Nice work Ricky, looks great.
(n/t) (views: 5)
Mark C. -- February 19, 2009 10:54PM
Mark. You're too kind. It looks OK, at best. But it's a functional watch, and it came to me as a pile o' parts.
That's enough for me. 
(n/t) (views: 5)
Ricky Lee -- February 20, 2009 02:19AM
A real caveman would have used a thin bead of silicone caulk!
Wonder if your local plumbing store would have something close? I,ve used something... (views: 8)
JohnnyT -- February 19, 2009 10:04PM
like that to stop a leaking
kitchen faucet. With your new found use of the razor and Bro. Dave's
tip on freezing it, you can pretty much start with anything close.
You're my hero even if you're still learning.
You know, I considered that! Well, actually.. (views: 8)
Ricky Lee -- February 20, 2009 01:01AM
..I was thinkin' black RTV silicone automotive goo. Same principle, though!
reason I didn't is that it's tough to get an absolutely perfect bead,
cosmetically. I just knew that if I tried I'd be unhappy with the
result, and end up diggin' it back out and doing it over.
Not a fun prospect..
You're my hero even if you're still learning.
Little ol' me?
{looks at toes, kicks dirt} Well thanks, mate.
fancy I am learnin' a little. Just finished a pretty major overhaul
tonight, and it turned out so good that {Gasp!} I think I'll actually
have to invent a new category of watchmaking, something a step up from
Caveman. Stone Age Watchmaking? Shoot, maybe even Medieval Watchmaking.
won't give it away - pics and writeup in a few days, rest assured - but
I will say that Allan Zirlin and greg honeycutt will most likely get a
big kick out of it, since the watch in question has passed through both
their hands.
Awesome story! (n/t) (views: 5)
ldater 5 -- February 19, 2009 09:22PM
It keeps me off the streets, Caveman Watchmaking.
And since I kissed that durned Blarney Stone, I can't seem to shut up about it. 
(n/t) (views: 4)
Ricky Lee -- February 20, 2009 01:27AM
looks better! Next time, try putting >> (views: 8)
Dave Murphy -- February 19, 2009 09:20PM
>> the "fixture" and
o-ring in the freezer overnight. Especially if you can get one of those
synthetic rubber o-rings like EDPM. I have heard reports that the
material begins to machine like plastic at low temperature.
Come to think of it, might as
well moisten the seal before going into the deep-freeze. Nothing like
some ice to hold things in place for a while.
Ontario NY, USA
Doh! I've heard similar reports about low-temp machining. Just never.. (views: 9)
Ricky Lee -- February 20, 2009 01:22AM
..occurred to me to try it in this
application. Dang. I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it again.
'tis a cryin' shame we're not neighbors, 'cause I surely would love the
chance to work with you. Shoot, with you on the lathes and me on the
mills, grinders, lasers and wire EDM machines, we'd probably end up
Ruling The Universe.
Or at the very least make so much money that we'd have to use a wheelbarrow to load it in the trunk of the Bugatti.

(n/t) (views: 3)
Dave Murphy -- February 20, 2009 02:14AM