1969 BSA Victor 441

I think the Victor was a '69, though it might have
been a '70. Or maybe it was a left-over '69, and my brother bought it
in '70. In any case, he bought it brand-new, and it was the race bike
which replaced the Hornet. I think Jeff Smith's continued success on a
Victor made him feel vindicated in his disdain of 2-strokes. He raced
the bike 'til '72 or '73, but never really had any success with it
though, like the Hornet, he copped a few First 4-Stroke honors. It was
his swan song in racing and, considering his love of 4-strokes, it's
hard to imagine a better mount for him.
The above pic is the
only photo I've got of an actual bike of my brother's, and that's him
riding it. The occasion was an local amateur ice race years after he
had given up racing on a regular basis. My best guess is that it
was taken somewhere between '75 and '78.
I never did ride the 441 all that much, mainly because I
could never master the starting drill, so I couldn't sneak rides when
he wasn't at home. };-) However, it was a sweet bike to ride, and
relatively competitive against the 2-strokes in scrambles and enduro.
Or more so than was the Hornet, in any case.
Favorite memory; watching a semi-pro racer who was a friend of my brother's ride the bike at our house one day. This guy was really good, and could ride a wheelie like nobody's business.. he did some blocks
long monos! And we had a nice little jump out back, right beside an
apple tree that was perhaps 15 feet tall at that time. The dude took
the jump dozens of times that day, feeling it out and getting
progressively more crazy. I'll never forget the sound when he landed.. "Ker-WHUMP!" ..the shocks completely bottomed. His philosophy was "Once they're bottomed, they don't get no more bottomed" and, in the end, we could see the top of the tree under
the Victor's wheels! Granted we were standing at the bottom of the jump,
while the tree was up on top, so this was an optical illusion due to the angle from whitch
we were watching. But this guy was getting some serious air, nevertheless. Especially considering the Victor's primitive suspension!
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