1964 CZ 500

As I've mentioned earlier, I was there for the the sixties 2-stroke revolution in scrambles / motocross. Now, naturally I rooted for my brother, and he was always 4-stroke mounted. But secretly, I loved the "ring-dings" with as much fervor as my brother hated them! Secretly, because too much said about the "ring-dings" might have annoyed my brother, causing me to get left at home on Sunday. <grin>
For the first year or two of the revolution, CZ ruled. The above sight was very common on Illinois scrambles tracks; a CZ all alone out front. Or later, a pack of the things, with the 4-strokes thundering along well behind.
The above photo is Paul Friedrichs, in his titanic battle of '64,
against BSA-mounted Jeff Smith. Smith took the title, of course, which caused
my brother to feel vindicated in his choice of bikes, I think. But Smith's success
with the unobtanium factory BSA wasn't evident on the local level at all. The
2-strokes were simply in a class by themselves.
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