and good fit.
I'm hoping for a response to the effect of: "Whoops, we sent the bracelet for the XXXX instead of the 6309" We'll see!
Hang tight Ricky, we'll see what we can do.
Smaug |
70 |
January 22, 2011 10:50AM |
William got back to me. He said:
"No problem. Hollow fits better. Send me the address and I will resend."
So it seems you have a choice of well-fitting hollow and gist the occasional pulled hair, or poorly-fitting SELs. What'll it be?
I think we should have him resend, and you can decide when you try the hollow-linked one.
Smaug |
60 |
January 22, 2011 02:27PM |
Re: I think we should have him resend, and you can decide when you try the hollow-linked one.

Sounds like a plan to me. 
I would like to try whatever he suggests as being the proper fit for my "slim case 6309", and..
"No problem. Hollow fits better. Send me the address and I will resend."
So it seems you have a choice of well-fitting hollow and gist the occasional pulled hair, or poorly-fitting SELs. What'll it be?
.. I certainly ain't a-scared of having a hair or two pulled.
But.. I confess I'm still a bit confused. Maybe I'm just dense. And I hate to keep referring back to "Shambles" WUS post, but the points I bring away from it are:
* He pictures a slim-cased 6309-729A, functionally identical to mine.
* His endlinks fit perfectly when viewed from the front.
* His endlinks are solid.
What am I missing.
I mean, viewed from another angle...

..his endlinks appear to be "cut back" much more deeply than mine, yeah. But they are certainly machined, not stamped! I dunno. Maybe the deeper undercut is enough for Will Jean to consider them to be "hollow endlinks"?
any case, the inside curvature of Shambles' endlinks matches the case
to a "T", so whatever WJ calls 'em, that's what I need. 
Ricky Lee |
51 |
January 23, 2011 12:06PM |
Re: You've been working on one of your big posts all morning I see!

Guilty as charged. 
shot the photos yesterday afternoon, and had planned to make the post
that same evening. But.. well, let's just say Real Life intervened. 
The first thing I'd like to mention is that I was just the instigator. Several of us..chipped in.
Right, I caught that..
wjean28, ebay seller
mm professionally manufactured end links for the 6306 or 6309. (watch
bracelet also available with different end links sizes - i.e. 20mm, 19mm
6105, 22mm 6309 or 22mm straight ends (i.e. Seiko Tuna). Matches the
curvature of the 6309 cushion case without adjustments.
Wow.. Readin' that, I'm even more confused. Certainly sounds like y'all ordered the right one.
The springbars are not the fat Seiko ones, but Mr. Jean says they're
upgraded from the original ones and are of high quality and good fit.
Oh, I'm happy as can be with the regular springbars! They're a "double flange" design vs. the OEM fat Seikos "single shoulder" design, and that means they're a lot easier to remove & replace! They're an Upgrade to OEM in that regard. IMHO.
Hang tight Ricky, we'll see what we can do.
good mate. I mean, I was gonna contact him meself but, come to think of
it, as the Original Customer it does make more sense for you to do so.
I'd suggest sending him a link to the PMWF post.. the photos should
explain all.
Sorry to be such a bother.. and thanks again! 
Ricky Lee |
62 |
January 22, 2011 11:14AM |
"Matches the curvature of the 6309 cushion case without adjustments."
You have it right there. Yours is the slimmer cased version.
Wycombe |
74 |
January 22, 2011 01:08PM |
But.. but.. but..

You have it right there. Yours is the slimmer cased version.
Mine's exactly the same as the 6309-729A which "Shambles" posted over on WUS! Right?!
Or am I missing something? 
Ricky Lee |
60 |
January 22, 2011 01:35PM |
Crash course to the 6309-divers case varieties: >>>

6309-704x is the wider cushion cased version. Also called turtle case. Looks like this:

is the slimmer cased version, the predecessor to the later 7002-divers
and many of the modern SKX-models, such as the SKX007 and -009. This is
the one you have.

Hope this helps! 
Wycombe |
90 |
January 22, 2011 04:13PM |
Is that a Seiko Strap?? If so what model??? At 22 it would fit the Tsunami (n/t)
jinxed |
57 |
January 22, 2011 04:58PM |
Sure is. It's a vintage Seiko GL-831, correct for the cushion cased 6309 divers.
TBH, they may be correct for the slimmer cased ones too, but don't quote
me there. They can be a bit hard to come by though, but there are
modern flat vent Seiko Z-22's made. But be aware of fakes, so do your
homework. I'm very picky when it comes to rubber, it took me years to
realise that all rubber straps are not uncomfortable or too stiff/to
floppy after some bad experiences in my early WIS life. I was fortunate
enough to win this strap in one of Axel's photo contests. 
Wycombe |
146 |
January 22, 2011 06:31PM |
Yea, I think the Z-22 is what I will end up with. Hopefully I can find a genuine Seiko without too much trouble.
jinxed |
50 |
January 23, 2011 11:07AM |
Them Endlinks are for this case

ARupard |
54 |
January 22, 2011 01:43PM |
Message sent. Can you post here what the suffix is for your 6309? wjean may want to know. (n/t)
Smaug |
69 |
January 22, 2011 11:01AM |
It's a 6309-729A, and the S/N is 510168.
Ricky Lee |
53 |
January 22, 2011 11:17AM |
Congrats Ricky, I believe those endlinks are for the 6309- 7040/49 Cushion Case. (n/t)
ARupard |
53 |
January 22, 2011 10:49AM |
Congrats Ricky (n/t)
Reto |
51 |
January 22, 2011 10:40AM |
Well Deserved Ricky....Well Deserved...... (n/t)
dano0 |
56 |
January 22, 2011 10:39AM |
Congrats Ricky! (n/t)
Wen |
53 |
January 22, 2011 10:34AM |
Congratulations Ricky (n/t)
PaulGeo |
49 |
January 22, 2011 10:31AM |
Great post Ricky. Wear it in good health. (n/t)
gfbiii51 |
62 |
January 22, 2011 10:30AM |