Timex Expedition Indiglo model THH

Ricky Lee |
778 |
June 10, 2012 09:58AM |
A very nice watch once again, Ricky!  (n/t)
IF |
33 |
June 10, 2012 11:42PM |
I gotta say that crystal turned out amazing! (n/t)
Timemiser |
34 |
June 10, 2012 09:13PM |
Expedition, Ricky! Here is some info on your watch>>>>

The "HH" is the production date code. (Here is a link to the Timex Watch Forum and the Date Code Chart: TIMEX QUARTZ DATE CODE CHART )
watch was produced in November 2000. This model was later "beefed up",
with a WR of 100m and ultimately was approved by the Department of
Defense for use by US military personnel in the field, complete with a
GSA contract number. (Check this link: New Timex Military Approved Watch
Hope this helps, Ricky! Enjoy the "old boy."
EdH |
55 |
June 10, 2012 07:41PM |
Re: Hope this helps, Ricky!
Boy does it ever! 
Thank ye kindly Bro. Ed, I sure do appreciate it.
Enjoy the "old boy."
Oh, I sure am!
Thanks again mate.

Ricky Lee |
39 |
June 10, 2012 08:38PM |
Re: Timex Expedition Indiglo model THH

Agreed, it cleaned up very well. I have always had a thing for Timex
Expeditions. They are tough, tough, watches. Good on ya, Bro Ricky! 
Here's mine:

Magnum |
83 |
June 10, 2012 01:51PM |
Re: They just keep on going, eh?
That they do. 
You've a couple of great examples of the breed there! 

Ricky Lee |
37 |
June 10, 2012 06:41PM |
Re: They just keep on going, eh?
Thank you, sir!
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees
the opportunity in every difficulty. --Sir Winston Churchill
Magnum |
34 |
June 10, 2012 07:44PM |
It cleaned up very nicely, I like the case shape on that one. (n/t)
Paul J Costa |
30 |
June 10, 2012 12:41PM |
Maybe a bit too much WABI, to now, just RIGHT! Great job Ricky! (n/t)
Denuo |
37 |
June 10, 2012 10:55AM |
Great clean up and nice review! Well done, Ricky!! (n/t)
RR218 |
28 |
June 10, 2012 10:41AM |
+1 (n/t)
James T. Kirk© |
38 |
June 10, 2012 03:34PM |