Poor Man's' Watch Forum - Foro de Relojes Para el 'Hombre Pobre' - Horlogeforum voor de 'Arme Man'
Announcing Shamrock Acres
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Date: Wednesday, 14 March 2007, at 10:32 p.m.
Yeah, we put down a deposit on the 17.65 acres in Panola County;
Got a substantial discount off the asking price, too. We did OK.. I'm pretty excited!
My No. 2 Son was even more excited than me, I think, and talked us into breaking it in with a 'fishing trip' yesterday evening;
Dustin is 2nd from the left, in the black T-shirt.
This is where we tossed our lines;
It's very small, maybe 3/8th of an acre. Not even worthy of the name 'pond', in Mississippi vernacular it's a 'pool'. No, we didn't catch anything. Only because these geniuses forgot to buy bait, though, and were using artificial lures. I'm pretty sure there's a few bream in there, and could be convinced to take proper (IOW live) bait.
A good time was had by all, nevertheless. More than a few beers were consumed, which pretty much guaranteed a good time just walking the property. There's a natural run at the very back of the property, and we saw much deer sign. I may have to take up hunting again...
Here's a shot of the two antique barns;
The one on the left will be razed, most likely, but I will save the one on the right. It's 150 years old if it's a day, and is of log construction at it's core. Logs which were cut on the land, I have no doubt. The original structure was covered with a stick and plank veneer maybe 50 to 60 years later, and the whole thing has a marvelous.. well, if it was a watch you'd say 'patina'. But, for all that, it is still an amazingly solid structure.
What's that? What about the old house I mentioned earlier (and which is pictured in the realtor's ad)? Well, an amazing thing happened there. The owner sold it to the man who owns the adjacent property, and they've already started the process of moving it. This was the real
as I was planning on demolishing it anyway. But the fact that the owner sold it gave me the leverage to say "WTF?! Last time I looked at the place it had a house on it! Now I've got to buy a moblile home. You gotta come down off the asking price."
Add it up, and I probably saved a cool $6 to $8K.
Biggest problem so far? No landline broadband at this locale. So I'll be forced to do
over dialup, or go with satellite (which I abhor).
Messages In This Thread
And the magical amount of 40 is hiding in the price.
Tell something about the plans, u
have for that nice property.
Maybe we can add some crazy ideas.
I would
"patch up" the house & barns.
Poor Man's style first.
Well, pretty much covered that in a couple of earlier posts, here and here.
I know the latter will be familiar to you..
} Maybe we can add some crazy ideas.
crazier than some I've already heard. Craziest so far - that I should turn the
whole thing into a motocross track and offer week-long specials to 'Ricky's
Motocross Resort'. The ironic thing is,
you COULD make one helluva a motorcross track on this land.. as long as you were
willing to dedicate is solely to that. I'm not!
} I would "patch up" the house &
}barns. Poor Man's style
Great minds think alike!
That's pretty much the plan!
1- Plop a mobile home on the land plus
2- a 20 x 40 metal building. We live in the trailer, store our Excess Stuff in the shed while
3- we spuce up the current place in DeSoto county preparatory to
4- selling it at a price that will retire my debt in total. Then we
5- split the 17+ acres into 4 or 5 sections, pick the prime lot and
6- build our (well, Pam's ) dream home.
Much room for wiggle. We may split off an acre or two for Pam's cousin before we build. A 3+ acre pond may be built, if I have enough extra dosh. Etc., etc.
} And the magical amount of 40
} is hiding in the price.
The modern equivalent of "Forty acres and a mule" perhaps?
That'd be
"Seventeen acres and a 4-wheeler" of course...
What is crazy for one, is normal
procedure for others.
e.g. Govermental Logic....
Have to digest the full
back-ground first,
but it was clear to me, that u wanted the land to live
At least at Weekends, if in full, I left open.
Hence some biz -
loud & stinky, was out of question anyway.
A long while aga - prices were
still low - in some
"southern" parts of nowhere, the late wife wanted
something like yours.
Old Farm-yard, house & barn...
Told her, that probably the house
would be not worth repairing,
and if - at a King's Ransom.
So we might
put up a tent in the barn, to have a dry roof.
Cause there would be no money
left for more....
And she knew, I would do it that way. And that was the end to it....
The metal container sounds not a
bad idea.
Depending on the inner room of the barn,
either such a
container - module ones are used by building companies,
could be set up
Or a combination of container / tent - inside / outside
could be
To rent such container(s)- for long
terms - probably turns out more expensive
than buying. The prob would be the
Strictly a matter of Price/Earning Ratio.
Here again the Mobile
Home / Trailer again should be calculated.
Which type / size sells best - what
is the VW-Beetle, what the Ford.....
And when do them 2nd hand-dealers have
the real dead season....
The barn sounds intersting - but
were to get a carpenter?
Usually they only walk on lakes, and not on
And chances for you, to charter a mexican working-gang ???
And the magical 40 is hidden in the
price - not in them acres....
40 K something...
There seems to blow a nice wind in
that area -
blew the house away. And saved heaps of $$$
For now I
close the Sermon. Roll up the sleeves, and spit in the hands...
NW Mississippi. My old place is in DeSoto county, the new one's in Panola county.
Know what you mean about regional prices. I used to live in NE Illinois (Kendall county) and nowadays you'd be doing good to find a 1/2 acre lot for what I paid for this 17+ acres.
} 'Round here,
people with that much land
} tend to sell and subdivide before actually
} thinking about enjoying what they've got.
Sad, the not enjoying it part. I definitely plan to enjoy this!
} In northern Guilford County/southern
Rockingham County, that land, subdivided,
} would probably fetch in the
} of $1M to $1.5M.
If this land were located 2
counties north (DeSoto county, where my current place is located ), AND if it could be
divided into 1-acre lots, I'd be looking at the potential for $800K, give or
However, due to the lay of the
land that's not possible. And it's not my goal, in any case. I want to preserve
some breathing room, and plan on splitting it into 5 lots, ranging from to 1
acre to approx. 4 acres. And, yes, I'll be selective about whom I sell to. It'll actually be limited to family.. at least that's the plan.
Give it 5 to 10 years, and the land will be worth double what I paid. Triple, if I'm lucky.
'Poor Man's' Watch Forum - Foro de Relojes Para el 'Hombre Pobre' - Horlogeforum voor de 'Arme Man'