'Poor Man's' Watch Forum - Foro de Relojes Para el 'Hombre Pobre' - Horlogeforum voor de 'Arme Man'
My Tribute To ENSIGN.
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Date: Friday, 16 March 2007, at 11:11
Ballad of Forty Dollars
Words and music by Tom T. HallCopyright Tom T. Hall, October 1997
The man who preached the funeral
Said it really was a simple way to die ...
He laid down to rest one afternoon
And never opened up his eyes ...
They hired me and Fred and Joe
To dig the grave and carry up some chairs ...
It took us seven hour
And I guess we must have drunk a case of beer. ...I guess I ought to go and watch them put 'im down
But I don't own a suit
And anyway when they start talkin' about
The fire in Hell, well, I get spooked
So, I'll just sit here in my truck
And act like I don't know 'im when they pass
Anyway, when they're all through
I've got to go to work and mow the grass.Well, here they come and who's that
Ridin' in that big ol' shiny limousine
Mmh! look at all that chrome, I do believe
That that's the sharpest thing I've seen
That must belong to his great uncle
Someone said he owned a big ol' farm
When they get parked I'll mosey down
and look it over, that won't do no harm.Well, that must be the widow in the car
And would you take a look at that
That sure is a pretty dress
You know some women do look good in black
Well, he's not even in the ground
And they say that his truck is up for sale
They say she took it pretty hard
But you can't tell too much behind the veil.Well, listen ain't that pretty
When the bugler plays the Military "TAPS"
I think that when you's in the war
They always hide 'n play a song like that
Well, here I am and there they go
And I guess you'd just call it my bad luck
I hope he rests in peace, the trouble is
The fellow owes me forty bucks.
Here's t' ya ENSIGN!
Fair warnin', I'm nominating you for WOTM next time around...
Messages In This Thread
is coming to U via mail.
T. Hall has agreed to do it.
The watch leadin' the Pix beats them all.
Maybe not in WIS specs, but not even Lange & Sons
could have built
one, fitting better to the start of that "Ballad".
Even Senta, my Black Lady
Sheperd, would have sniffed at it
with highest respect. And believe it, or
not -
she could - in a kind of combinde connection -
read the clock on
the kitchen wall.
..in more ways than one.
First with my inborn ability as an Efficiency Expert (not bragging, just
acknowledging a God-given gift), and also (my own hard-won) ability to "Know
when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em."
} And a Salute is coming to U via mail.
Sage advice! I'm tempted to break protocol and post it here. May I?
Given your professional
back-ground, there should be no prob for your,
getting them bricks needed
"Cheaper by the Dozen".
But how to place them, and more important - where -
is another thing.
O.K., some dudes from the east
worked as bricklayers too,
but there alsways landscape and underground has
to be considered.
That's the kind of yarn, one also
can pull out of the Old Timers -
including the fellow with the Rod...
Not pulling your leg - if u want a pond on the ground -
go for it, but
won't be nice UNDER the house....
If u ment my laudatio to Annies -
we may not forget a third one -
Anni de T., Nurse, as well as Black Cat Anni
- 8 out of 10 she followed
my whistle. Sometimes she wanted an extra tune.
If she only looked round the corner, I was the one summonded.
Where is
your favorite little ball Anni...
So pls, feel free to trumpet it out
loud -
strong females just deserve it - and a Moblie Home,
from time to
Btw -
The last Pic in your
"Pictures of an Exhibiton" -
TakesALickin could send it to Julie Spalding -
see last § - and we may add some remarks
concerning "Black Tie" and
"Dress Watch".
So much for now
..via the movie "Cheaper By The Dozen" (the Clifton Webb/Myrna Loy original, obviously, NOT the execrable remake). The way it went down was like this..
My mother, God rest her soul, was a stern taskmaster. I was given regular chores from an early age, and when the chores were done the results were inspected. If the job was not completed to Mama's satisfaction, I would be forced to start all over again, instead of being cut loose to go off and play.
Not wanting to spend all day at chores, I began, quite on my own, studying ways to cut time (and thus motion) from the tasks, all the while maintaining a standard of quality sufficient to pass Mama's Inspection.
When I saw "Cheaper By The Dozen", and learned that it was possible to make a living this way, I was floored. What really grabbed me by the throat is the scene where Frank/Clifton demonstrates his method of Efficient Bathing. I had done the very same thing a few years ealier, after being chastised by Mama for spending too long at ablutions! That, more than anything else, convinced me that I was on the right track.
In any case, by the time I
was in middle school, time and motion study had become a regular part of
any task I undertook. By the time I entered the work force it was old
hat, and I found that (no surprise) the principles were a perfect match for
metalworking and manufacturing. These concepts continue to serve me well today
and, not to toot me own horn, I can't count how many times I've gone in and
improved processes designed by degree-wielding Industrial Engineers.
Book-learnin' can not compare to knowledge learned at your Mama's knee...
} if u want
a pond on the ground -
} go for it, but won't be nice UNDER
} the
Indeed, 'twould not. I will pay particular attention to the location of house and pond, never fear.
} ..strong females..
The only kind that's worth one's time!
} ..just
deserve it - and a Moblie
} Home, from time to time...
At the very least.
Remember, the mobile home is merely an expedient intermediate step. The end
goal is something more akin to
With the judicious application of Ole Gilbreth's
philosophies, I feel sure that we can accomplish it by the late spring of '09.
Rodger dodger, old codger!
re the remake - no chance, that I
will ever watch it.
The moment, I see Steve Martin on TV, Dinner is done.
Let's put it this way - really not my kind of humor.
Comes the day, and
time - dark alley, no witnesses
he will learn the
differnce between Cyrano de Bergerac's Nose,
and Ensign's old Boots... One must not
do everything for money...
I read the book first, and live in
the opinion, there was a 2nd Volume too.
Those old B&W movies were just
I suppose, they most hated teachers
are the ones for Mathematics.
And the 2 biggest *ssholes, i ever met were -
see above...
But 2 of the best I ever met, also were - see above...
Prof. at eveneing classes - leaded us on, to build our own axioms,
them, and step to the next, and a black haired Lady at xmxmxmxm
It depends on the Teacher, Sargent,
Trainer, Grandfather or Mother -
Masters of their Skill & Trade, to
teach the right way.
And natural personality is needed for that.
And it
depends on the pupil - and his abilities -
to make something out of it.
Books, written by such people, can
hold a lot of wisdom.
But again - it depends on the reader, what he can make
out of it.
And if one transplantates the
printed knowledge
into real life, it will not be possible without -
Back at the Roots we are....
Was clear as chicken broil
moment, u are good in your profession -
and I could gain that impression,
and not only be feeling -
u must have taken notice of "The Soaped Dozen"
That the actually triggered u off,
just underlines
that the Gilbreth Inc. - opposite to others -
forgot about humanity for the working force
Besides Andreas Kostolany - Money
& Stockmarket
and -Name has to be looked up- -Negotiator (got called to
there is one, u might be interested in -
Peter F. Drucker -
Counselor - see Link
Pic of ole Pete
..that was years later. I'd never have known about them if not for the Webb/Loy movie, so I've got to count the film as my original inspiration.
I'm not much of a Steve Martin fan either. There's only one actor I find more annoying, I think - Tom Cruise.
} ..there was a 2nd Volume too.
Yes, "Belles On Their Toes". Not as powerful as the original, but still very, very good. And there's a third, apparently, "Time Out For Happiness". Never read that one...
} ..it depends on the pupil - and
} his
abilities - to make something
} out of it.
Good point. The best teacher in the world can't do much for a lackadaisical student...
} ..Gilbreth
Inc. - opposite to others - never
} forgot about humanity for the working
Just so! Obviously you have dug deep into the subject - many who are aware of the Gilbreth's overall contributions are yet unaware that the welfare of the worker was their prime criteria.
Strange (and sad) that this should be considered a novel point of the Gilbreth Philosophy. It's such a common sense thing - Cowboy Logic, really. "Your horse comes first"...
} ..Peter F. Drucker..
Ah! Yes, I've read quite a lot of Mr. Drucker's writings. A Great Thinker, for sure.
Andreas Kostolany is unknown to me, but the fact that you place him in the company of Gilbreth and Drucker tells me that it is a subject worthy of research.
Kosto, as his friends called him:
André (Bertholomew) Kostolany (* 9. Feb 1906 Budapest; † 14. Sept 1999
Wrote his books (~13) in German, translated to 8 languages.
amazon.com was No Show. Try your Book-Store or eBay.
Beside the fact,
that he accumulated knowlede of Two Centuries
concerning the Stock-Market,
he made a living out of it,
was a brilliant thinker and had his own opinions
on wiz-kids
with degrees...
The Vita of Peter Drucker tells us,
he was born in Vienna,
and attended school there.
What rarely is told,
that he attended the Akademisches Gymnasium.
To name just one other, who was
there - Friedrich Torberg,
the famous writer.
In dark times following,
this school was a special target of the NAZIS,
cause it was very popular
with bright young jewish minds.
The very first work, Peter Drucker
published, was concerning Economics in a Conservative State.
As it looks,
either nobody did read it in full, or understand it.
Cause actually it was
definitely not a hymn to Hitler's German.
But he got offered a high position
in the Ministery of Economics....
That was the reason, he moved to London,
and later to the U.S.
With both Gentleman I appriciate
the books the wrote -
but what really impresses me, is the practical work,
they did, to earn a living.
Will look for the 3. Volume of "12
Irish ",
and the mentioned Negotiator.
U will get info, when found. So for the moment
I close that part.
Was a really interesting thread.
Not only for the song itself, but
clearly a Gunner & Bucaneer
is fond of Freedom & Music
And switch-blades made him laugh
too -
he preferred his pipe-pliers anyway.
Handsmitten by one of his
brothers (Skilled Blacksmith once)
And also found nothing yet, not giving in
to that device
of a Daughter of a Sailor
Got the attachment. !
} if there
is a local Pub in your new area,
} take the time & dough for some beers,
} and let them old-timers not go dry.
} They might have intersting
} concerning your property.
} And not only for your amusement,
and to
} make yourself known as neighbour, very
} often real usefull
yarn is told...
The 'Local Pub' never really caught on as an institution in rural Mississippi. Not that many of the ol' boys don't enjoy a nip and a yarn, but more often they're shared out behind the barn, or around the fishin' hole. Still sound advice, mind you!
} a mobile home for sure is more warm and Now you're talking. There would surely be no peace around
the homestead if I were to enscone the Little Lady in a tent. Nor even in a
'trailer'. No, the minimum required for her "Going Mobile" must earn the title
of 'Mobile Home'. The top contender so far is this
cozy than some of my ideas, and "Peace
} in the Valley" is worth "(For) A
} Dollars more".
A 19 x 80, it's the largest single-wide available. Clean, quite well
appointed, and of recent (1998) manufacture. Quite a bit more $$ than that deal, 'tis true. But not so much when you consider the cost of moving
and setup. And not so much dosh that it'd be a problem paying Cash Money.
Indeed, 'tis not nearly as expensive as the last new automobile I purchased.
So looked at a certain way, it seems like a Good Deal. And,
yes, one of the main parts is that the Little Woman likes it, so it would not be
the cause of any Domestic Strife...
} Esp. if it can be re-sold for hard
} cash,
comes day and time....
That is a prime concern, too.
Or I may use it as a rental property. Such an abode fetches a minimum of $500
monthly in my area, and sometimes as much as $700. Just a few years of that, and
I would have completely recovered my investment. The main danger there being, of
course, that it's all too easy to end up with the wrong sort of
Had a look at the Mobile Home
Repos, Used, w & w/o acres...
Prices reminded me of Richard
the Lionhearted.
A King's Ransom stats looking poor, compared to...
Leaned back, lit a Chesterfield,
and unleashed the brain.
Played some interesting scnarios, from Mongolian
to Gypsy Wagon, and stopped at old Military Barracks.
With even
older wooden Bunk-Barracks inside.
Cheap to obtain, and easy to transport.
Like our remains - your Lady would shred us both to pieces.
But the movie stopped, and the
screen got rolled in again.
Then I reminded - the old barracks had been torn
and there was some developement going on since
What was it, the
Engineer-Troopers were trying to construct ???
So I started a little search,
and at the first corner there he stood at attention.
My favorite Bear,
the Kodiak....
And how busy he was, since we met last.
Interesting check-lists got done,
nice plans,
and fine products...
Steel Homes
Proving, yet again, that
Great Minds Think Alike , Pam and I have been
extensively researching steel-frame homes. Kodiak is by no means alone, there
are beaucoup in the biz - Heritage,
Phoenix, Tri-steel, and LTH, etc.
But the front-runner for us so far, and by a handy margin, is Rhino, of Denton, Texas.
'tis partly our frugal Scots/Irish natures - you seem to get a LOT more for your drachma with Rhino - but they also seem to be of high quality, eminently customizable, with many options when it comes to the nuts and bolts of actually Gittin R Dun.
This is the front runner so
..at least for Pam. Meself, I quite like this
Something we'll have to work
out, obviously. But most likely we'd go for the former, since 'tis the favorite
of She Who Cannot Be Denied.
But we agree in principle, at least - that these Rhino homes are worthy of further research and consideration. We may even arrange a tour of their Texas facility, as it'd be a mere weekend bike trip for us (400-odd miles).
} Had a look at the Mobile Home
} Market.
Repos, Used, w & w/o
} acres... Prices reminded me of
} Richard the
} A King's Ransom..
There are some decent deals out there but, yes, it's also quite possible to end up with a Pig In A Poke. All too possible.
} ..Mongolian Tent to Gypsy Wagon..
Nope! Not viable options! Neither is condusive to Domestic
} ..old Military Barracks..
Hmmm. At least my son would feel
right at home when he came to visit.
..Kodiak..Interesting check-lists
} ..nice plans, and fine products...
Kodiak does have a very nice web site! They are either much more upfront about revealing total costs than is Rhino, or they're simply a lot more expensive. I mean, Rhino's prices seem Almost Too Good To Be True compared to Kodiak's. And if it seems too good to be true, it probably is...
We'll check it out very close before we make a decision, rest assured!
Wore a belt with a Rhino Buckle
The pricing of Rhino Stell Houses is really interesting.
It looks
to me, that they have developed a more cost-saving
modular system. > To
be checked.
Check the Bolting System - Rhino
speaks of "Self-drilling" Screws.
Kodiak seems to use pre-drilled
connections. > To be checked.
Kodiak/Arkansas als is near to
That leads to costs/calculation.
Rhino - a little bit hidden,
provides a cost-calculator.
Upon orderering(buying a plan, fitting data for
the house will be provided.
I consider this calculator anyway, and add it to
a mail.
Can those Companies - esp. Rhino -
provide a Contractor,
or would add as such ??
And, how much time would it take?
Can the house be built in due time,
without spending money for a mobile
home ??
I do like House No. 1 - So I have
to vote for Model PAM here.
Would it be
a Watch, I would say -
I like the thicknes - height - 1.st floor.
Dial - the front view
and the Bezwl - Porch
Could it be possible, that the Barn
those farmers of old had been no idiots at all,
sits on a fine placing
for Castle McBroom ??
And to round it up -
there runs
some ancient celtic blood in my veins.
Clearly, this asks for a song.
all know about McDonald and Connoly,
so I picked a more fresh one.
And I hope, the Lady of the House will enjoy it too.
} Check the
Bolting System - Rhino
} speaks of "Self-drilling" Screws.
} Kodiak
seems to use pre-drilled
} connections. > To be checked.
You're warm!
Self-drilling screws vs. pre-drilled for bolts is a side-effect of the key difference between the two. Said key difference being that the Rhino is a light gauge steel stud-truss system, where the Kodiak is a heavy gauge steel I-beam system.
There are pros and cons to each. The Kodiak system allows for a greater free span, and can take greater wind loads (140 MPH!). On the down side, it's a bit more expensive material-wise, and a lot more expensive labor-wise. At least potentially so, as the assembly of the Kodiak frame is far, far beyond the skills of the average DIYer.
The Rhino system still allows quite a respectable free span, and the standard wind-rating of 90 MPH is quite sufficient for my area (it can be upped to a 120 MPH at a modest extra cost). But the Rhino's biggest advantage is that assembly of the frame is well within the range of a moderately handy DIYer.
Put it this way - I'm confident that I could erect the Rhino frame myself, and wouldn't hesitate to tackle it. It could almost be done without a lift. The Kodiak, on the other hand, I would not even attempt. I'm no skilled iron-worker (and have no desire to be!), and that's what the Kodiak requires.
} Can those Companies - esp.
} Rhino - provide
a Contractor..
Not per se, but they do both make referrals. The Kodiak I would entrust only to a specialist. The Rhino could be handled by any good general contractor.
} And, how
much time would it
} take? Can the house be built
} in due time, without
} money for a mobile home ??
We've considered that. The Rhino'd go up a bit quicker, I think, but either could be erected faster than a conventional house. Finishing it out would a wash.
But Job One is to get our DeSoto County house spruced up, on the market, and SOLD! So we're definitely gonna go with the mobile home, as it buys us the time to do that.
Plus, I don't want to rush the house. Better to take it a bit slower, make sure it's done right the first time.
} Could it be possible, that the
} Barn -
those farmers of old had
} been no idiots at all, sits on a
} fine
placing for Castle McBroom ??
It wouldn't be a bad spot, but Pam's selected a spot maybe 100 yards 'inland' (further away from the road).
We do plan on putting the mobile home in the same exact spot where the old farmhouse stood. Mind you that has more to do with being able to easily tie into the existing utilities than anything else...
First things first.
The Time
The one, who is late, gets punished by History.
One of the most
wrong sayings, in my opinion.
Most of the time, u gonna fill your pants,
when things done early - or rushed.
And I don't have to tell u, that
building something,
and might it be a bird-cage, will take longer than
Execptions only proof the rule.
Murphy's Law is stronger than
ANY steel or whatever...
Clearly it was not necessary to
point out the wind-stability
of KODIAK Houses - A seeing-eye dog would bark
it out,
after looking at the site....
I agree in full with your
And with the steps u have choosen, to achieve your target.
Then there will be time enough,
within a nice Mobile-Home,
to calculate/think/decide if RHINO or KODIAK.
That we probably both tend to the
stronger constructions of KODIAK
but not to the costs, is quite clear.
I am not really a friedn of
self-drilling screws,
and rather prefer pre-drilled holes and strong bolts.
Note, that KODIAK is saying, some drilling and cutting might be needed too.
Look once more to the header of
this post, and change CAPE for PRO.
With both - KODIAK and RHINO - for
erecting the frames,
I would hire an experienced steel-worker gang. Mohawk
Indians ??
Now I will polish my magic
to help u to find an even better Mobile Bargain,
than the
last one.
Really exists - Gift from Daughter - She bought it from a
travelling Gypsy,
when she was about 9 yrs old.
Bargainde for it, with
her pocket-money, to turn the eldest Ferengi pale
No doubt about it.
} Murphy's
Law is stronger than
} ANY steel or whatever...
Ayup. Stronger than carbon-fiber reinforced titanium. Steel's not
even close.
} Then there will be time enough,
} within a
nice Mobile-Home, to
} calculate/think/decide if RHINO
} or KODIAK.
Just so.
Kodiak (and the I-beam system in general) is by no means out of the running. I will let a RFQ for a team of Mohawk Indians, and much hinges on the dollar amount of said quote. Perhaps I'm over-estimating the $$ there. Perhaps instead of saving money on the framing, I save it on the finishing. My thinking, you see, was that after I framed the Rhino I would contract the bulk of the finishing.
But I am perfectly capable of fine finishing. It's just that, compared to a Pro, I'd be very sloooooow. And my wastage would be significantly higher, I'm sure. But I could do it. If I judge Kodiak to be sufficiently superior, then I hire a Pro to erect the frame, finish it meself, and my total costs are similar in the end. The job is completed a few months later, but ensconed in a comfortable on-site mobile home, that's not a real hardship.
} I am not
really a friedn of self-
} drilling screws, and rather prefer
pre-drilled holes and strong bolts.
It sounds good on paper, but the results may well (in some ways) be superior the other way 'round. In automotive terms, it's the difference between full-length frame rails and unibody construction. And we both know which way that's gone...
} ..With both - KODIAK and RHINO -
} for
erecting the frames, I would
} hire an experienced steel-worker
} gang.
Mohawk Indians ??
Our only point of contention, then. For Kodiak, the Mohawks are a must. But for the Rhino, it seems overkill to me. The steel stud-truss construction of the Rhino is so far outside the norm for a traditional iron-worker gang that I really think you'd be as well off with a competent general contractor well-versed in conventional matchstick construction.
} ..to help u
to find an even
} better Mobile Bargain..
Haven't pulled the trigger yet. Showed pictures of the Front Runner to several co-workers today, and one insists that I should drive 30 miles in the other direction, to the Grenada, MS Mobile Home Superstore, and I will find a better deal. Plan to do so sometime this week. Got nothing to lose, as shipping is the same for the first 100 miles. After that, 'tis $1.60 to $1.80 per mile...
} ..bought it from a travelling Gypsy..
Uh uh. Nope. Plan to do this
whole deal with no intercourse with Gypsies OR travelling Tinkers...
T'anks for your help, ENSIGN! You've certainly given me a few things to ponder upon...
'Poor Man's' Watch Forum - Foro de Relojes Para el 'Hombre Pobre' - Horlogeforum voor de 'Arme Man'