Poor Man's' Watch Forum
New Orleans, 4
years ago this month...
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Saturday, 12 August 2006, at 1:12 p.m.
We're planning a weekend trip to New Orleans, and that got me to reminiscing about the last time we visited, in August of '02. Thought y'all might like to see some pre-Katrina N'awlins pics. So, with apologies to The Dude, here's my pathetic attempt at Street Photography...
Some preparations are required, so I go into Samurai Motorcycle Maintenance mode:
The main tasks were new tires and brakes, the replacement of all fluids, and a steering head bearing clean and repack. The latter job requires a special tool and, when I found out what Honda charges for it, I said "No f***ing way!, and made my own. First I model it with CAD..
..shade it for a better look..
..drive some tool paths, and after a couple of hours on the milling machine, this emerges:
Works like a champ, it does! I later showed it to the head mechanic down at the Honda shop, and he liked it enough that he wanted me to make him one.
And no wonder - Honda's 'official' tool is a piece of pipe with 4 keys welded on it. Looks plain sick next to mine, if I do say so meself.
Here she is all re-assembled, with my ol' buddy Bo.. may he rest in peace.
After a 100-mile shakedown ride, we pronounced the bike good to go.
Time to pack for N'awlins!
Yes, we really did travel with that bloody cooler strapped to the top box.
Glad I've got the trailer now, so we don't need that foolishness!
On to The Big Easy!
The Pelham's a decent hotel. Moderately priced, yet with beaucoup 'atmosphere'. Give it a try new time you're in New Oreleans...
Saw bikes everywhere...
..and heard lots of great live music..
..and, yes, encountered a few rain showers. Oh well!
"Watchin' the ships sail in..
..Then I watch 'em sail away again."
No, no, Pam..
..this is the way to properly toast New Orleans...
A wee horsie ride..
Lafitte's is one of the oldest establishments in the city.. and looks it!
Forget the horse, I'll take the Urban Assault Scooter!
We were so charmed by Lafitte's that we returned for a closer look..
Pimp My Ride!
The city's over-run with mimes..
..of all shapes and sizes.
A little Voodoo never hurt anybody. Err.. well, you know what I mean!
Hope you liked the tour!
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