Poor Man's' Watch Forum
An but extremely
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Tuesday, 28 November 2006, at 10:14 p.m.
OK, so I really got it yesterday. Couldn't spend any time with it, though, so couldn't in good heart evaluate it. Today, though, today the silver lining in the cloud of my getting caught in the rain on the commute home was doing the Hondaline-Spray-Cleaner-And-Wax-With-A-Freshly-Laundered-Towel routine on the bike while jammin' to this;
click {Here} for huge 350+ KB jpeg of entire retail box It rocks!
I can't believe I almost went for the next lowest in price, basically the same deck sans remote. A wee Scots angel appeared on me shoulder and said, "Och! Nay! That $20 you save on a remote might be the di'errence twixt you ain your next bottle o' single-mailt." Then, luckily, a wee red devil appeared on me other shoulder and said, "Nonsense. Screw the money! It's Pam's car, and if you don't spring for a deck with all the features, she'll kick your ass!"
Knockin' about the garage this afternoon, it hit me. This $265 (installed) system renders my carefully-assembled-in-the-Scots tradition (i.e. free cast-offs!
) garage system of ca. 1978 Nikko 100W/Channel reciever, ca. 1994 JVC 5-disc CD changer, and ca. 1982 Technics 12" Bookshelf speakers obsolete in one fell swoop.
But, on second thought
And a semi on-topic link to my blog (old PMWF page)
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I'm not quite ready to commit to it (Though I do like my XM
radio!), and the nuances of HD would be lost in a convertible, anyway. But, hey, it occurred to me that the car was parked in the perfect spot to
grab a photo of both the new car system, and the old Garage Component System;
Click {Here} for supersize photo
Amazing thing is, the Pioneer sounds just as good, maybe a little better than the component system. At least at any reasonable volume level. 'tis true that the vintage Nikko & Technics combo out-powers it, but I seldom listen at ear-bleed volume levels.
Well, pretty much any way you want it to work... THis new technology is so wonderful!
You can put inna a CD-R disc w/ 700 MB of MP3 or WMA files (potentially thousands of songs on a single disc, if you're willing to go to transistor-radio-level-quality-compression in the encoding),
Or, it's got 2 AUX inputs, so you can plug in your MP3 player, XM Radio, etc.
Oh yeah, and it gets AM/FM radio and plays reg'lar ceedees, too.
But my wee Scots angel won out on that one. Says he "Och! Nay! Pay
what amounts tay $200 fora GB of flaish mem'ry, what ye cain buy for $40 at the
same establishment? Ye must be daft!!!!"
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