Any of y'all ever revel in the POOR aspect of
Posted By: Ricky Lee McBroom
Sunday, 19 February 2006, at 9:52 p.m.
Seems to me that I'm seeing more and more high-dollar watches here lately. Don't get me wrong, I like lookin' at the pics and readin' about
s and
s and
s. Every once in a while...
But it really seems to me like the Poor aspect of the
is in danger of falling by the wayside. That
watches don't get nearly the respect that they should, considering this forum's stated mission.
Not even from me.. I was doing a little maintenance on the web site today, thinkin' about that, and wearing this
one. I suddenly realized that I hadn't yet taken
s of the very watch I was wearin'! 'twas represented on the web site only by a lame 'Photo coming soon' disclaimer! Could this be because of it's low price? I subconsciously considered it unworthy? Hmmmm.
Brought to mind parables of throwing rocks in glass houses, beams in your own eye vs. the mote in your neighbors, etc.
So I remedied the situation then and there.
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danger of losing the original point of the forum. I know many people who
frequent have a negative
attitude toward any watches over a certain $ amount, especially
sometimes other brands. However, I think the majority of regulars here, myself
included, can appreciate all watches, regardless of price. I think what sets
this place apart is the fact that we can discuss a $3K watch with the same
interest as one that was $75. I have 59 watches and only 3 are at or over the PM
limit. Most of the rest are well under $500 each. As Reto says, "If we have the
luxury of owning more then one watch, then we belong already to a privileged
class on this planet."
I think that since a $5 watch will keep time as good as any other, what we buy is much more than just a timekeeper. Personally, I buy what I like and don't give too much of a rat's A$$ if no one else likes what I buy. I prefer it if people like my watches, but if they don't I am not going to get rid of them.
For instance, I just got a $75 Trias diver that I think is an awesome watch
and have posted it many times. I also have a Sea-Dweller
that my wife gave me as a gift since she saw me for years drooling over them in
stores. I like the Sea-Dweller because of it's amazing history as a tested
professional dive watch. I'm sure no matter what I say, people will think that I
like the Rolex because I want to show off or because I am overcompensating for a
small...nevermind. I am not trying to sell anyone else on the Sea-Dweller. I
realize that some can't swing that, some can and choose not to and others do. I
say more power to you for getting what you like and can afford as long as you're
not spending grocery money! When I started visiting here, I had far fewer
watches and on average they cost a lot less each. In the past few years, my
tastes have changed and I like homages less, because for me they did not stop me
from wanting the original. I use my hard earned money to get what appeals to me.
I don't play golf or have too many other hobbies that require outflow of cash,
so watches it is.
Anyway, sorry for the long rant, but I think everyone here is still into
watches of all costs and that is why I love ! I don't think that's
going away because some are into more expensive watches. So far, I have not
noticed any watch snobs here and that's why I like it here.
A pastime I know you're familiar with..
It does seem to me that I see more posts about than in the past, mind you. But they're easy to skip over, so what the
I'm sure there'll always be a place for the PMW here...
Kelly, honestly you put straps on your watches that cost more than most of my watches.What attracted me to this forum in the first place was noticing a lot of the watches talked about were brands/makes/models that I already owned like Seikos, Orients, Casios (yes, Casio), Citizens, and even Invictas (yes, Invictas), etc. It does seem that more often than not, posts are regarding Rolexes and especially Omegas. One can easily see the beginnings of a rift when one reads the banter betwixt the "Homages are Great" and "Homages are Fakes" parties. I often find the out-of-hand slighting remarks about Invictas to be out of context at a forum called Poor Man's Watch Forum, since the very mission of Invicta as stated by the Company is to provide a quality time piece at an affordable price. And IMHO, they do that. Do they produce ridiculous "fashion" watches as well? Yes, but so does every company (need I ask to see that leopard Rolex for Exhibit "A"?).
I owned an Omega (Speedie) six years ago. I sold it two years later and bought six (6!) Seikos ($880 worth) with the money ($950 from the sale of the Omega) and still had money left over for a steak dinner for my wife and I ($70). I am oft tempted to buy a Rolex Submariner as an investment. But I say the same thing about a new Corvette every other year or so. I still do not own a Rolex or a Corvette.
But, my watch collection has grown considerably. I have added 19 watches to my collection in the past 20 months. Price spent on all 19 watches: $1600. Could have bought an Omega with that. Should I have? Not for me. Been there, done that. I REALLY enjoy the hunt for the sub-$300 watches. I it more of a hunt, IMO. Comparing bracelets links and crowns and movements and chapter indices, etc. is so much more fun than just socking away $3,000 and then going down and handing it all over for ONE watch. Then I would feel guilty if I did not wear that sucker every day and night because I could have re-powered my boat and put new tire on my wife's car for the money I spent on the watch.
These are just my opinions and ramblings. Watch ownership like every other
collecting hobby is very subjective. That is why there are so many brands and
each brand has so many models (except Movado, JK ). I am happy for
someone when they finally get their Grail watch and post here to "get some
love". But I am just as happy and even more intrigued when a new person shows up
and says, "Is the Seiko Monster a good first watch for a new WIS?" How about
Great thread. Thanks for starting it.
Great! We've gotta buck this trend. You an' me, Zeb!
} Not so much because they're cheap, but because I find
} them more exciting and fun. Just my opinion.
Mine too. Being cheap is, in and of itself, no virtue. But
when a $50 watch matches the functionality of a $5,000 watch, with 80% of the
panache and zero of the "I'm wearin this 'cause my
dick's short." factor.. well, that's the watch for me. A real
} ..although I like my 2 RMWs.
And those are..? Sorry I can't remember...
} Because of this feeling, I'm slowy abandoning the quest
Good for you! Use The Force, Luke!
} ..and moving more into brand collection and research
Ah yes. You know, I was mightily impressed with your
database. I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but there's not a single Orient in me
stable. Where do you think I should I start?
} me as much or more satisfaction
} than a new
watch, even a I think.
Understand 100%. I reckon I got, and still derive more
satisfaction from my own DIY
watch than I would from any ..
} I'm actually starting to mentally decide which of my
} watches will be going to make room and raise funds
..I think. See, I have no s, so I can't be 100% sure..
I'm not so sure. I mean, I think about the modern watches that
are on my radar screen, and not a one exceeds . True, there's a couple
pieces I spend hours
and hours tracking on
, and they're in the
$300 to $500 range. But I'm not even that anxious to own them, it's mostly a
form of relaxation therapy.
} But you're right.
Of course! I always am!
} It seems like the pricier watches get the most
views and responses here lately.
And, I'm sorry, I find that more than a little sad. I mean,
if I had any interest in 's, I'd lurk over on TZ
or ThePurist.
} I know I post more about my grails (attained and
unattained) than I do about my beaters.
I've only One True , and that's a vintage
piece, too. Will I ever get off the pot and spring for the $3K
required to land a good one? Maybe. Probably. I hope so. But it's not really a
priority, and won't be any time soon.
} Since you're making the point, I'll make amends
here and now too. "Momentum", $70...
I likes it!