Yeah, I feel like we made real progress today! Got this baby up and runnin'..
..thanks to Neighbor Dale. Ahhhhh! A/C! Dale also brought over this li'l beauty..
..and dug the trench for our water line.
A mighty handy thing to have around, is a Ditch Witch!
Of course, we did have one slight glitch, the rectification of which which required a visit from these fellows;
Yeah, we neglected to call 1-800-Be4-Udig. But, hey, what's a little cut phone cable between friends!
in all 65 people were without phone service, and several of our good
neighbors stopped by to tell us how much they appreciated it.
The real news today, though, was a new addition to our family;
We call him "Snowball", and he showed up at 3AM, whinin' his little butt off. Thus his nickname, "Whiny Butt".
Don't know where he came from, but I figure someone abandoned him (may their armpits be infested with the fleas of 1,000 camels!). Their loss, as he's a pretty good pup. The vet says he'll be a 50 to 60 pound dog, and he appears to be in good health with the exception of a nasty case of worms. Got that all taken care of, though, and he's settling in just fine.
Welcome, Snowball!