Poor Man's' Watch Forum Man'
Road Trip!
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Sunday, 2 July 2006, at 2:36 p.m.
We.. well, Pam decided, on Friday night, that the best way to spend the long weekend would be to hop on the bike and just ride, with no particular destination in mind. God, I love that woman!
As it turns out the trip has turned into the latest in a long string of 'Blues Pilgrimage' trips. Yup, we headed south, into the delta. First stop of note was lunch in Como, Mississippi, at the Windy City Grille. It lived up to it's name - best Italian beef sandwich I've had outside the Chicago area! After a quick stop to pay our respects at Mississippi Fred McDowell's memorial, we continued on to the main stop:
That's more than just a nice shady spot for a stretch. Which it is.. but it's also a spot which looms large in Blues-dom:
It's Moorhead, Mississippi and, specifically, the very spot where The Southern crosses the Dawg. We also passed through Tutwiler which, according to W.C. Handy, is where he heard the unknown bluesman singing about the crossing.
More miles.. Passed a LOT of these farms:
Yup, that's a farm. A catfish farm. Very big business in the delta!
This was a common sight, too:
It's been very dry in the delta this year...
We passed through Indianola, which bills itself as "The Home Of B.B. King". However, B.B. lived there for only a few years, in his youth. In my opinion, Indianola is more notable as the birthplace of another King, the great Albert King! But what do I know?
A prominent landmark in Indanola is..
Indian Bayou, which runs all the way through town, and beyond. A baroque feature to find in a downtown setting, and one that definitely has it's drawbacks.. but more about that later!
We continued west, through Leland, which is perhaps best known as the hometown of Jim Henson. Yup, the Muppets guy!
They've also got a good Blues Museum, but, alas, the legendary Boss Hall's jukejoint was closed. Looks like it might be out of business, actually.
But it's hard to tell with a jukejoint! Hopefully Mr. Hall was just takin' a day off!
On to Greenville..
..where we watched the sun set over Big Muddy. Click here to see a super-sized version of that photo...
Greenville's a 'casino town' and, being a long weekend, pret' near every room in town was booked.
But, hey, 'twas a pleasant night ride back to Indianola, and we got a great deal at the Day's Inn. The Wi-Fi works great, obviously!
But remember Indian Bayou? Well, the drawback is mosquitos! Son, they've got skeeters in this town that could carry you off!
So. Time to ride. Not sure which way we'll go. Further south? Natchez, maybe? Or maybe cross over into Arkansas, then up into the Ozarks. Some mountain ridin' sounds good!
In any case, the trusty
will keep us on course!
Have a great weekend, y'all!
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