Very Cool, man. Ricky! Congrats!
! (n/t)
Posted by Dave Murphy, October 23, 2008 06:28AM
Very Cool, man. Mondaine - Congrats RLM!
! (n/t)
Posted by Sfnewguy, October 22, 2008 10:33PM
Congrats Ricky and enjoy that beauty. (n/t)
Posted by Mark C., October 22, 2008 09:46PM
Very nice looking swiss railroad watch. The GMT feature is a real plus. (n/t)
Posted by John S., October 22, 2008 07:41PM
Doesn't look like a traditional GMT. Good ol' Mondaine. (n/t)
Posted by Allan Zirlin, October 22, 2008 07:36PM
Very nice, Ricky! I give that a hearty
! (n/t)
Posted by MCV, October 22, 2008 07:35PM
The perfect watch to keep track of time
Posted by TakesALickin, October 22, 2008 06:46PM
I'm railing against that comment! Were you trained in puns?
! (n/t)
Posted by Chris L, October 22, 2008 06:59PM
Don't be disrespectin' my engine-uity!
Posted by TakesALickin, October 23, 2008 04:14AM
Oh! My
aching caboose! You should be on the stage. What, no stagecoach here?
[bada-bing] Well! There's a train leaving in a minute or two!
Posted by Ricky Lee, October 23, 2008 04:40AM
Love it
! Good catch Ricky Lee!!! (n/t)
Posted by fox, October 22, 2008 06:02PM
I like that one! (n/t)
Posted by jeffw, October 22, 2008 05:38PM
Choo - Choo!!
! (n/t)
Posted by Jeff T, October 22, 2008 05:34PM
A VERY cool new addition, Ricky...Enjoy! :) (n/t)
Posted by Jake B, October 22, 2008 05:30PM
Nice catch in the "proper" white dial too. >>
Posted by Chris L, October 22, 2008 05:25PM
Once that railway dial gets on the mind, it must be purchased. It happened to me too.
"Proper" white dial. Heh. Believe it or not, that was exactly my thought.. >> 
Posted by Ricky Lee, October 23, 2008 05:00AM
..process. Much as I was tempted by some of the black models..
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..I mean, come on! That's a baad-ass watch, by any normal standard.
But.. no, for me, it hadda be like the farqin' clocks...
Loading image ...

I reckon I did good.. followed my heart, if you will. Even to the point
of goin' quartz over my natural 'auto is better' tendency..

All in all, I couldn't be happier wi' it!
Really nice
! I admired, but missed those at a local "close out" sale
Posted by Riddim Driven, October 22, 2008 05:18PM
Looks awesome, Ricky!!
! (n/t)
Posted by UKRower, October 22, 2008 05:06PM
Same as my trias auto. Just wait for the 32 of the month
(n/t) (views: 9)
chrise2469 -- October 25, 2008 04:30AM
Yeah, but it's still a good looking watch....and the way >> (views: 13)
greg honeycutt -- October 25, 2008 12:54AM
I'm trying to set up a get together here in the 'ham. I had thought
about late November (the 22nd), but with holiday travel and such, I
decided to slide it back to mid December or maybe mid Jan........either
way, just a heads up. I want to give everybody at least a months notice
before the date, if anyone wants to come. We'll not be able to afford
boat tours or t-shirts and we might just gather at a Hooters, but we'll
have some good times!!!!
Sounds good to me, Greg! I'll take the scenery at Hooters over t-shirts and boat tours any ol' day of the week!
(n/t) (views: 3)
Ricky Lee -- October 25, 2008 03:44PM
Have not noticed the "big date issue" with my Longines. (views: 29)
Chris L -- October 24, 2008 11:36PM
Perhaps I'm too dazzled by the rest of the dial to look into the windows.
I don't see it in photos either, so a higher-end automatic may not have the problem.
Yeah, I'd never get to the Longines' date.
But you got me curious.. (views: 3)
Ricky Lee -- October 25, 2008 03:51PM to whether I can capture the effect on film. I was plannin' on a
wee photo shoot today anyway, so perhaps I'll give it a go.
suspect that the date wheels on your Longines are thinner, and stacked
much closer than on the garden variety Ronda quartz mvmt the Mondaine
At least you can see the GMT setting at a glance......... (views: 18)
Allan Zirlin -- October 24, 2008 11:34PM
The GMT hand on this model is hardly visible even in good light against a black dial.
ETA and others are addressing the big date issue >>
(views: 23)
cgrif -- October 24, 2008 11:34PM
in a couple of different ways. The new ETA 2826-2 big date movement has
both digits on a single wheel, as Daniel Roth, Gerard Perregaux, and
maybe a few other manufactures have done. But with the ETA, we'll
finally start seeing more big date watches without the two windows,
which are of course used to hid the gap between the wheels.
Europa star article re. ETA 2826 big date
I know Glashutte has single window displays using two wheels, but
has put a lot of work into perfecting alignment and narrowing the gap.
I like those Mondaines... Very cool! (n/t) (views: 5)
jeffc -- October 24, 2008 11:05PM
Thanks for the insight, Ricky....I really like that one :) (n/t) (views: 3)
Jake B -- October 24, 2008 11:00PM
your right on with the big date issue >>>
(views: 24)
fox -- October 24, 2008 10:37PM
this Zodiac is the same way. You can almost see it in the pic. Doesn't really bother me, but it's definatley noticeable.
Whew! I was hopin' 'tweren't just me! LOL! The small parralax effect.. >> (views: 5)
Ricky Lee -- October 25, 2008 12:40AM juuuust enough to royally mess wi' these olde eyes
trained as they are in 3+ decades of noticing such things, from a
machinist's perspective. When the light shadows the date windows at an
oblique angle, it's noticeable in the extreme.