I've been really, really, really pleased with the orange-dialed c-OMEX version. But I found myself only rarely wearing the black-dialed GMT version. I finally reached the conclusion that this was mostly because of the heavy solid-link bracelet on the GMT. As y'all may recall, I had the c-OMEX on one of West Cost Time's neat Zulu SAR straps. That strap's huge comfort & wearability factor vs. the GMT's bracelet was causing me to choose it more often, I'm convinced. I mean, it stands t' reason that when the watch is so substantial on it's own, the comfort and security of the strap become critical.
I've been good, not buying many watches lately. But I clearly needed one of the Banda fabric straps from acetimer.com! :-)
acetimer.com's service was great, and a couple o' days later I'm holding a little padded envelope in my hand. Then I recalled reading a post here the other day that said changing straps was almost like getting a new watch. "Hey", I says to meself, "why not two new watches?!" So. I know the Zulu works, and thus it goes onto the GMT:
The difference is amazing! The watches wearability quotient has increased by an order of magnitude. The Zulu strap flat works for a big watch. And the SAR looks way better on the black watch than I expected it to.
Now I tear into package after the Banda. (OK, OK, I'd peeked
long ago.. ) My initial impression was very favorable. The strap is at
a glance obviously a cut above the quality of the unpadded OEM brown leather
strap which the c-OMEX originally wore. Holding it up side by side to compare
this though, reveals a worry. The Banda's a bit shorter, and the OEM strap was
barely long enough. Uh oh.. OOPS!
It went on easy enough..
..and much to my relief it did fit. Though again,
just barely. But, hey, the wearability is great! Heck, at this point, I'd say
that it's just as comfortable as the Zulu. The Banda 'Nylon
Fabric Polo Flamen' straps, while marked as having a 'Genuine Leather' inner
lining, are ever so slightly stretchy. And perhaps best of all, the Banda's
lighter, more subdued shade of orange is a much more pleasing match to the c-OMEX
dial, to my eyes. As a bonus, I think the neon-heart-attack-orange shade of
the Zulu works great in contrast to the GMT's black dial. I
couldn't be more pleased!
But, what's that you say? "Having lived with these
watches for a while, what do you think of them beyond the straps."
Hey, glad you asked!
Can't fault the orange c-OMEX a bit. It's accurate to the tune of aprox. a min./week. It's held up well, with nary a scratch despite being worn more, and has no quirks at all, as far as I can see. 'tis an easy watch to live with. Considering it size, and the fact that I'm ambivalent to whacking great watches to begin with, that's perhaps the greatest compliment I can pay it.
The black GMT version, OTOH, does have a few niggling bothers. To be fair, this might be inevitable due to it's not being as stone-axe-simple as the c-OMEX. In any case, it's nowhere near as accurate, being about 4 min./week slow. Also, and much to my disappointment, the GMT hand does not quite stay synched with local time. Or it might be more accurate to say that, while it does stay synched to the actual movement of the 3 conventional hands, the GMT hand does not reset with them. So, at 4 mins/week error, after a few weeks it's noticeably lagging. It wouldn't be so annoying, but like someone pointed out with the Alpha GMT watches, the GMT hand doesn't move for 10 to 15 minutes after setting it. So keeping it precisely synched to true GMT is a chore. And last, though I can't blame it on the watch, I've somehow managed to pick up a teeny chip in the crystal. I'd wondered what material the crystals were made of, and this last at least answers that. Mineral crystal, apparently. No show-stoppers, mind you.. and other than these peccadillos, the GMT seems as solid a piece as the c-OMEX.
In any case, I'll definitely wear it more now that it's on the Zulu. Indeed, both watches are now so irresistible that I succumbed to Chronographman Syndrome, and strapped 'em both on:
Thanks for lookin'!