Yet more s of my Bob Makus (aka Robmks) Tribute Farkle.
Quite good ones this time. No! Really! >
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Date: Tuesday, 19 August 2008, at 2:54 p.m.
OK, OK, you'd never mistake them for Kelly Rayburn photos, I admit. But they're near catalog quality, by my modest standards!
on custom Rubber Oyster from Modena
Please click the photo for supersize versionI wish the
had come out a bit better..
..but you get the idea.
I still can't get over what an inspired mod this is. Kudos to Bob!
Have a Grrrrrrrrrr8 Day
Messages In This Thread
Did this at least a year
ago. With the leather cut the strap from behind on the sides. Then
glued the flaps back to give a smooth look from the front.