at Ricky Lee's Home For Wayward Wristwatches Pt. 2

Ricky Lee |
319 |
June 11, 2010 06:54PM |
Definitely a great get Ricky,interesting dial And unusual land of make also (n/t)
Bock |
125 |
June 12, 2010 08:14AM |
Bro. Eric! I think..
..I'll try wearin' it upside-down, to pay tribute to it's land of origin. 
Ricky Lee |
119 |
June 12, 2010 10:34AM |
Upside down,howzat? It would be worth a wrist shot as well bro Ricky! (n/t)
Bock |
112 |
June 12, 2010 10:59AM |
Alright then, an Aussie-style HWS just for you, mate! 
See the addendum to the main post, above.
Ricky Lee |
130 |
June 13, 2010 12:13PM |
So THAT'S what North America looks like... Cool dial -but hash-mark references confuse me (n/t)
Nuvolari |
129 |
June 11, 2010 11:43PM |
Agreed. Mostly for show , and not very readable. 
But ! 
Ricky Lee |
105 |
June 12, 2010 10:30AM |
That's really cool! Gives me ideas as well >>>
The colors and pattern of an antique map print would look pretty awesome on a dial! Hmmmmm.
120 |
June 11, 2010 11:16PM |
Re: Hmmmmm.
The possibilities are endless!
What have ye gotten yerself into here, Bro. Dan?! 
Ricky Lee |
147 |
June 12, 2010 10:22AM |
Re: What have ye gotten yerself into here, Bro. Dan?!
T-R-O-U-B-L-E, that spells trouble. BIG trouble.
111 |
June 12, 2010 01:07PM |
Like it.......nice map dial.....and an aussy......even better!!!! (n/t)
dano0 |
130 |
June 11, 2010 08:43PM |
mate! (n/t)
Ricky Lee |
122 |
June 12, 2010 10:25AM |