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My Faithful Companions.
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Date: Friday, 29 August 2008, at 12:17 p.m.
Molly the Shaggy Dawg is really coming along nicely!
Please click photo to supersize She's got nearly her full gamut of voice commands down - Come, Sit, Down, Shake, Get It. All in all a most promising bitch.
As a side benefit, I am totally flabbergasted at how well Pup has responded to being in Molly's company!
I'll be drilling her on the voice commands, and he'll be sitting 20 paces away mirroring them.
What a great dawg!
She (they) still has a ways to, mind you. I broke out the 870 Express and started the process of getting Molly accustomed to gunfire only last night. Let's just say that she's not taking to it naturally.
In point of fact, she was sitting beside me unleashed on the first shot, and pissed herself & ran to The House.
I leashed her up for the next 2 rounds, and she did.. well, OK. She'll come around. It definitely DID change her attitude! I could almost hear her li'l doggy brain thinkin' "Oh my hind leg! He not only controls the Magic Dog Food Bag, he's got a Thunderstick!
He really IS a God!
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..yes, a White German Shepherd. But also Akita, Chow, and Pit-Bull Terrier.
not the first to mistake him for a full-blood German Shepherd, though!
He does indeed have the look. And that's kinda wild, 'cause the
white GS was 2 generations back!
the Wife's Dawg. And he's a great dog, I'll give him that. Gentle,
smart, loyal, and with hardly any doggy vices. No furniture chewing,
killing of domestic fowl, untoward barking, straying off the property..
none of that! His one real.. ok, his only real faults are an annoying
tendency to whine to get what he wants. No prob, usually 'tis to Go
Out. But sometimes it's something off-the-wall like he can't find his
favorite toy. Then, too, his command of the verbal command Come could be better.
And he'll bomb you with some pow'ful Dog Farts.
Usually during the most inimportune moment.. watching the love scene in The Rose wi' your sweety, and are just startin' to get a little or something.
But then I can't really hold that agin him, as I've been accused of a similar thing meself..
other thing about him.. big a pussy cat as he is 99.7% of the time, he
is all teeth and foaming-at-the-mouth bad breath when it comes to
Protecting Mommy.
I swear, if some idiot did something really stupid, like physically
assaulting Pam.. well, there'd be a funueral, all's I'm sayin'. And
unless they were armed, and very quick on the draw, I'm pretty durned sure 'twouldn't be Ol' Pup.
'ere's one of my favorite pictures of Pup, as it manages to convey a little bit of his playful, happy-go-lucky nature..
Tell us a little about your Black Shepherd! I do admire them, and you see them so infrequently. Even less than the White Shepherds!