Poor Man's' Watch Forum
A must-see video!
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Sunday, 19 November 2006, at 10:29 p.m.
Y'all know me, I usually ain't one to fire off links to the latest viral video. So when I get such a kick out of one that I capture the stream, re-encode it to an archiveable format, and host it on me own site.. well, you know the Debil's making snow-men.
Click the pic for video. You may have to choose 'save', depending on your browser configuration. What this says about my sense of humor I shudder to think...
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..but when I read "The physics don't look quite right."
I got this mental image of a long-haired, scholarly Einstein-type presenting a
paper entitled Dispersal Patterns Of Liquid Feces In Forced-Circulation
Heated Communal Bathing Tubs. -Ricky
I fed it through Snopes search engine, but didn't get any hits. Perhaps my keywords were ill-chosen.
It certainly looks real enough...
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