Poor Man's' Watch Forum
An but (hopefully)
humorous post. (long.. skip it if you're in a hurry)
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Friday, 20 October 2006, at 10:27 p.m.
OK, I have to set this pic up with a story. Sorry, but 'twouldn't make sense, 'less I do,
Alright, understand that I usually always ride my 'cycle to work. Not quite "rain or shine" since, while a 70% forecast of precipitation doesn't scare me off (unless it's cold, too, then a 30% chance might
), if it's actually raining when I pour me first cuppa and stick me nose out the door, I usually opt for 4 wheels. Call it 200 days out of the working year's 240. That's more than 80%, so I reckon that qualifies me as a fairly hard-core motorcycle commuter.
Ennyway, when the Miazda was finally done, and I drove it to work the first time, I pulls in the parking lot and instinctively head for the special front-row motorcycle parking area my employer thoughtfully provides. Then I'm like "Whoa! I can't park there, it's a car!"
Well, at that precise moment I heard a soft, subtle 'pop', and a wee red devil appeared on my left shoulder. Says he, "Oh yes, you can. It's a very small car. Barely bigger'n your fine Honda. Go ahead!"
Then, of course, there's a soft arpeggio of harp music, and a wee white angel appears on my right shoulder, sayin' "Don't do it, Ricky, it does have four wheels. It's not allowed. You'll surely get in trouble."
What did I do? Yep!
After a split second of indecision, I whipped that sucker around the parking blocks which, while they might deter a full-size automobile, were merely a flick-of-the-wrist detour for MY li'l AutoMoCycle.
About an hour later I get a call from Security. "Mr. McBroom, do you own the little green car which is illegally parked in the Motorcycle Only Parking Area? You do? Well, you have 5 minutes to move it, or it will be towed."
Despite my attempts to explain my rationale, Security was totally unwilling to allow this Egregious Flaunting Of The Rules. Ack! Not wanting my new toy hooked and drug, I moved it.
Long story short, I'd arrived early, about 0600, so most of the crew saw the car sitting there when they arrived for the normal 0700 shift. A few witnessed my attempt to talk the guard into thinkin' it was OK, and my defeat when I had to move it to the reg'lar ol' parking lot (and, by that time, it was back row only!).
Well, if you were a SNO employee, you'd KNOW what's comin' next...
.Yup! The dreaded cartoon!
We have a Phantom Cartoonist, you see, who, while anonymous, documents every gaffe, miscue, and boner which takes place on the environs of SNO. The 'victims' have two schools of thought on this. Those who've never learned to laugh at themselves get pissed off, embarrased, and sulk. Those who have (like me!
), take it as a badge of honor, and proudly post their cartoon in their workspace for all to see. 'cause, in the end, you really ain't nobody at SNO until you've been the subject of the Phantom Cartoonist.
BTW, this is something like number 5 for me, so far, so I figure I'll eventually be president of the company.
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