For the first time anywhere, a (nearly) complete of RickyWatch variants..
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Date: Saturday, 30 August 2008, at 2:05 p.m.
Dunno why it's never before occured to me to do this.
Ennyway.. cut me some slack on a couple of these photos. Remember, I'd only been WIS'ing for a year or so, and didn't know how to take a watch
So without futher ado,
Version 1.00, long lug, Aluminum (CNC proveout piece), glassbead finishI gave this one to me son, and he used it as an actual service watch for a while. O' course the desert environment took it's toll, and it pretty much fell apart after a year or so.
I refurbished it for him, though (LifeTime Warranty on a RickyWatch!
), and he still wears it occasionally. Maybe I can get some better
s one day!
This next one, alas, now resides overseas, so I'll never have that chance..
Version 1.61, long lug, SS, polishedI really regret not gettin' better photos o' this one! A partner at work polished the case and, while he really altered the profile from what I intended, the result was quite fetching!
Version 1.20, short lug, Ti, glassbeadedGave this one to me son-in-law. Did a battery change just a couple o' months ago. This one's really holdin' up well.. I don't think he wears it much.
Version 1.06, long lug, Ti, brushed finishHonestly.. can't remember who got this one!
Remember, I made 20!
Oddly, I didn't keep a black dial version for meself.
, as the original to which it pays homage is black dial.
Version 1.10, long lug, Ti, glassbeadedThis was my long-term daily wear RickyWatch for 2+ years, so I've photographed it to death. That
is linked, and the supersize version is (IMHO) the closest to a Kelly Rayburn
as I've ever managed.
The RickyAuto made this one kinda redundant, so I swapped Latest Son-In-Law Dan for his daily wearer..
Version 1.20, short lug, Ti, bright-brushed finishSo this is now my RickyWatch beater.
It's got some wabi, but has held up rather well, overall.
Version 2.90, short lug, SS, deep face polygon, glassbeadedA one-of, a friend at work wears this one, so 'tis another that I service regularly.
Biggest FUBAR with this one is that I experimented with reg'lar ol' 10-minute epoxy, instead of actual Watch Crystal Cement. The results were, as they say, "Not optimum."
Version 2.06, same as a 1.10, only with the shallow face polygon.Another that I wore daily for quite some time. Ended up giving this one to another overseas E-mail Pal, so it's adios! to that one, too.
And finally [drum roll] the Pinnacle of RickyWatch engineering (
The RickyWatch / ![]()
Mark XI Homage
Would you believe I still haven't gotten a Round Tuit giving it a dedicated page on the blog?
Too busy wearin' it!
Well, there you go. These photos capture nearly all the variances in the line, modest as it may be. See link for more info...
Next - RickyWatch v. 1.00 overview