1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing
Purchased in 1994, in a package deal of two bikes for $500. One was used as a parts bike, and this bike was stripped to frame & engine, and given a thorough cleaning and general look-over. I rebuilt the carbs (a challenge on a ‘Wing!), flushed the gas tank, and rebuilt the braking system. Other than new tires, that’s all it took to get the old Barn Queen on the road. It had 32,188 miles when put into service, and currently has 49,596 miles. Total expenditures for those miles, not counting gas & oil, but including tires & brake pads & such, is approx. $1,450. The old soldier’s been a reliable bike, and I reckon she has a few scores of thousands of miles left in her! Picture was taken at a park in TN - that’s the Mighty Mississippi in the background, and you’re looking across Big Muddy towards Arkansas.
Spring 2001 update: The 'oldwing developed transmission problems in the summer of '98, at approx. 65K miles. It would 'pop out' of gear under hard acceleration. My solution - don't accelerate hard!I continued to ride it like that, and the problem got gradually worse. In the end, you had to really baby the bike in first, lest it pop into neutral. After I bought the ST1100 in Oct. of '00, the 'oldwing became redundant. So, with 70K and change on the odmometer, I sold her (and what was left of the parts bike) to a co-worker. He not only fixed the trans (turned out to be simply worn dogs on the gear) but bought another parts bike and ended up with two complete GL1000's. She was a good 'un!