Satanic Watch
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Tuesday, 1 January 2008, at 4:51 a.m.
It's a Prologue Alarm Chrono, sold by Clas Ohlson under the part number 31-3697. Not familiar with Clas Ohlson? Don't feel bad, neither am I. They're a Scandanavian chain, with brick and mortar stores in Sweden, Finland, and Norway. I received the watch as a Jül gift from a Swedish friend. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that the packaging was Nordic, and proclaimed the features as
- Alarm
- Datum
- Stoppur med varvtider
- Bakgrundsbelysning
- Vattenskyddad
The first is self-explanatory. I think the second means that it can track a second time zone. But it might be a second alarm.. have to get back to you on that after I play with it some more. The third is stopwatch with lap timer. The fourth, I'm fairly certain, means that it's got a back light. The last.. I don't have a clue! Why? 'cause the instructions, while bilingual, are Swedish and Norwegian! Setting the time and date was a real treat.
Fairly intuitive though - it only took a half-hour for me to puzzle it out.
What's that you say? What am I on about with the "Satanic Watch" jive? Well, check it out...
Click photos to SuperSize Note the text at 6 o'clock. Six sixty six!
Plus there's that demonic avatar in the little window at 2 o'clock. Errr.. can't realy see it in that photo. Here's a better look;
See him? He blinks continuously, two seconds on and one off. Sure, he looks like some kind of alien smiley-face. But he looks kinda sinister to me, and when the 666 aspect is taken into consideration, I'm pretty sure he's some sort of temporal-themed demon.
Another neat feature is that each day of the week gets a distinctive icon. Alas, I failed to get a
with the complete range displayed (they all flash in setting mode), but the lineup is;
- Sunday - an angel facing left
- Monday - a dove in flight, the classic "bird of peace" pose
- Tuesday - some sort of cute stylized animal.. a deer, I think
- Wednesday - a seal spinning a ball on it's nose
- Thursday - a hawk at stoop's end, talons extended
- Friday - a sea horse
- Saturday - an angel facing right
Not sure what to make of Sunday and Saturday's icons. Angels on a Satanic watch? Perhaps they're fallen angels.
The back is SS, affixed with 4 screws. Quite similar to my Casio.
No claim as to a specific depth rating but, hey, it's got a dolphin graphic so you should at least be able to swim with it, right?
All in all a very neat watch! I just need to sacrifice a chicken, sprinkle it with holy water, and do a wee exorcism, and I'm good t' go.
Thanks, Magnus!
I'll leave you with a
. I did a bit o' photoshopping here. Put a circle mask around the li'l flashing demon at 2, and boosted the contrast;
Quite the
, ain't he?
Happy new year, my
Messages In This Thread
Kind of curious that a watch marketed in a metric nation would
be rated in feet, though. Nah! It must be Satanic...
Cool RLT! But why Diablo?
Gävle, if i recall correctly? How's your Swedish nowadays?
Daniel Z.