The Stump That Ate Mississippi
Saturday 04 August, 2007
Well, not quite.. but it did eat the chain on my
Stihlsaw! The tree was part of an old fence row, and the tree'd grown
up right around the wire. Really did a number on my saw...
Slim the water guy had taken down a small (25 to 30 foot) tree when he
installed the water meter. I already have a big burnpile started, so I
took the tractor & loaded it on. He came back to collect it 'bout a
week later, and was surprised to see it was already gone. His comment
according to Pam went something like "Your husband will think bad of me
for not comin' back for that tree. How about if I pull that stump for
you instead?" Sold!
I wasn't home, but Pam said he had quite a time with it. I'm just glad it's gone!
Fluppy Q. Dawg Was given his official name (Snowball) by Dave...
He's a pretty good pup, as evidenced by his easily passing 'The Puppy Neck Lift Test', as 'twas taught to me by me daddy.
The main order of business for the day was building an 8' x 12' front
deck. I did all the beam-walking and beer-drinking while Dave..
..handled the puppy-pettin'.
Then it was time to break for lunch...
And time for a constitutional for Fluppins Q. Canine...
He's growin' like a weed, the li'l rascal.
He was very busy this weekend, having a willing playmate in Jan's beagle Kaela.
Once the deck was semi-finished (we purposely left the rails off so we
could unload the truck right onto the deck) I decided that I no longer
had an excuse for putting off the oil change the Rubicon was in such dire
need of...
Pam gave me a stern lecture on what would happen if her new deck ended up with oil stains on it..
..which is why I've got several layers of dropcloths under the machine. 
And finally, time for supper..
..if there's a better way to end the day than sittin' around the grill absorbing heavenly aromas, I don't know what it could be.
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