Poor Man's' Watch Forum
On on-topic Thanksgiving report! Many s
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Friday, 24 November 2006, at 1:55 p.m.
AKA Thanksgiving at the Car Wash
Yipee! My twin grand-daughters came to visit!
{ Click the pics to enlarge } We did an early morning project. Hannah was upset 'cause she couldn't trace her Belle The Princess toy, so Gran'pa fixed her up a 'light table'. 'tis really just an old desklamp I had handy, but Hannah thinks gramps is a Wizard.
It was a beautiful day, so we adjourned to the garage.
It was so fine that Daddy decided to take the girls for a spin. They really like Grammy Pam's little Zoom Zoom!
When the girsl returned, I surprised them with another
Mind you, Hannah doesn't look real worried..
Anyway, shamed by the shocking state of wash the Miazda was in and, in keeping with the
theme, we took advantage of the fine weather and washed it;
And THAT led to what could almost be termed The Olympics Of Car-Washing...
It worked great. Kept us out of the womenfolks hair, we were done by suppertime, and we worked up a great appetite working in the outdoors.
What a great Thanksgiving!
So how is any of this on-topic? Glad you asked!
My grand-daughters are playin' Junior WIS's this morning.
Hope y'all all had a great Thanksgiving, too!
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