Great post Ricky 
(n/t) (views: 2)
Reto -- January 06, 2009 11:35AM
Congrats Ricky!
I am very glad that you are using those "parts" in a way I never would/could! 
(n/t) (views: 2)
Wen -- January 05, 2009 07:11PM
Thank YOU Wen!
Yeah, I'm for sure having some fun with the stuff. 
(n/t) (views: 0)
Ricky Lee -- January 05, 2009 07:51PM
But just because there's a submarine on the dial >> (views: 6)
Dave Murphy -- January 05, 2009 02:26PM
>> doesn't mean you should scuba dive with it. That's only a 30 meter case.
As to the hour hand, that tiny thing kind of reminds me of a Doxa hour hand. So I figure that adds to your "pedigree."
I'm not surprised that the Seiko minute hand fit perfectly. Both Seiko and Vostok are supposed to be 0.9 mm.
you want the Seiko hour hand to fit, try squeezing the "stovepipe" a
bit. Perhaps you have a pin vise at work? You are trying to get the
1.5mm hole of the Seiko hands to reduce to 1.4 or maybe even 1.38mm.
Hey, it's only four thousandths of an inch, which might as well be 4
miles to a watchmaker, but easily do-able for a caveman.
No worries Dave, I'll keep the Vostok 3 meters from water, just like a Raketa. 
(views: 1)
Ricky Lee -- January 05, 2009 07:48PM
Never occurred to me to look it up first, I just winged it.
'tis the Caveman Way.
Dave Murphy
If you want the Seiko hour hand to fit, try squeezing the "stovepipe" a
bit. Perhaps you have a pin vise at work? You are trying to get the
1.5mm hole of the Seiko hands to reduce to 1.4 or maybe even 1.38mm.
what I tried with the stick minute hand that's a closer match. However,
my pin vise has seen better days - the ID edge of the collet is a bit
rounded off, and it would barely engage the "stovepipe". Since the
stovepipe of the Seiko hand was significantly shorter, I didn't even
try it.
Dave Murphy
..easily do-able for a caveman.

Well.. we'll see. I would
kinda like to have the matching Seiko hour hand on the watch - it'd
look Grrrrrrrr8! But, honestly, the stubby hour hand doesn't bother me
much. I'll just think of it as "The Doxa Look", as you suggested.
Best regards,
Great work Ricky, and it's always fun to play with something and not worrying about ruining it.
(n/t) (views: 1)
Mark C. -- January 05, 2009 03:02AM
The stubby hour hand isn't doing it for me BUT otherwise

(n/t) (views: 3)
TMK -- January 05, 2009 01:49AM
Really nice indeed 
(n/t) (views: 4)
Riddim Driven -- January 05, 2009 12:00AM
A lot of cross breeding but it looks cool

(views: 4)
Sfnewguy -- January 04, 2009 11:25PM
I admire your skills Mr. WOTM!
kind sir! Yeah, "pedigree" is a word you'll never need for this watch. 
(n/t) (views: 3)
Ricky Lee -- January 05, 2009 12:04AM
Somewhere between Homo Habilis and Neandertal on the evolutionary scale. 
(n/t) (views: 3)
Chris L -- January 04, 2009 09:57PM
Oh you betcha!
Many's the time! 
(views: 4)
Ricky Lee -- January 04, 2009 11:52PM
Nice work, Ricky, and I think the "3" o'clock marker is funny, clever and cool! 
(n/t) (views: 4)
v_roomy - January 04, 2009 09:53PM
Gee whiz, all that?
And here I thought it was.. expedient.

(n/t) (views: 4)
Ricky Lee -- January 04, 2009 11:46PM
wow pal.... nice work! (n/t) (views: 4)
anjizkit -- January 04, 2009 09:33PM
Thanks Anjan! It was a fun way to spend the morning! 
(n/t) (views: 4)
Ricky Lee -- January 05, 2009 12:01AM
Nice work Ricky!! . . . (views: 6)
Kelly -- January 04, 2009 08:41PM
so that minute hand came in the original OEM packaging. Did it come
with the complete set in new condition? It has the flat appearance of
the 6309-7040 hands rather than the slightly rounded look of the SKX007
style hands. If so, I NOS set of 6309 hands would be worth more than
the watch.
Yup, a complete as-new (though opened) 3-hand set. Part numbers.. (views: 5)
Ricky Lee -- January 04, 2009 08:57PM
1FA077FABES, 2FA115FDBES, and 3BX125FEBES.
It has the flat appearance of the 6309-7040 hands rather than the slightly rounded look of the SKX007 style hands.
piqued my interest, so I checked out some of 6309-7040 photos in me
archives and, sure enough, these hands are a dead-ringer match in a several instances.
If so, I NOS set of 6309 hands would be worth more than the watch.
Arrrrrrrgh! Now he tells me.
Well.. I still got an unused hour and seconds hand. If you can use 'em, they're yours.
The Mcbroom Method of improvised watchmaking. I like it. 
(n/t) (views: 7)
greg honeycutt -- January 04, 2009 07:31PM
Now let's not mince words! "Caveman Watchmaking" it is!
(n/t) (views: 4)
Ricky Lee -- January 04, 2009 07:42PM
Ya know, that all works together real good! 
(n/t) (views: 4)
Brian Uziel -- January 04, 2009 07:30PM
I still have a pile of Vostoks I haven't worn yet 
(n/t) (views: 4)
Brian Uziel -- January 04, 2009 08:00PM
my mistake! OK, a trade then!

(n/t) (views: 7)
Ricky Lee -- January 04, 2009 08:12PM
Ah, if only I had something good to trade for it! (n/t) (views: 3)
misterguch -- January 04, 2009 10:21PM
Sure, just as soon as I find a Vostok that I don't like, I'll trade that one 
(n/t) (views: 4)
Brian Uziel -- January 04, 2009 08:23PM
Ricky's motor home?

(views: 42)
JohnnyT -- January 04, 2009 07:25PM
I'd love to convert old Soviet helicopters to mobile homes

(views: 31)
Brian Uziel -- January 04, 2009 07:58PM
Pic via []
where somewhere is also a pic of these loaded onto flatbed trucks - so
they ARE road width. Not to mention the frames are ( were )
airworthy.You can't load a regular mobile home with a jeep then drop it
from several meters and expect it to fly again with heavy load and
vibration through a Siberian snowstorm - but those classic Soviet
helicopters did that regularly for decades. Cool seats and visability,
plenty of room for living space and storage - an ultimate vehicle mod
if mated with a 3 axile frame, steering and Diesel engine
"It made you a moron, a potential H-bomb"
I hope your handy (n/t) (views: 3)
ncmoto -- January 04, 2009 11:40PM
It's kinda sorta already been done.

(views: 26)
Ricky Lee -- January 04, 2009 08:28PM
Not a Soviet helicopter but..
..even better! A good ol' made-in-the-
jetliner home!
Lots more room, way swoopier lookin', no outrageous overseas shipping fees, etc.
And it's not a one of.
Dunno exactly how many there are exactly, but several such conversions exist.
! I visited that site a couple years ago, been dreaming about it ever since.... (views: 9)
Brian Uziel -- January 04, 2009 08:45PM
there is also an airplane mobile home and airliner boat, not to mention
several airliner restaurants around the globe, like a nice one in Seoul
Korea. If I remember my research corectly, a firm in Tennessee
dismantles and ships decommissioned airframes and wings for just those
PS That also when I got the idea to bury a submarine in sand and soil
up to the top of the conning tower for ultimate secure and
disaster-proof home.
"It made you a moron, a potential H-bomb"
Re: ..bury a submarine in sand and soil up to the top of the conning tower for ultimate secure and disaster-proof home. (views: 7)
Ricky Lee -- January 04, 2009 09:07PM
Ahhhh.. no. That'd be the converted
Atlas and Titan missile base homes. I'd google & link 'em, but I'm
sure you've already seen them.
Can't get much more "secure and disaster-proof" than the ability to withstand a near-direct multi-megaton nuke strike.
The maintenance, and probably property tax is prohibitive... (views: 7)
Brian Uziel -- January 04, 2009 09:25PM
if you check the real estate sites that special in selling them.
Besides, they are almost always in the middle of nowhere,in States that
are mostly empty - and cold. The concrete etc. is like the ultimate
leaky basement,a real PITA. Whereas a submarine can be put in the
moderate climate of Pennsylvania - which also happens to be easy to
ship/tow to. Yep, drain the fluids, replace the seals and give it a
coat of paint and it will last the rest of my life with no further
maintenance needed - especially since it ain't going nowhere. Any idea
of how many tons of generator fuel, water, food, even air one can store
in a military sub? lots! And you don't have to worry about flooding
Believe me, I actually look into that kinda stuff
"It made you a moron, a potential H-bomb"
Holy cow.. you HAVE thought this through! Makes perfect sense to me! Now where can I find a surplus submarine? 
(n/t) (views: 3)
Ricky Lee -- January 04, 2009 11:57PM
Mail one to Ricky and let's all go to his place and play!!

(n/t) (views: 5)
JohnnyT -- January 04, 2009 08:15PM
Man, I'd love to!
It would make a cool Russian made watch or movement watch kiosk at the mall too (n/t) (views: 3)
Brian Uziel -- January 04, 2009 08:34PM
Nah, that's me cousin Wang Chung McBroom.
Killer rig, though! 
(n/t) (views: 4)
Ricky Lee -- January 04, 2009 07:38PM
A very distinguished international family of cavemen! 
(views: 18)
JohnnyT -- January 04, 2009 08:22PM
Excellent bloodline!
Ricky for Caveman of the Decade (COD!) When the nuclear holocaust comes and we're left without our collections, (views: 10)
JohnnyT -- January 04, 2009 07:18PM
I wanna be with you!! We'll cobble something together!!
Put your shades on, look cool, Ricky!
Aw shucks.
Thanks, Johnny, that's the nicest compliment I ever got here.

(views: 12)
Ricky Lee -- January 04, 2009 07:34PM
When the nuclear holocaust comes and we're left without our collections, I wanna be with you!! We'll cobble something together!!
Hey, besides the watches I got plenty of ammo, a motorcycle junkyard, 15 acres of corn, and I know how to 'still whisky. What more do you need?
Put your shades on, look cool, Ricky!

