My Friend And Neighbor Dale Gayden
aka "Green Acres Mississippi-Style" Part Deaux
Saturday, 30 June 2007
I swapped Big Blue, my ol' Ford 5000, to Neighbor Dale, of course..

And he's really puttin' 'er to work!

His place is just beautiful...

promised to give me first crack at it if he decides to sell.. and he's
toyin' with the idea already! He wants at least 100 acres. I gave Pam a
tour of the land on the Rubicon, and she already considers it an
honorary part of Shamrock Hollow.
He's got 36 acres+/-, so if we did the deal that would put Shamrock Hollow at approximately 54 acres.

This is the old house that used to sit where my trailer did - Dale had it moved and is sprucing it up.

Turns out the problem with the tractor was indeed a cracked engine block, as I feared;
But it's not getting coolant into the oil, thanks to the Dike sealant, and Dale loves the ol' girl.
A portrait of the Gayden family;
And Owen and the other ol' Blue;
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