Poor Man's' Watch Forum
CB's new
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Sunday, 22 October 2006, at 5:47 p.m.
She's a long-haired chihuaha, same as his mama was:
They really are big buddies.. as you can see!
Pam got her from the humane society while visiting her daughter Heather (Spring Hill, TN). She's been through an awful bad time.. she was owned by an 80+ years-old lady who was admitted to the hospital, and nobody thought to check on her dogs. Seven chihuahas, no food, no water for 2 weeks.
By the time they were rescued, they were all skin & bones. Skippy had lost all her fur except for her head and neck, and one of the other dogs chewed the tip of her left ear off.
But she's doin' fine now! Her appetite's good, her fur is coming back in, and she's made herself right at home at chez McBroom. She's got a really sweet disposition, too - not hyper at all, just laid-back as can be. I like her!
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