Cross your fingers! >
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Wednesday, 13 June 2007, at 11:11 a.m.
Some of y'all saw the link to this auction. You'll note that I've cancelled it, and this reply to an e-mail I recieved after I ended the auction should explain why;
-----begin included message-----
From: Ricky McBroom
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 5:44 AM
To: Red Clay
Subject: RE: Message from eBay Member} Thanks for the reply Ricky. If
} you don't want to mess with it,
} I'll gladly pay you your buy it
} now price. Just let me know.Well.. I've got my sights set a bit higher now
, but I'll keep you in mind.
The plan is to consign the machine to a local (physical) equipment auction, and see what happens. I should be able to recoup my full investment, or very nearly so. Shoot, I saw a 5000 at an auction in March go for $6K, and it had no loader and wasn't nearly as good looking as mine.
} I have had limited success
} with the Bars Stop Leak.I've used Bar's, but never had any luck with it. Never really had any luck with ANY conventional powder-based stop leak, in fact.
I used this stuff...
...based on the advice of 3 co-workers. One is almost an evangelist for this goo, and claims to have used it half a dozen times with 100% success.
} It occasionally will stop the leak,
} but it's not a permanent solution.Knock on wood, but the Dike seems to've done the trick. If the leak is not 100% stopped, it's an easy 99%. The coolant level in the radiator dropped less than 1/8" overnight, whereas before it would have been 3 inches (well over a gallon of coolant).
They (the Conklin company) are careful to bill it as a TEMPORARY solution, but one of the aforementioned co-workers used it in an old Case dozer with a cracked block, and says that it's remained leak-free for more than three YEARS. We'll see. I'm going to put a few hours on it, keeping a close eye on things. If it holds up like I hope it will, then it'll be plenty good enough to pass muster at an auction.. and based on my co-workers experiences, I'll still be able to sleep at night. ];-)
} This maybe what the previous
} owner/dealer did to you.I'm almost sure of it. The leak didn't show up until I flushed the cooling system with Prestone 'super flush'. Thought I was doing the right thing as the coolant looked awfully 'gunky'. Now I'm convinced it looked gunky 'cause it had 'bout 6 cans of generic stop-leak in it. DOH! :-/
} Once I had it plug up the radiator and
} although I didn't get water in the oil
} anymore, the engine would overheat from
} the plugged cores in the radiator.So far I'm still getting excellent flow in the radiator. Dike uses a plastic polymer as the active ingredient, and supposedley it will only harden at the site of a leak. Time will tell...
} The tractor makes a perfect fit for my
} hay operation. I have a Ford 3000, 4000,
} and 7000. I have always wanted a 5000.Cool! I can see why, as it would "complete the set", as it were.
} Good luck and let me know.
Thanks pardner!
------end included message------So, cross your fingers for me.
I recieved not one, not two, but SIX e-mails after I cancelled the auction, all saying basically the same thing; "WTF?! I'm interested in that tractor! Is it still available?". Based on that, and the seventeen folks that added ti to their watch list, I think I'll be able to unload it pretty easily.
Messages In This Thread
Cross your fingers! > (views: 96)
Ricky Lee McBroom -- Wednesday, 13 June 2007, at 11:11 a.m.
(views: 25)
swedeone -- Thursday, 14 June 2007, at 11:18 a.m.- Fingers croosed for you Ricky!
(views: 6)
Paulo -- Thursday, 14 June 2007, at 11:09 a.m.- Thanks for the kind wishes, guys. >>> (views: 12)
Ricky Lee McBroom -- Thursday, 14 June 2007, at 9:30 a.m.
I ran the machine for a bit over an hour last night, and so far so good. The coolant level dropped not one iota, and the engine oil still looks fine. I think I've got it whipped!
I'll put a few more hours on it this weekend, and if all goes well I'll finish the job by changing the transmission and hydraulic fluid. Not a difficult task, but quite expensive - it'll require 12 gallons of fluid @ approx. $110. And that's using the cut-rate oil from Tractor Supply. Jennywine New Holland grade 134D would run twice that, easy.
{sigh} A tractor's just not a
kinda toy...
- Good luck.
(views: 4)
Robmks -- Wednesday, 13 June 2007, at 1:16 p.m.- Sounds like you can come out of this whole...that's GREAT!
(views: 8)
TMK -- Wednesday, 13 June 2007, at 11:39 a.m.'Poor Man's' Watch Forum - Foro de Relojes Para el 'Hombre Pobre' - Horlogeforum voor de 'Arme Man'