Sometimes things are not what they appear.

Anonymous User |
195 |
July 12, 2012 04:33PM |
Sterlized watches are fine as long as people don't discuss where to buy them, as per Reto's decision. (n/t)
BobbyMike |
23 |
July 12, 2012 06:01PM |
We don't post or promote the wearing of s on PMWF (n/t)
Paul December |
20 |
July 12, 2012 05:24PM |
We certainly don't. What part of "totally sterilized" didn't you understand?

And please note that himself personally cleared it a couple of weeks ago.

Ricky Lee |
35 |
July 12, 2012 05:56PM |
Fine, I don't need to agree with Reto or the on this >>>
The watch was created as a 
The watch was sold as a 
Money was made on it as a 
Sterilized-or-Not it is a 
Posting pictures of it just promotes more of this 
There are so many great watches out there for people to buy and for this forum to promote...
...PMWF should reconsider their policy regarding stuff like this.
Paul December |
31 |
July 12, 2012 06:06PM |
I agree with you Ricky
I mean i know I'm not as experienced as you guys, but...What's the main
difference between an homage and a fake? Nothing, the only difference is
the name on the dial.
So if it's sterilized...i'm not seeing the issue. but....i should prob shut up haha
Lawrence Talbot |
20 |
July 12, 2012 06:00PM |
you're really interested in the difference I can PM you, but let's not
devolve RL's post into something an admin will have to close down.
Reto specifically said RL could post about this watch. He did not say the forum was open to discuss Fake/Non-fake, etc. etc.
BobbyMike |
23 |
July 12, 2012 06:05PM |
Thanks BobbyMike. I do feel strongly that there needs to be a Public Record of this watch. (n/t)
Ricky Lee |
53 |
July 12, 2012 06:45PM |
Don't thank me too much RL, if Reto hadn't previously OK'd it....
I would have shut this down.
You may mean well. I won't judge
your intent. But discussions about fake watches cheapens the tone of the
forum, one of the stated reasons several people PM'd to have you banned
last time.
I am going to lock this thread at this point. You've
showed off your handiwork. If you feel locking the thread is unfair,
please feel free to PM Reto. He can unlock it if he sees fit.
BobbyMike |
26 |
July 12, 2012 06:53PM |
that's the slippery bit, no?
I don't know how many times the fake/ homage question has popped up, and
the varied shades of gray on that topic, there is never an answer. I
kind of agree with Paul and Reto at the same time. I know that doesn't
make sense, does it?
greg honeycutt |
24 |
July 12, 2012 06:21PM |
gotcha haha. (n/t)
Lawrence Talbot |
14 |
July 12, 2012 06:06PM |